组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-05

Chins Mobille 4G                16:74                    43%

Teaching material discussion group (15)

    Hi! I 'm doing a survey of teaching materials in school. What kind of textbooks do you use? Do you think the use of photocopied(复印的) netbooks and newspaper articles in the classroom can be accepted? Please give your1.

    The use of such materials is certainly not 2 for writers. Textbooks are like other creative works. Many people have to put their efforts in the writing of a book. The efforts of the writers and publishers will be totally wasted if everyone photocopies their textbooks. I can't imagine that!

    I don't think it right to use photocopied materials even in the classroom because it's against the law. Teachers should set a good example for their students by 3the law.

    Copied books are as good as copyrighted(正版的)ones, but they don't4 much, usually less than half the price. In addition, it is so5 to use copied materials. When we want to share something good we just have it photocopied. I think photocopying is OK because publishers  are still making a lot of money anyway.

    Most of the time, teachers make sure their students do not use photocopied materials. But I know some teachers do use photocopied newspaper articles sometimes, as their students are eager to learn more to widen their views. As you know, teachers always put the 6of students above anything else. After all, you can't expect all the students to buy newspapers.

    Wow! Thank you for sharing so many ideas!


    "Olyvia, love is simple. You don't have to do much to make someone happy. "That was what my mother said to me when I was a child. Over a year ago, I had a chance. My good friend Kaylee told me about her t to a small town called Gary, and how it was a life-changing experience. I made up my mind to go there myself.

    When I told my parents about the decision, they didn't a at first. They said I didn't know much about the place. They were worried that it was not s for me to go there. Thankfully, after I explained my plan to them in detail, they said yes.

    When our group arrived in Gary, I noticed how different the town was from where I lived. There were few stores or restaurants in the town; most had closed. So you would be very l if you could find a place to buy food or drinks. Houses were built on small hills. Many of them had broken doors or windows. My job was to help the local people to r houses.The work days were long and hot, but it was really good to see the houses taking on a new look day by day.

    The children there were also different. They seemed to enjoy every moment in life though they were poor. The smallest things would make these kids happy. I couldn't find words to describe their j when they received an ice-cream, a ball or even a kiss. The community was like a big family. Everyone knew each other and was there when someone needed help.

    I am so glad that I had this unforgetable experience. I truly learned the m of what my mother said. You don't need to do much to make a difference to others' lives.


    Last month some thieves stole a valuable teapot from a museum in Hong Kong. They took the teapot to America, but the American police found it. The museum sent Mr. Chan, a member of the museum staff, to collect the teapot. On the plane back to Hong Kong, he noticed two men. They were watching him closely. "Perhaps they're going to steal the teapot again. I must think of a plan,” he thought.

    Mr Chan's daughter, Amy, met him at Hong Kong Afimor. Mr Chan NS was carrying two boxes. He gave his daughter the pink box and said to her in a low voice, "Take this gift box home with great care." He walked away with the brown one. The two men followed him.

    Amy opened the box at home. She was expecting a pair of sports shoes, but she just found an old teapot. "This is not a very interesting gift," said Amy, a bit disappointed." That's all right. Let's make some tea in it," said her mother. Then they found a note in the teapot. It said, "Dear Amy, __ Love Dad.”

    The two men kidnapped(绑架)Mr. Chan on his way to the museum. They opened his box and found a pair of sports shoes inside."Wheres the teapot?” the two thieves shouted at the top of their voice with red faces." How dare you cheat us? We saw you give your daughter a box at the airport. Come with us! We're going to search your home, one of them said。

    When the thieves entered Mr. Chan's flat, it was dark and quiet. All of a sudden, the door closed and the lights went on. The police were waiting inside.

    Amy and her mother came out of the bedroom with the teapot. "That teapot is very valuable, said Mr. Chan. "A long time ago it belonged to an emperor. He drank tea from it."

    “We were going to drink tea from it, too, "said Amy, laughing.
