组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-04-29
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。This I s How You Walk the Walk

People call walking the "perfect exercise". It gets your heart pumping, clears your head and fills your lungs with fresh air. Not bad, but we found a way to make it even better. Before you take your next 10,000 steps, add a little stick to your stroll. Take a Stawer walking stick anywhere and I promise that you'll feel like a conquering hero. It' s powers will astonish you.

What's the secret?

Our Stawer walking sticks are a tip of the top hat to turn-of-the-century tradition. Today, serious collectors gladly pay thousands for rare and handcrafted sticks from the 19th century. But only Stawer walking sticks can deliver a modern version of these classics that looks and feels as good as the original for only $ 59 each!


·36 inches long. Imported Eucalyptus wood.

·Solid brass handles with varying finishes.

·Rubber tips. Supports up to 250 pounds.

·All models available in 40 inches height.

Your satisfaction 100% guaranteed

Experience the comfort and elegance of our delicate walking sticks for 30 days. If you're not feeling the power, simply send it back within 30 days for a refund(退款) of the item price.

Still hesitate? Come and check out the real users' reviews! Praise for Stawer walking sticks, "An excellent walking stick. Solid and elegant. Perfect for a night out. Well crafted."

Mr Jacob/from Pacific Grove, CA

Limited Edition

Only 500 each available only! These handcrafted beauties take months to craft and are running(not walking) out the door. So, take a step in the right direction. Call today!


It was 1963 in the Toronto suburb. I was eight years old and hockey(冰球)-crazy. My next-to-zero skills had not stopped my passion for the game. The players of the great hockey club Toronto Maple Leafs were of course my heroes, and their posters and photos covered the walls of my room.

There is always some price to pay for maintaining a love. I raised funds in an old-fashioned way, selling something the public could actually sink their teeth into. I joined the local annual event—Margaret's Doughnuts(甜甜圈) to sell doughnuts, which offered choices of honey-glazed or chocolate-glazed.

Door-to-door I went, notebook in hand to record. I sold dozens of dozens; hardly a soul turned me down. My notebook was almost full, and my stomach was almost empty when I went up the last house on the south side.

I rang the doorbell and went over my speech while staring at the screen door. Suddenly, the door opened. My unforgettable memory was looking up from a large pair of fuzzy slippers, way up, to the face staring down. I stood there speechless for what seemed 10 years, opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water. Collecting my calmness, but still unable to go into doughnut-promoting overdrive, I told him something he seemed have already known and he replied with a nod and a smile.

I have an unclear memory of murmuring through my speech " Please-buy-some-doughnuts", and then a vivid memory of him taking the notebook from my hand. I followed with new information—that we shared our given name. With pride from our first-name-basis farewells, I flew home holding the notebook tightly to my chest.

The next morning before the school bell, I cautiously showed off the precious paper. It is surely mine alone to claim: I sold a dozen doughnuts to Tim Horton, one of my most respected players who lived a mere three blocks away!


Fresh fish should have a mild smell. Strong fish y smell is the first sign to go bad. How does the fishy smell come from?

It can be several days from when the fish are caught to when they reach the supermarket. In that time, bacteria that grow naturally in fish start to consume a substance called trimethylamine N-oxide(TMAO) in fish. These bacteria change TMAO into trimethylamine(TMA), the substance responsible for the fish y smell. Bacteria in fish can also change lysine(赖氨酸) into cadaverine(尸胺),a substance that's associated with breaking down the fish once they are caught and giving off fishy smell.

Chemical reactions can also lead to fishy smell. This happens through the oxidation(氧化) of fat. Fish are an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. When these fats are exposed to oxygen, they oxidize and break down into the substance that you can smell.

To slow down the fishy smell, what is beyond question is that the less time between when the fish are caught and when they reach the kitchen, the better. But today, fish are often flown across the globe. To keep smell-producing bacteria at bay, the fish must be frozen or kept at the low temperature possible as soon as they are caught and cleaned.

Controlling fat oxidation can function as well, especially for fattier fish species. While freezing slows bacterial growth, it does not stop fat oxidation. This reaction will occur as long as oxygen is present. Fatty fish are usually not frozen because, despite the cold temperature, they're going to oxidize pretty fast unless they are stored in a low oxygen container. That's why those species are often canned.

It's also important to remember that smell is not always an indicator of safety, especially in processed fish products. "What you might consider the fish y smell may be a delicacy in another culture," said Carl A. Batt, a professor of food science at Cornell University.


Atomic shapes are so simple that they can't be broken down any further. Mathematicians are trying to turn to artificial intelligence(AI) for help to build a periodic table of these shapes, hoping it will assist in finding yet-unknown atomic shapes.

Tom Coates at Imperial College London and his colleagues are working to classify atomic shapes known as Fano varieties, which are so simple that they can't be broken down into smaller components. Just as chemists arranged elements in the periodic table by their atomic weight and group to reveal new insights, the researchers hope that organizing these atomic shapes by their various properties will help in understanding them.

The team has given each atomic shape a sequence of numbers based on its features such as the number of holes it has or the extent to which it bends around itself. This acts as a bar code(条形码) to identify it. Coates and his colleagues have now created an AI that can predict certain properties of these shapes from their bar code numbers alone, with an accuracy of 98percent.

The team member Alexander Kasprzyk at the University of Nottingham. UK, says that the AI has let the team organize atomic shapes in a way that begins to follow the periodic table, so that when you read from left to right, or up and down, there seem to be general patterns in the geometry(几何) of the shapes.

Graham Nib lo at the University of Southampton, UK, stresses that humans will still need to understand the results provided by AI and create proofs of these ideas. "AI has definitely got unbelievable abilities. But in the same way that telescopes(望远镜) don't put astronomers out of work, AI doesn't put mathematicians out of work," he says. "It just gives us new backing that allows us to explore parts of the mathematical landscape that are out of reach."

The team hopes to improve the model to the point where missing spaces in its periodic table could point to the existence of unknown shapes.


How to Develop a Sense of Humor

A good sense of humor can make you the life of the party and help you go easier on yourself. Using different forms of tricks, you'll have people around you roaring with laughter.

Learn to tell the sort of jokes you find funny. Once you've learned what kind of humor you enjoy, try including it in your conversations with friends. Try to tell your joke s as, if commenting on the weather. 

Have fun.  Remember, you are more than your humor. Try to find the world engaging, new, and strange. This will help improve your overall mood and make it easier for you to find humor in things if you allow yourself to play. So get out there and have fun with yourself!

 If the way you tell a story goes a long way toward making it funny, practice it as you talk. Smile and laugh along with everyone. If you're telling a shocking part of the story, widen your eyes and lean forward for a dramatic effect. You can also use your hands to be more expressive and get a laugh out of others, too.

Joke kindly and carefully.  If you are making fun of a friend, try to joke about a positive aspect of that person rather than a weakness. If a colleague is always on time, say you set your watch by him or her. If your children write a good paper for school, say they'll be promoted to a teacher next. 

A. Surround yourself with funny people.

B. Use your body language to be more engaging.

C. Jokes about friends should not show them in a bad light.

D. A casual delivery is often the funniest part of an unusual comment.

E. Focus on their delivery and how they turn it into something humorous.

F. Jokes out of place may look like a power move on your parting with them.

G. Avoid getting so caught up in making people laugh that you forget to enjoy yourself.


Chris Turnbull,39. finished the touching 3.856 km run on September 16, in the Sydney suburb of Manly, becoming the quickest runner from Perth to Sydney. He 1  the current record holder Achim Heukemes, who completed the distance in 43 days in 2005. To 2 the new world record, he was wholeheartedly 3  to preparing himself.

Mr Turnbull had a(n) 4  for running at a young age. He ran his first half marathon at 9 and since then he had been 5  at plenty of ultra marathons at different times in his life.

Mr Turnbull had run every single day from his beachside home in the Sydney suburb of Clontarf to his 6  on work days. The daily cross country run 7  him to see the sights of Australia, meet amazing people and most importantly. 8  himself physically and mentally.

With his 40th birthday 9  next year, to see what was his physical and mental limit .he wanted to 10  himself to the new record.

To make it in record time, Mr Turnbull was running between 100 km and 105 km daily. He had to 11  huge trucks rushing past him on major highways. blisters(水泡), aching muscles, and being 12  of sleeping well due to the pain his body was feeling.

Mr Turnbull's wife, along with their two kids, had been tracking his 13  on a map from their home as he made his way across the continent. They were 14  waiting there at the finish line in Manly for Mr Turnbull's falling into their arms for a loving post run 15  .


At the Shishou Milu National Nature Reserve in Hubei Province, about 2,000 creatures wander freely. Their numbers include 460 deer born this year, showing that the species, was once endangered in China in the early 20th century, has staged a remarkable (recover).

Often  (refer) to as sibuxiang, a milu deer seems to consist of parts of various creatures. It has antlers(鹿角) like other deer, but seems to have the head of a horse, the feet of cattle and the tail of a donkey(驴).

 one of the animal's three major protected areas in China, the Shishou reserve was established in 1991. Close to the Yangtze River, the area has a complete wetland ecosystem, an ideal habitat for the deer. Its conservation story provides  example for other endangered animals under a threat of extinction.

 (ensure) a safe environment, two engineers and eight rangers(护林员) are sent to get around the reserve. Advanced technologies are applied to help observe and analyze (they) habits and environment. The efforts of those responsible for the deer have(significant) resulted in the increase in numbers.

In the  (country) three major protected areas the Nanhaizi Milu Park in Beijing, the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, and the Shishou reserve—the number of the animal  (increase) from 39 to over 10,000 since 1986.


It was a pleasant Tuesday afternoon. 78-year-old Rose was brimming with excitement as she entered the nursing home with her favorite tulips(郁金香), her lips endlessly calling out to just one name—Emily!

"Emily! Where are you? I got flowers…"Rose spoke al oud when she didn't see her best friend, 79-year-old Emily, waiting for her on the usual spot, a wooden bench on the main gate.

Whenever Rose returned from the local hospital after getting her blood tests done, Emily would run toward her with fresh hand-picked flowers. But that afternoon, Emily was not there, and the bench was empty. Emily was nowhere to be found in any of her favorite spots, which unsettled Rose even more. Just then a doctor said to Rose, "Emily's family came hours ago while you were at the hospital... They took Emily with them. She's not going to come back."

The ground seemed to shake beneath Rose's feet when she heard that. Rose went back to her room. Every step started feeling heavy, and every corner reminded her of her best friend and their laughter. Nothing but loneliness and silence surrounded Rose from all sides, and she felt her heart crack.

The scent of freshly picked flowers Emily had last left in the vase lingered(继续存留) in the still air. And beside the vase was an old recorder that endlessly played Just the Two of Us, their favorite music they listened to every day.

When approaching the table, she noticed a note with a message in messy handwriting, "Dear Rose, please write to me at this address: Maple Ridge Ave, Springfield, VA,7…"

"Oh dear... The rest of her address is becoming blurred(模糊不清的)."Rose grew unsettled. In spite of that, Rose knew she could not just let Emily go like that. After a deep thought, she decided to reunite with her best friend.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Packing the recorder in her luggage, Rose got on the bus to start her journey to the unfamiliar city, Springfield.

Not knowing the exact house number of Emily, an idea suddenly struck Rose.
