组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03

    Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart. My family sent her to the1 .

    After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, "You have such a2 heart condition that you should have an operation."

    "But the complications (并发症) can happen." the doctor3my grandmother and looked at her worried face.

    The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 percent possibility of having a heart trouble 4the operation, a 35 percent possibility of being unable to stand up, and even 20 percent of5on the operating table because of her old age.

    My grandmother was terribly surprised and quickly said, "Doctor, since you're talking about these 6 I have one for you: there is a 100 percent possibility that you won't operate on me!"

    7these words, my grandmother got up and8the doctor's office.

    The next day, my grandmother went to9doctor's office. There she was also told she needed an 10. The doctor also said that her11might cause some problems. 12 he was quite sure about the success of operation.

    My grandmother might be brave, but she is not silly. She then asked the doctor, "If I am your mother, what will you13?"

    The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arms14her, and said, "Mom, let's have the operation!"

    My grandmother had the operation and came out15! Her positive attitude (乐观的心态) added many wonderful and happy years for her and enjoy living with my family.


    That year, I was a Junior 2 student. Falling off the stairs hurt me in the head. Almost everyone thought I was dead. But they were wrong. However, it was difficult to get back to normal (正常的) life. I had to leave school and learn everything, walking, talking, and yes, maths.

    To help me with that task, Mrs. Pillar volunteered to come to the hospital and later to my house once a week. We began with basic maths skills. As time passed by, I made progress.

    I remembered veryvividlyhow she came to my home on Sundays, sat with me at the kitchen table, and threw different coins on the talbe. She asked me to show her 38 cents, 17 cents, 63 cents. It was challenging, but she also made it fun.

    After a year and a half, I had progressed a lot, both in body and mind, to return to school. Seven years later, I graduated from the University of Texas at the top of my class.

    As year went by, I always kept in touch with Mrs. Pillar. Unluckily, one day my parents told me that Mrs. Pillar had been in hospital because she suffered a stroke(中风).

    Now it was my turn to help her. Mrs. Pillar lay in bed, unable to speak and know anybody around. I pulled some coins out of my pocket, dropped them on her bed, and asked her to show me 12 cents. The nurse thought that my action was very strange until one day Mrs. Pillar smiled happily as I began working with her—just as she had worked with my years before. She make progress every day and was moved out of ICU(重症监护室) and finally out of hospital.

    One day, I called to wish her a happy New Year. She spoke into the phone excitedly, “Happy New Year to you and your family, Michael. Thank you for everything you've done for me.” I quickly said, “Thank you for everything you've done for me.”

    Mrs. Pillar was one of my Junior 2 teachers, but she taught me so much more about life than only maths.


    After coming to America, the use of "yes" and "no" brings me a lot of trouble, because the use in Korea (韩语) is a different from that in English. For example, if I am asked, "Haven't you had dinner yet?" and I have not had dinner yet, then in Korean I usually say "Yes, I haven't." But in English, I have to say, "No, I haven't."

    Because of this, my friends often get the opposite meaning from what I want to give them. One day only a month after I came to America, I had dinner with an American student, Bob. He asked me some questions and I answered them sincerely. A few days later, I found some roommates thought that I came from North Korea. One day I stopped by Bob's room and asked why he was spreading the wrong information. "Oh, you told me that. Don't you remember?" he said, "When I asked you 'You are not from North Korea, are you' clearly answered, 'Yes, of course.' Didn't it mean that you are from North Korea?"

    The different use also causes problems between my friends and me. One weekend night, my roommate Mark brought his children into the dorm(宿舍). They make some noise while playing. I didn't mind the noise since I was just watching TV. The next morning, I met Mark. He asked me with a smile, "Didn't my children make noise last night? Didn'titmake you uncomfortable?" Because I did not mind the noise at all, I clearly said "Yes!" The smile suddenly disappear from Mark's face, and he said, "I am sorry about that. They are going right now. See you later." I could not understand what he was sorry about, and I just said, "OK. Bye!" After a moment of thinking, I realized how stupid I was. That evening, I explained to Mark and said sorry to him. I knew he thought that I had been very rude.

    Now to deal with this problem, I have set simple rules: First, take a five-second break if I am not sure of "yes" or "no". Second, use "pardon me", so the person may explain to me in a direct way.


    Hangzhou won its bid(申办) for the 2022 Aian Games on September 16th, 2015. It will be the third time that the Games are held in a Chinese city after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.

    The well-known capital city of Zhejing Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 8.9 million. It is a beautiful city with a long history and it has been developing rapidly in recent years. Hosting the Asian Games will give the city another chance to grow.

    "We have seen here the strong wish and the great effort of Hangzhou to host the19th Asian Games," The OCA(亚奥理事会) president praised.

    The Games are set to include 36 to 40 sports. Thirty venues (场馆) have already been completed, while several others are still being built and will be put into use on year before the Games. The Asian Games will be held from September 10 to 25, when the temperature is around 200C.

    "There is no doubt that the event will attract more visitors to experience the beauty and charm of this amazing city. At the same time, more roads will be built and the underground will be added, reducing heavy traffic. But the best part is that it will give us the chance to watch world-class competitions close to our homes." Shao Lin, a local people, told the reporter excitedly.

    With the Asian Games in Hangzhou in September and the World Cup in Qatar(卡塔尔) in November, 2022 will be an exciting year for Asians, especially Chinese sports fans.

    Hangzhou is trying its best to get ready for the big sports show. Hangzhou is waiting to see you in 2022.


    Giving a speech in front of your class can be challenging. However, you can do something to make it success. First of all, you need to do something about your topic. For example, choose a topic about something you like, such as something that interests you or someone who is close to you. Once you've chosen your topic, try to find useful information about it online or from the library. As you do this, write down the information that supports your ideas in a valuable way.

    Rehearsing(排练) your speech is also important. For this, you'd better write the script (讲稿) just like talking to your friends. Keep your script simple. Use interesting examples or stories to show your ideas. Once you finish your script, read it out loud to yourself and remember it. After that, write down 2 to 3 points that you may forget on a note card. Finally, you have to practice your speech in front of something or someone until you don't have to look at your note card.

    In the end, it's time to give the speech. At this time, stand straight and hold your head high. This will show that you're confident. Show your listeners that you're excited by smiling before you begin and throughout the speech. Pause(停顿) after finishing a sentence, or after saying an important point. It will allow you time to collect your thoughts.

    If you're out of breath while speaking or if your words start running together, you're most probably speaking too fast. If this happens, take a breath and slow down. While talking, look at your listeners, like friends. What's more, if you don't remember the next word or line, pause for one or two seconds to look at your note card. Before you begin speaking, take a deep breath, smile at your listeners, and then go on.

to give a successful speech

for your speech

Choose a topic you arein.

Collect information on your topic from books or on the.

Write down the useful information.

Rehearse your speech

Write a script in away.

Read the script, and make a note card that can help youthe content.

Keepyour speech until you can make it very well.

Give your speech

Use proper body language to show that you areand excited.

Pause at theof a sentence or after saying an important point.

speaking too fast.

Look at your listeners while giving the speech.

If you forget what to say next, look at your note care, breathe deeply, smile at your listeners, and then go on.

根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(每空限一词) 。
用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词) 。