组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-04-28
完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

Years ago, my grandmother was in a nursing home. She was a retired university professor, which brought her an ocean of 1  she had taught before. 

2  from my grandmother, almost no one came to see the old man next door. He was 3  most of the time. 

Once I greeted (打招呼) him, "How are you doing recently?" He gave me a(an) 4 , saying nothing. Thinking he was 5 of hearing. I raised my voice and asked again. He just shook his head slightly. After a long while, finding I was 6 there, he just said, "Fine. " Then he looked away. I had to shut up, feeling rather 7 .

Later, I learned that the old man had got quite a few companies from his family. Since he was not a good 8 , he annoyed many people and even made his family and friends pull away. And 9 , his companies all failed. 

So what is the most important 10 a person can have? Perhaps you think making money is the answer. No! But the ability to 11 your thoughts is. It's extremely important for a person to learn to put what he thinks into 12 . It makes a relationship 13 and a career flourish (繁荣). I'm afraid this is something many of us don't have. Just think: How many of us have ever 14 those who love us just because we are not good at speaking? So, more often than not, it is not what we think but how we speak that 15 how far we can go in life.


If you don't know what to watch in the coming holiday, here are the top movie search engines on the web. Some require little or no input before they give you titles, while others want to find out exactly what your interests are.

Rotten Tomatoes

Instead of telling Rotten Tomatoes which films you like, you can tell it what kind of films you enjoy, which actors you want to see, and other aspects to help it find the best movie for you. The quality of Rotten Tomatoes recommendations is changeable but it's also a nice way to find the right film for any mood.


IMDb automatically recommends similar films to the movie you search for instead of asking you to input ratings (评分) or to tell it what movies you like. At the bottom of the page, a "Recommendations" section will show you a variety of other films being displayed, based on information gathered from its database, which examines films to find similarities and differences.


Whether you want to search for films based on your mood, time available, or reviews, the site has it all. But Jinni's most amazing feature is its semantic search. You can enter words like "films that show Chris Farley yelling" and the site will return films that match your question. Go to use Jinni. You won't regret it!


Instead of just allowing you to rate films, Criticker compares your ratings to those of other users and see how closely your tastes match those of other users. Once the service finds matches, you can view these users' lists and see which movies they like. Combining community and functionality, Criticker is a unique, yet worthwhile service to check out.


Once, I was invited to see a performance by my friends. Little did I know that I was about to see something I would never forget. 

After the host made a brief introduction, the young musician, Mr. Patrick Henry Hughes, was rolled onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music. He then began to sing as he played, and it was even more beautiful. For some reason, however, I knew that I was seeing something special. About ten minutes into Patrick's performance, someone came on the stage and said, "I'd like to share a seven-minute video. " Then the lights went dim.

Patrick Henry Hughes was born with no eyes and the inability to fully extend his arms and legs, which left him disabled for life. However, as a child, he was fitted with artificial eyes (义眼) and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first birthday, he discovered the piano. His mom said, "I could hit any note on the piano, and within one or two tries, he'd get it. " By his second birthday, he could play simple songs as requested. His father was excited. "We might not play baseball, but we can play music together. "

Later, Patrick became a junior at the University of Louisville. His father attended classes with him and he made nearly all A's. He was also a part of the marching band. He and his father did it together. They attended all the band practices and performances.

But even more than his unbelievable musical talent, it was Patrick's "attitude of gratitude" that touched my soul. On stage, between songs, he talked to the audience about his life and about how blessed he was. He said, "life made me blind and unable to walk. BIG DEAL! It gave me the ability… the musical gift I have… the great opportunity to meet new people. "

When his performance was over, Patrick and his father were on the stage together. The crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes. 


Tired of telling students to ask questions and to think about what they were doing, Damien Hynes, a high school teacher, decided to do an experiment to test what he had long been thinking. He wrote some well-organized nonsense (谬论) on the blackboard. The students simply copied it but very few asked any questions. This shows that students are willing to believe anything given by teachers. The story is repeated in support of the Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL). 

PEEL was carried out by some teachers and researchers in Melbourne who had discovered that normal teaching methods seldom achieve their intended goals: what the teachers think they are teaching is one thing and what the students actually learn is something else. Students' lack of an over-all view of learning goals and their concentration on test scores make them see each lesson as a separate activity.

Researchers realized that many students do not come into class empty-headed but have their own explanations of how the world works. Their own ideas can remain important to them even when they conflict with scientific explanations that are learned later. In fact, such ideas are hardly affected by traditional teaching. Students accept the teacher's scientific explanation, but do not drop their own. In a class test, they copy the teacher's idea, but in real life they use their own.

Clearly what was needed was to make students aware of their learning process, and this is what the PEEL teachers set out to deal with. In the class being taught by PEEL methods, there are some meaningful changes. Students are given much more time to express their views, and teachers don't make immediate judgment. The students are allowed to guide what is done in class and their own ideas are always respected. This draws their attention to the actual learning process, and they become responsible for their own progress.

The PEEL researchers believed that their experiment would be proved valuable if the experiences of children and teachers in different classes using PEEL methods were similar. So far, all teachers and students who have worked with PEEL methods agree that their approach to teaching and learning has really changed. The students are far more ready to question what is presented to them, while the teachers have realized that the traditional methods are not good enough. 


Art is everywhere. Any public space has been carefully designed by an artistic mind to be both functional and beautiful. Why, then, is art still so widely considered to be the easy subject at school insignificant to wider society, a waste of time and effort?

Art can connect culture with commercial (商业的) products in a way that not many other things can; art brings money and holds significant emotional and cultural value within communities. When people attend a concert they are paying for the art product—music, sure, maybe even hotel rooms, meals, and transport, but they also gain an incredible experience, a unique atmosphere and a memory that will go through the rest of their lives. People don't just want material things anymore they want to experience life—the arts are a perfect crossover between culture and commerce.

Furthermore, the arts can bring communities together, reducing loneliness and making people feel safer. Social bonds are created among individuals when they share their arts experiences through reflection and discussion, and their expression of common values through artworks in honour of events significant to a nation's experience.

The arts clearly have a pretty positive impact on physical and psychological health. It is found that people who frequent cultural places or participate in artistic events are more likely to gain good health compared to those who do not; more engagement with the arts is linked to a higher level of people's well-being. The Royal Society of Public Health discovered that music and art when used in hospitals, help to improve the conditions of patients by reducing stress, anxiety and blood pressure.

Children who are involved with the arts make greater achievements in their education: those engaged with drama have greater literary ability while others taking part in musical practice exhibit greater skills in math and languages. Kids with preference for the arts have a greater chance of finding employment in the future. Participating in the arts is essential for child development: encouraging children to express themselves in constructive ways could help to form healthy emotional responses in later life

Vital to human life, art is celebrated and used by nations across the world for various purposes. Life without art would be boring and dead still, for art is a part of what makes us human. 


Before ending up on a supermarket shelf, an avocado (牛油果) has produced 1. 3 kilograms of carbon into the atmosphere. Its production alone uses 60 gallons of water. Despite this, the fruit will often be thrown away as household waste. 

Household food waste is the result of mismanagement. If the food is better managed much of the waste is avoidable. To reduce household food waste, a growing number of food sellers decide to remove date labeling, such as the "use by" or "best before" date, from some fresh food.

Past studies have confirmed the importance of date labelling. Almost 60% of western European consumers surveyed said they "always" check date labels while purchasing. But date labelling can cause problems. People's failure to truly understand date labellling often leads to unreasonable decision making. Indeed, consumers commonly don't accept eatable, but date-expired (过期的) food.

To get rid of date labelling is therefore a promising start. Without date labels, information that may affect consumers' understanding of what is safe to eat is removed. Instead, consumers are encouraged to sense check fresh food items.

In the case of an avocado, the advice given to consumers is that when ripe (成熟的) it should have a "pleasant and slightly sweet smell" while the skin should be "dark green or brown".

Information is also provided on how an avocado should look, taste, and feel when "overripe". It is hoped that a better informed consumer will be less likely to blindly throw away food due to an expiration date.
