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人教版(新课程标准)2018~2019学年高中英语必修一Unit4 Earthquakes 训练卷(二)

日期: 2024-09-19

    Zhang Heng(78~139), a native of Nanyang in central China's Henan Province, was a mathematician, astronomer and geographer of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25~220).

    Zhang's greatest contributions were in the field of astronomy. In 123 he corrected the calendar to bring it into line with the seasons. In 132 he invented the firstseism scope. It was in the shape of a cylinder with eight dragon heads around the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom were eight frogs, each directly under a dragon's head. When an earthquake occurred, ball fell out of a dragon's mouth into a frog's mouth, making a noise.

    Zhang Heng was a supporter of the Hun, the ancient theory, which stated that the earth is inside an egg. He wrote, “The sky is like a hen's egg and the Earth is like the yolk of the egg,  lying alone at the center. The sky is large and the Earth is small. ”

    He also drew a detailed map of the heaven. His chart showed 124 constellations (星群) consisting of a total of 2, 500 stars,  320 ofwhichwere bright stars with names. “This is not including those observed by sailors, ” he wrote, “Of the small stars,  there are eleven thousand five hundred and twenty. ”

    However, Zhang Heng was not satisfied with his paper map of the sky. When his charts were completed, he hired craftsmen to build what may have been the world's oldest three-dimensional models of the heaven. The first globes were made out of bamboo strips, but eventually he had a globe made out of bronze, which was almost five meters in circumference. This in itself would have been a remarkable accomplishment.

    But Zhang Heng took it one step further. He used the power of water to make his globe complete one rotation every year, showing how the positions of the stars changed from one season to the next.


    The McDonald family from Glasgow, Scotland, were on holiday in Western Australia when their vehicle broke down in a desert area ninety miles north of the town of Laverton. This happened on a Tuesday, and the McDonalds were expected to arrive in the city of Kalgoorlie on Wednesday evening. When they did not show up, Mrs McDonald's brother told the local police.

    A spokesperson from the rescue team that discovered the McDonalds' vehicle said that the family planned carefully for their desert trip. They knew that they needed to stay with their vehicle instead of setting out to seek help, and they did the right thing by lighting a fire as a signal to attract attention.

    When it comes to making a desert trip, the spokesperson also suggested bringing warm clothing for the cold nights and light clothing, hats, and sunscreen for the hot days. Besides, travelers should have a well-stocked survival kit (装备) including a first-aid kit,  map, matches or lighter, and a knife. They should also make sure to pack plenty of food and water, spare tires (轮胎), and fuel. The spokesperson's final suggestion was to tell a friend or family member about your travel plans.

    After the unpleasant experience, John McDonald told reporters that he had read quite a lot about desert survival before coming to Australia. He knew that if they had tried to walk to the nearest town, they would not have been able to carry enough water and that they had to cut down on what they ate, because digestion requires a great deal of water.

    Mr McDonald said he was extremely happy to see the rescue team and thankful that his family had survived. When asked what advice he could share with other possible desert travelers, Mr McDonald said, “Don't panic. Stay where you are and wait to be rescued. ” This trip through the Australian desert is one vacation the McDonald family will never forget!
