组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    Once there lived a poor family in our town. They were so poor that there was almost(几乎)1 in the house but a pot(罐) 2 a broken table. In it there was a little rice. They 3the rice from their neighbour for the coming New Year. On New Year's Eve(除夕夜), the wife already fell asleep, but the husband was 4 in bed, worrying about their life. Suddenly he heard someone breaking into the room.

    “It must be a thief(小偷),” he thought, “5 it doesn't matter. The thief can steal(偷) nothing.”He didn't shout or move. But he kept6over the thief.

    The thief came into the house and was only7 in the rice under the table.

    “But8can I take it away?” the thief thought hard. Then he had an idea. He9 his coat, put it on the ground between the bed and the table and turned around to take the 10 .

    Now the husband knew11the thief would do. He picked up the coat quickly and covered himself with it12the thief turned back.

    The thief took the pot, and poured(倒) the rice onto the coat. Then he began to feel it. But he was13 to find that his coat was gone.

    “Hey,” he shouted out. The14 woke up the wife. She asked her husband, “Did you hear any sound? Maybe there is a thief in the room.”

    “Shut up! (闭嘴)” replied her husband, “15 to sleep. There is no thief in the room.”

    “That's impossible,”the thief shouted loudly, “If there isn't a thief, then, where is my coat?”


    Goldfish are good pets. They are funny to watch. But they need the right home. They are not happy if they are living in a bowl. A tank is bigger. It can hold more water and it has more room for goldfish to swim. So a tank is a good place for goldfish. Here are some ways for keeping goldfish in a tank.

    Put a tank at home. Do not put it near the window. It could get too warm from the sun.

    Put some water in the tank. Wait a few days, check the water and make sure the water is clean. Then put some rocks and plants on the tank bottom for fish to hide behind them.

    Get your fish. Bring it home in a bag. The bag must be full of water. Let the bag float (漂动) in the tank. Wait half an hour. Then open the bag. Let the fish swim out.

    Look after goldfish. First put a cover on the tank. It can keep fish safe. With a cover nothing can fall into the tank and fish cannot jump out. Do not feed your fish too much! A fish should eat most of its food right away. Clean the tank each week. To keep the water clean, you must take out old water and add new water.

    Your fish will be happy to live in a tank.


How to  a goldfish in a tank


Goldfish have more room to  in a tank.


Put a tank at home.

Do not put it  the window.

Fill the tank.

● Put some rocks and plants for goldfish tobehind.

● Check the water  putting goldfish in the tank.

Get your fish.

● Bring the fish home in a  .

● Let the bag float in the tank.

● Wait  minutes before you let the fish swim out.

Takeof goldfish.

● Put a cover on the tank to keep something from falling into the tank.

● Do not give too much .

● Clean the tank each  .
