组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-17

    In early spring, the changing temperature usually makes a number of Chinese people uncomfortable. Cold air, bringing rain or even snow, easily tears up(破坏) the warmth of the spring within a night(一夜之间).

    However, with the coming of Guyu-the Grain(谷物) Rain, the blue sky and gentle winds would finally stay. Falling usually on or around April 20 every year, Guyu is the sixth of the 24 solar terms(节气). It means the beginning of a lively summer and people get busy from now on.

    Sow(播种) grains

    This is an important period of the growth of grains. The ancient Chinese already knew that as Guyu comes, the weather will become warm enough for sowing. The farmers usually catch the chance to plant rice, corn and beans.

    Hope for safety and harvest

    For those living near the sea, they will hold some ceremonies(仪式) on Guyu, hoping for safety as well as harvest during the coming fishing season.

    Watch the peony

    It's also a great time to see the peony(牡丹), which is known as “the Queen of All Flowers” in Chinese culture.As a result, watching peonies becomes one of the most enjoyable activities for many.The flower is said to be the favourite of Empress(女皇) Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, who was the only woman ruler in Chinese history.

    Pick tea leaves

    Tea leaves picked before Guyu are among the best tea leaves. People believe that the tea leaves picked on the day of Guyu can make eyes clear and drive away bad luck. So the habit of drinking tea at this time of year has become a tradition in some places of China.


    Susie Sunbeam was not her real name; that was Susan Brown. But every one called her Susie Sunbeam because of her such a sweet, smiling face..

    Her grandfather first gave her this name, and it seemed to fit the little girl so nicely that soon it took the place of her own.

    Even when a baby, Susie laughed from morning till night. .

    When she had learned to walk, she loved to go about the house and get things for her mother, and in this way save her as many steps as she could. She would sit by her mother's side for an hour at a time, and ask her ever so many questions, or she would take her new book and read

     She never used an unkind word, but tried to do whatever would please her playmates best.

    One day, a poor little girl with a very ragged dress was going by and Susie heard some children teasing her and making fun of her. She at once ran out to the gate, and asked the poor little girl to come in. "What are you crying for?" Susie asked. "Because they all laughed at me," she said.

     She cheered her up with kind words, and gave her a nice dress and a pair of shoes.

    This brought real joy and gladness to the poor child..

A. That's why we called her Susie Brown.

B. Susie was always pleasant in her play with other children.

C. No one ever heard her cry unless she was sick or hurt.

D. She always brought brightness with her when she came.

E. Susie liked to read books when her mother was busy in doing chores

F. And she thought that Susie was rightly called Sunbeam

G. Then Susie took the little girl into the house.


Complain(抱怨) Politely

    Not everything goes the way you want it to. You may go to a restaurant and order a nice meal. But your order is wrong or not cooked properly. You may buy a product that breaks the next day.However, if you speak angrily to people, they will become defensive(自卫的). Then they are less likely to help you. A more effective (有效的)way to get what you want is to stay calm.

Use polite language and a friendly tone of voice. Start with phrases such as, " I'm sorry to bother you, but. "or" Excuse me, but could you.?" For example, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I ordered potato soup, not vegetable, "Phrasing your complaint as a question also helps. Could you help me? I just bought this phone case yesterday, but it's cracked."

There is no faster way to make someone defensive than by blaming them. Use the phrase." I know this isn't your fault, but…"or"There has been a misunderstanding." Blaming people isn't as important as getting a problem fixed!

    There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try to take advantage of you. In that case, don't say "Hey! You're trying to cheat me! "Instead, use the phrase, "I understood that…" For example. "I understood that the service charge was included in the price. Then give the person a chance to answer.

    If you don't get what you want with polite conversation, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor. .

A. When trying to comet a problem, don't blame (责备)the person you're talking to.

B. People like to be asked rather than told!

C. But usually, you'll find that polite words and a smile will resolve a situation.

D. These kinds of experiences make you want to complain.

E. These phrases let people know you are only angry at the situation
