组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    Last summer holiday, some students from China spent an unforgettable holiday in different countries. Here is what they said about their 1.

    Liu Na, a middle school student, spent her holiday in Thailand. She worked as an elephant helper. She 2 two weeks in the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. She said the founder(创始人)of the park had saved 28 elephants3the last ten years. The elephants are now able to live 4 in the Nature Park. Some foreign students like me come to feed them, take them for a bath in the river and play with them. With our 5, the elephants don't do hard work every day. We're so proud of that.

    Wang Jiao, 6 college student from China, stayed in America for a year. "I taught Chinese in a Confucius Institute(孔子学院) in New York. Nowadays, people all over the world are becoming more and more 7in Chinese language and Chinese culture. So are the Americans.8 a Chinese, I am happy to tell students what I know about China and Chinese culture. We made dumplings, 9 songs of Zhou Jielun and did Taiji together. That was a great experience both for me and for my 10 students.

    Zhang Liang, a postgraduate(研究生) studying in a famous Medical University, 11 in Africa for several months. When he first got there, he was 12to see many people die just because they had no money to see a doctor. Then he 13 to help them out. "When you see children with happy and healthy 14, you will forget your problems!"

    If you want to have a meaningful life in other 15 , if you want to help the rest of the world, why not give yourself a chance and have a try?


    "Mom, I'm bored," said Jason. "There is nothing to do." "You can clean your room," said Mom. "That's not fun." It was only the second week of summer vacation. It was still too cold to go to the pool, and Jason was tired of watching TV. His
friends were away on vacation, and even his dog, Riley, was being lazy.

    Mom was getting ready to go downtown to the food kitchen to help out. She volunteered serving lunch to people that weren't as lucky as Jason. "Why don't you come with me to the food kitchen and help out?" Mom asked. "I don't know anything about working at a food kitchen," said Jason. "You just watch me, and then you will see how to serve the food," said Mom.

    It was time to go, and Jason was excited to try working in the food kitchen. He watched his Mom put some turkey and mashed potatoes on a plate. She then passed the plate to the next lady, and she put some green beans and bread on the plate. "I can do that," thought Jason. One of the volunteers left early, so Jason took over her spot in the serving line. He was in charge of (负责) putting salad on the plates. He served twenty-five people that day. "That was great!" said Jason.

    Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. He couldn't wait to get home and tell his Dad about how much fun he had. "Jason, that was a nice thing you did today." "You helped many people who aren't as lucky as you to have a hot meal." Mom said, "I am so proud of you!"

    Jason went to bed that night thinking about the food kitchen. "I am going to help out again, "he thought. Jason made some new friends, and he didn't even know they lived so close to him in town! The best part was how good Jason felt inside.


    3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to print things such as clothing, prosthetic limbs (假肢), musical instruments(乐器) and so on. People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly and easily using 3D printers.

    But can you imagine printing food? Some scientists are trying torevolutionizeour eating experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as usual as the microwave or blender. Scientists say that they are easy to use: you simply have to choose a recipe and put the food "inks" into the printer. You can also change the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it. This means that it would be very quick and easy to create delicious meals.

    Using 3D printers to create your meals would also be saving the environment. There would be less need for traditional growing, transporting(运输) and packaging as food production would be quicker and easier.

    Printing food could also help people who suffer from dysphasia (吞咽障碍症). They could program (为…编程) the printer to print softer versions of their favorite foods so that they would not have trouble eating them.

    However, some people think that the future of 3D-printed food would be a disaster. It could take away many jobs, including those for growing, transporting and packaging food. Imagine a world where there was no need for farming or growing crops and the same tastes could be printed from a raw "food ink". Similarly, traditional cafes and restaurants might lose business. Also, there are worries about the printed food: is it really possible to get the nutrients (营养物) we need from food-based inks and gels?

    What's more, cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where the fun of cooking is dead and meals can be done at the touch of a button.                                                        
