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日期: 2024-06-02

Every March, the country celebrates the achievements of women in American history. Even though these achievements go back a long way, most schools didn't start focusing on women pioneers and their achievements until recently. Today, most schools teach kids about the contributions women have made to our country. How did this change come about?

On March 19, 1911, a German woman named Clara Zetkin organized the very first International Women's Day. Inspired by American working women, the event took on the causes of peace in an effort to end World War I as well as women's rights. However, people's interest in International Women's Day still dwindled over the years. It gained momentum (势头) again in the 1960's when the women's movement caused women to wonder why they weren't included in the history books.

By the 1970s, more female historians began to look back at women's contributions in history. In 1978, a California school district started Women's History Week to promote the teaching of women's history. School officials picked the week of March 8 to include International Women's Day. It was so popular that, in 1981, Congress passed a resolution, making the week a celebration for the entire country. The concept of studying women's history continued to grow in popularity. In 1987, a group of women asked Congress to expand the celebration. That same year. Congress declared the entire month of March National Women's History Month.

Today, schools and communities across the country celebrate the month with special lessons and activities designed to teach the ways women have helped shape the US. The women who have worked hard to make Women's History Month a reality would like to see women's history studied all year, not just every March. In 1996, the National Women's History Museum was founded. It is a commonweal (公益) organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the various historic contributions of women. The organization is working with Congress to open a permanent (永久的) museum site in Washington D.C.


Not sleeping enough or getting a bad night's sleep over and over makes it hard to control your appetite. And that sets you up for all sorts of health problems, including obesity (肥胖), heart disease and high blood pressure.

The link between poor sleep and a greater body mass index (BMI) has been shown in study after study, but researchers typically relied on the memories of the participants to record how well they slept. Sleep apps on fitness trackers, smartphones and watches have changed all that. In a new study researchers tracked sleep quality for 120,000 people for up to two years.

The results showed sleep durations (持续时间) and patterns are highly variable between people. Despite that, the study found people with BMIs of 30 or above — which is considered obese by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — had slightly shorter sleep durations and more variable sleep patterns.

It didn't take much less sleep to see the effect. People with BMIs over 30 only slept about 15 minutes less than those less weighty people.

There were some limitations to the study, naps (午睡) were not included, other health conditions could not be factored in, and people who use wearable tracking devices are typically younger, healthier and from a higher economic status than those who do not wear trackers.

"These are quite pricey devices, and they are not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The results would need to be validated (确认) by the appropriate FDA-approved devices, and because the study is likely on younger people who are more economically well off, it needs further study whether that really applies to older folks with poor sleep." said Dasgupta, the associate program director.

However, Dasgupta added, a major plus for the study is that it did monitor people for over two years, and the results corroborated previous research and were "not surprising."

While we cannot determine the direction of association from our study result, these findings provide further support to the idea that sleep patterns are associated with weight management and overall health.


Have you ever watched a silent television show and tried to predict how the characters were feeling according to their body language? The ability to understand people's body language is a skill that's almost born inside of us. . This skill develops as we grow older, which is called non-verbal communication.

Body language helps us communicate what we're feeling without saying much at all. Think about a time when you were very angry. Did you clench (咬紧) your teeth? Did your palms get sweaty when you were anxious? In most cultures, these cues (线索) that reveal emotional states are quite common. But gestures have specific meanings across different cultures. Take touch for example. . In India, however, the ideal way to greet someone is by touching their feet, not by shaking their hand.

In some places, gestures meaning hellos and goodbyes and touches indicating friendship and love are all the same. But the problem arises because some gestures have vastly different meanings in different cultures. For example, the "OK" symbol is used as a superb symbol in India, but in Turkey, this symbol is considered offensive (冒犯性的). .

So, what should we do? Should we not use gestures at all? Of course not. . No matter how much we try to stop ourselves, we will end up communicating non-verbally in some way or another.

, you'd better make a quick Google search or turn to a comprehensive book to better interact with the locals, and avoid offending them during your stay!

A. It was a very kind and thoughtful gesture.

B. So, the next time you decide to travel to another country.

C. When you flash the "OK" sign there, you're asking for a fight.

D. They also use a system of sounds and body language to communicate.

E. Even the smallest children can figure out when their mothers are mad.

F. Gestures are something that comes with the language of communication.

G. A general way of saying "Hello" in western culture is a brief handshake.


Every year the United Sates exports "cultural products" to the rest of the world while it only imports similar products from other countries equal to about one percent of the amount exported. Movies, for example, are one such 1 . The movie industry in countries like England and Italy is almost completely 2 on American exports. Both countries report that 85% to 95% of all movie tickets sold each year are for movies produced in the United States. Millions of people worldwide buy American pop, rap, and rock music. Billions of people drink Coca-Cola and eat McDonald's hamburgers. American software 3 the computer market.

Can all of the above products be called "cultural", however? That depends on how one 4 culture. Most people 5 culture into two forms: "high" culture and "low" culture. High culture is the kind produced by writers and 6 . It is more concerned with stimulating thought in the people who view or use it and does not 7 care how marketable people find it Low culture, 8 is viewed as a product usually for entertainment and is only as good as how well it sells. Because it is 9 by masses of people, this type of culture can also be called "mass culture". The 10 between low and high culture are not very clear.

Pierre Guerlain, a professor of English and American Studies in France, points out that when a cultural product is imported, the product cannot cover the existing culture, thus 11  it. The imported product is changed to adapt to the local context. Anyone who believes that a society which imports American products of mass culture will become a 12  of America is being naive (幼稚的).

America may seem to have the strongest hand in exporting cultural products, but there is a boomerang (相反的) 13  for being more of an exporter than importer. Because Europeans and Japanese import so many cultural products from the United States, they know a lot more about American culture 14  than Americans know about European or Japanese culture. It is a definite advantage for the Europeans and Japanese to be bilingual as well as bicultural. These countries can use their knowledge of American society and 15  to increase their chances of success in the American market.
