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日期: 2024-05-17
完形填空 (10分)

Shashiyu was once a poor village in Hebei Province, but now it has changed into a rich and livable place.

In the 1940s, villagers in Shashiyu had little food and few clothes, but they had a strong wish for a better life. Zhang Guishun, the Party secretary of Shashiyu, encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty. "In the ancient Chinese story, Yu Gong could move mountains with his strong will and hard work, why can't we? Nobody was born to be poor?" Hearing his words, the villagers decided to make a difference.

Led by the Communist Party of China (中国共产党), the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land. From 1966 to. 1971, they reclaimed (开垦) lots of land and greatly improved their life.

However, the village encountered a new problem two decades later as the environment became heavily polluted by chemical plants and mine refineries built in 1990s.

The polluting factories were shut down in 2004, and villagers started grape cultivation, which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.

In 2009, the city-level government invested over 1 million yuan($152, 723) to change the village's exhibition hall into a museum in memory of development efforts made by earlier generations.

After 10 years, the village was called "National Forest Village".

Zhang said that the village started a yearly tourism festival in 2015 to attract travelers to pick grapes. "The grapes could be sold at a better price once Shashiyu becomes famous through this festival. Our villagers can then live even better lives, "he said.


Can plants talk? Modern research has found something amazing: they do communicate with each other.

It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals to conunicate with each other. This happens when a plant gets atacked by insects. The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, or a call for help:" I'm being attacked!" When another plant gets the chemicals, it starts to give out its own, different chemicals. Some of these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract the wasps (黄蜂;蜜蜂)! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants. Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system, so that we can use it to grow more crops.

More surprisingly, plants also use sound to communicate. People can't hear these sounds; but plants are making them. Some plants make noises with their roots. Com and chili plants do this. Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.

Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication that can link nearly every plant in a forest. Scientists call this system the "wood wide web". The wood wide web is linked underground by fungi (霉菌). It links the roots of different plants to each other. It is in some ways similar to the Internet we use. Using the wood wide web, plants can share information and even food with each other. However, it may lead to bad effects. Plants may use it to steal food from each other, or spread chemicals to attack other plants. Perhaps one day scientists will learn how to create a "firewall" to help prevent these attacks within the wood wide web.

Scientists are learning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other. Maybe one day we will know enough about plant communication to be able to "talk" with them ourselves.


A. Take a back view photo.

B. Not every photo needs to have you stand.

C. This is a fantastic way to increase your beauty.

D. But what if the photos are not as pretty as you expected?

E. But how do you choose and share your photographs properly?

F. For example, you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.

If you have planned a trip during summer holiday, certainly you will want to share some photos on WeChat. Don't worry! Here are some tips you can follow to take wonderful photos.

Turn back and smile.

While on the road, the moment you turn back with a smile is the most impressive. Just walk away from the camera and do a turn-back for the most natural effect. You can also pretend to hear your name called, turn back, and run your fingers through long hair.

Look away from the camera.

There are many ways for you to avoid looking at the camera. Looking down into the distance or looking out of the window is a good option. If there is nothing to see, you can also choose to close your eyes and enjoy this moment of quietness.

Are you a little shy when facing the camera? Taking a back view photo is a good choice, which can leave room for imagination and bring a different feeling as well.

Take a seat

If there are good places to sit down, please do it! You can pose in a variety of positions with your arms and legs.

Taking the perfect photo takes time and practice. If you follow these simple tricks above, your photos will start coming out beautifully! Do not hesitate to go out with your friends and take more photos.
