组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

浙江省新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):语法填空

日期: 2024-09-18

    Mr. Baker worked in an office. Once he was asked to a friend's birthday party. His friends knew he had a wonderful voice(声音)and asked him(sing) a few French songs. He did as his friends asked. And he was introduced to a beautiful girl who was born in a rich family. Soon they married(结婚)and her father(give)them a lot of money. They had their own house and cars. Mrs. Baker did nothing at home and they lived a happy life.

    Two years later, Mrs. Baker's father died. they got into trouble(麻烦)at once. But Mrs. baker wasn't good at(do)anything, so Mr. baker had to find another job to make more money.

    One evening he went home happily and said, "My friends help me(find) a job in another office. I(go) to work tomorrow. My shirt is worn out(破了),dear. Will you please make a new one for me?"

    "I'm sorry I(not do) it," said the woman," I have never made any shirts before, you know."

    "(try) your best, dear." said Mr. Baker, "I(like) my old shirt, please make a new one like it"

    "Well, let me try.

    The next morning , as soon as Mr. Baker(get) up, his wife showed her husband the new shirt and said," Try it on ,dear!"

    Mr. Baker had a look at the shirt and asked in surprise(惊奇地), "Whythe new shirt (have) several holes in it?"

    Pointing to(指着) the old shirt, she said," Look! There're some holes in your old shirt, too."
