组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-06-02

Why do we find ugly animals so attractive? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz, human attraction to infantile(婴儿的)features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for their children, guaranteeing the survival of their species. Strange-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, aye-ayes and bulldogs all share these infantile qualities that cause an affectionate response among humans and an innate instinct to nurture and protect. And these infantile characteristics increase a person's "protective behavior, attention and willingness to care" for the individual and reduce the "likelihood of aggression towards an infant", says Marta Borgi, a researcher.

Ugly animals often have other value—some, like the blobfish or the naked mole rat, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh insights that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.

But while many ugly creatures are exquisitely adapted to their life in the wild and can provide enormous benefits to the ecosystems they live in, they often still don't get as much attention as more traditionally cute and cuddly animals. This can result in a bias(偏见)which leads to many of the less attractive species being overlooked in terms of research.

There are culture-led other factors that also drive our obsession(痴迷)with ugly-cute animals. "The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable," says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. This is partly driven by social media, with many celebrities(名人)and influencers showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on Instagram, she says.

But there are some serious welfare concerns around this trend. Vets are urging people not to choose a flat-faced dog breed, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively bred experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infections and eye diseases. So while goofy features such as bulging eyes and wrinkly faces may make us smile, we might want to reconsider our obsession with "ugly-cute" pets.


Have you ever looked in your food-waste bin? It's estimated that families in the U. K. create more than six million tonnes of food waste each year. "Food waste" means food that could have been eaten but instead is thrown away. Apples, bananas, bread, potatoes and salad are the most common items that are binned.

With food prices rising, it's a good time to become a "food-waste warrior". Not only will it save money, but it is good for the environment. After all, growing, packaging and transporting food use a lot of Earth's resources such as energy and water. First, it's a good idea to find out just how much food goes into your bin. Keep a diary and note down the foods that get chucked out most often—and why. Planning meals for the week with your family can save time and money. For instance, meat from a Sunday roast could go into sandwiches on Monday.

Weigh out pasta or rice you need before you cook it(there are portion sizes on the packet but they are for adults, so adjust them), and before you pile your plate, check how hungry you are so you don't end up leaving food because you're too full.

Your freezer is a good way to save food. Keep a sliced loaf in there; you can put frozen slices straight into the toaster. You can freeze leftovers in a sealed container for another day. It's hard to keep track of food that's gone to the back of the fridge. You could label a shelf an "Eat me first" spot for anything that has been there for a while.

Finally, use your senses. Some U. K. supermarkets have taken "best before" dates off fruit and vegetables. Ask an adult to help. Don't forget to update your diary to see how much change you can make.

A. Cooking the correct portion size helps too.

B. However, heat defrosted leftovers thoroughly before eating.

C. Fruit that looks bad can be made into a juice for a Friday treat.

D. Potatoes and carrots, however, last a long time if kept in a cool, dark place.

E. Here are some simple tips that can help your family become food-waste warriors.

F. This is done to decide whether something is still fine to eat with your noses and eyes.

G. It may sound unpleasant but in fact it tells you how much food your family throws out.


It was a chilly winter evening when I found myself stuck in an unfamiliar city. My car had broken down, and frustration was slowly replacing the initial 1  of my road trip. As I stood there on the sidewalk, feeling helpless, a stranger 2  me.

"Are you okay? Do you need any help?" he asked with genuine concern in his eyes. Taken aback by his kindness, I managed to explain my situation. Without hesitation, he 3 to call a tow truck(拖车)for me and insisted on staying until help arrived. As we waited, we started a 4 , and I learned he was a local resident named David.

David's 5 went beyond what was expected. He offered me his coat to keep 6 and even invited me to a nearby café for a hot drink. Gratitude overwhelmed me as I 7 how lucky I was to have encountered such a compassionate(有同情心的)stranger.

During our conversation, David 8  stories of similar encounters he had with strangers who had helped him in the past. He believed in the power of kindness and its 9  to bring people together, regardless of their differences. When I saw his 10  faith in humanity, my faith was also restored.

When the tow truck arrived and my car was being 11 , I thanked David from the bottom of my heart. He 12 smiled and said, "We all need a little kindness in our lives. Pay it forward when you 13 the chance."

As I continued my journey after that 14 encounter, a newfound sense of appreciation and awareness filled my heart. The kindness of strangers can truly 15 in someone's life, serving as a reminder that there is goodness in the world, waiting to be shared.


In 1989, just out of high school, I was faced with the tough job of deciding my own course of study, which was only three months away from university. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer or entering the financial world after obtaining a business degree. I didn't have any interest in engineering, so all I had to do was either medical or commercial work. I couldn't decide.

My uncle, an influential member of the family, recommended that I spend a month in an international company and then a month at a hospital. Then I could make a decision. I thought it was a great idea.

I was accepted for a month's placement(实习工作)at a foreign bank in Karachi. I had some insight into how the financial world worked, met new acquaintances, and enjoyed the general relaxed atmosphere of the office.

The month passed quickly, and I was soon employed at one of Karachi's premier hospitals. The experience could not have been more different. There was a tense atmosphere at the hospital. Days began sooner(at seven as opposed to nine in the morning at the bank), and they were full of interminable(无止境的)chores and late-night visits! It was insane(疯狂的), working all day, all night, and then another.

I was starting to think about both of my experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing environment, better working hours and less pressure. It was exciting and unpredictable in the hospital, but it was hard to learn and practice. It looked like the business choice would win.

Near the end of my month in the hospital, I was on my way back from a particularly hectic(紧张忙碌的)evening call, and there was a public bus in front of me, and there were some kids in it. While the driver threaded his way through the cars, I saw that the boys were swaying left and right.


All of a sudden, a boy fell from the back of the bus. 


When I visited him at the hospital the following morning, all his family members stood up with grateful smiles on their faces. 
