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浙江省新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级上学期期末复习(题型专练):完形填空

日期: 2024-09-18

    My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I never wished her to show up in my  1  , being afraid that my classmates would find out I had an ugly mother.

One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother came.     "Your mom only has one eye?!" asked some of my classmates. I was so  2 .     I wished my mother would just disappear from this world. "If you make me teased(嘲笑),why don't you just die?" I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. My mother just handed me some  3and left without saying    4   .     At that time, I felt  5  to say what I always wanted to say, and I didn't think I had hurt her feelings very much. That night I saw my mom      6  in her room, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might   7  me. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a   8  : I must study hard and leave my mother.     Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful and lived  9 . I never thought of going back to see my "ugly" mother  10 one day I got a letter, which said, "My son... I'm sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into a(n)  11   and lost your eye. As a mom, I couldn't   12  watching you live with only one eye.  13   I gave you mine. I was never  14   with you and I never regretted(后悔) what I did because I    15   you…"     I cried out aloud. Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!


    David grew up poor. He started working in the 7th grade, and when he was in high school he was only going to school half days, 1 at 11 am to go to work.

    Lackof money meant lack of educational chances, but he had a hunger to learn. In his  2  time he read books that he thought it would   3 him succeed somewhere down the road.   

    He worked very hard, and he tried his best to provide for his family,  4factory life had a bad effect on his body and spirit, he had an unhappy life. It was, in his mind, killing him like a slowpoison.

    In 1995 he bought his first computer, and a few months later, he discovered the Internet. He wanted to be a part of it, and worked 48 or   5 hours a week in the factory, and  6  another 40 or more hours a week teaching  7  computer skills. He worked harder than he  8  had in his life, surfing the Internet over 100 hours a week.

    David wanted to begin jobs in the Internet and computer fields. He was refused many times, but he never 9 . He had a goal and kept after it10  he didn't like it at all, because  11  else seemed so hopeless. Soon he got a fast return. David left the 12  and took a job in the computing field.

    This is a true story about believing in yourself; a story about finding  13  you love to do and following your dreams.

    My hope in writing this story is that, if you have a dream, you'll be  14  enough to see it through. It's up to you to make it. Remember that even the farthest  15   always starts with the first step.


    I had made up my mind a long time ago that I would not give homeless people money, because I could never be sure what that money would be used for.  1  , I decided, I would buy them a sandwich, a cold drink on a hot day, a cup of coffee,  2 I could manage.

    I was on my way home from work on a  3   city street full of busy people. That's when I saw a homeless man outside a Starbucks. He was moving back and forth  4 warm, and gently asking for  5. He spoke so quietly that I could hardly hear him. The idea that I would buy this man a sandwich and coffee flashed(闪过) 6  my mind, which made me 7  , turn around and walk into the Starbucks.

Just as I was leaving the store, two policemen were walking towards the man. 8  the shop owners had complained about the man and the police were there to draw him away from the storefronts. Without thinking twice, I ran towards them, asking one of the officers whether I   9  give the man something before he went. I was not sure why I asked the permission(允许) but the policeman said sure. I just handed the bag of food to the surprised man and  10  home.

    On the way home I couldn't help thinking, "I hope people  11 that". Then I had to seriously ask myself why I hoped people had seen me give the man a sandwich from Starbucks. Was it 12   I wanted people to think, "She's such a  13  person"? I continued to wonder this all evening.

    The next morning it came to me. I wanted people to have seen that small act of kindness not so that I would receive praise but so that they might be14  to do the same. Thus the whole spirit of giving would be 15 . Only in this way can the kindness be passed on and the world will be a more wonderful place to live in.


    After their 15-year-old pet dog died, Rain and his wife, Ann, looked for months to find the right new pet. "I love dogs." said Rain, a worker at a health club in New York. "I can't 1 not having one.

    "Finally, the couple found a lovely young 2 and decided to 3 him home. They named him Little Sheep. Little Sheep quickly made himself at home, sleeping on his new 4 bed at night.

    With heart disease for 25 years, Rain 5 look his medicine four times a day and always had no problems. 6 on March 17, he took the wrong amount(数量) of medicine before he went to sleep. When he got out of bed to 7 the bathroom at night, suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast and later fell to the floor heavily.

    "Little Sheep was usually very 8 and well-behaved," said Ann. "But when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud cry like a wild animal. I was woken but didn't know what was happening. Then l saw my husband 9 on tile bathroom floor. I ran for the 10 and called a hospital at once. "Rain spent several hours in the hospital. By 6:30 a. m., he had been 11 enough to go home. "It surprises me that Little Sheep has such great 12," said his thankful owner. "He's becoming a calm little gentleman. We can walk him on our street, unleashed(未拴住的), without any problem. He's got a lot of 13 now, and everyone wants to 14 him kindly. "

    "We feel the name Little Sheep is not good enough," said Rain. "So now we call him Big Hero, more 15 for an animal of his ability. "


    Mr. Smith had a small supermarket in a small town. All the people who lived nearby 1to go to his supermarket and buy things there. But several years ago, a big chained store 2 in that area and it sold all kinds of things from the toothbrush to TV and, above all, the price was pretty 3. So a lot of small shops 4 except Mr. Smith's. The manager of the chained store wanted to explore 5 was hidden behind Mr. Smith's success, so he decided to drop into Mr. Smith's supermarket and he saw a lady buying things there. He stopped her 6 and asked “Madam, why don't you go to the big chained store?”

    With a smile, the lady told him it was because of a pair of shoes. She told him a story. Three years ago, 7 her divorce (离婚), she worked hard to raise her family and one day when she bought things in a supermarket, Tom, one of her little children, 8 the supermarket and asked her to buy him a new pair of shoes. He cried, “Today I had a basketball match, but all the people 9 me because of the shoes.” She wanted to buy him a pair of shoes but the money in her pocket was 10 enough for a milk. “I am sorry but I 11 when we have money,” the mother said. Seeing that there was no hope, Tom ran away. The woman stood there weeping (哭泣). Later she realized that 12 was patting on her back. 13, she found it was Mr. Smith. He took a pair of shoes that the son wanted to buy.

    “Take them,” he said.

    “But I don't have enough money,” the woman shook her head.

    “Take them, your son can't wait. You can pay me later,” Mr. Smith told her.

    Now the manager of the chained store knew the14 for Mr. Smith's success. He decided that he would follow in Mr. Smith's footsteps, putting his heart into whatever he did with the hope of attracting more customers. And he did so after the years that followed, which also 15.
