组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-06

    First one person stood up and then another and another. Someone in the crowd began to applaud and soon everyone else 1 in as Glenn Cunninghan made his final lap around the track(跑道). He was about to break a world record in the mile. As he made his victory, you might wonder how he could walk, let alone 2. It was hard to ignore Glenn's scarred legs.

    When Glenn was six years old, his 3 were so badly burned in a schoolhouse fire that his doctor never thought he would 4 again. But Glenn thought otherwise. After spending weeks in 5, he got up and started using crutches(拐杖) to get around. When his legs got 6, he tried walking without the crutches. It was very 7. Glenn said later, “It hurt like hell to walk, 8 it didn't hurt at all when I ran. So for five or six years, about all I did was run.”

    With all the 9 he had had in running, it was natural for Glenn to join his school's track team. By the time he got to high school, he became a track star and set 10 times in the mile run.

    After he 11 from high school, he went to the University of Kansas. Glenn Cunninghan was 12 as “The Kansas Flyer”, and he won the National College Amateur Track Championships in 1931 and 1932.

    Glenn went on to run on the U.S. Olympic Team in 1932, received the Sullivan Award 13 outstanding amateur athletes in 1933, and won a silver medal in the 1936 Olympic Games. The boy who was 14 never to walk again won two National College Amateur Athlete titles in track, was named the 15 track performer in the 100-year history of Madison Square Garden, and was 16 to the National Track and Field Hall of Fame.

    It was never easy for Glenn. It took him nearly an hour to 17 for a race and the smoke-filled indoor stadium made it hard for him to 18. But he never let that stop him or 19 him down. He just ran as hard as he could with his wounded lungs and scarred legs, and he won.

    If determination and spirit can 20 a runner to greatness, it might be said that Glenn Cunninghan was the greatest runner of all time.


    “Attention, everyone!” Miss Dalrymple looked at her class of ten-year-olds. “Today we are going to create a special card for Father's Day, which falls on this weekend.” Then she busied herself handing out the paper and art materials to her noisy pupils.

   They were a mixed punch.Some came from the rich side of the town, but the majorities were from parents who struggled to get jobs. So she had not been eager to carry out this activity.

    “Think about all the things that your dad does that make him special,” she said loudly as she approached the last table. “You can write a poem or short story thinking of the positive characteristics that make your dad special. The written part of this activity should be completed before you start to decorate your card.”

    Andrew looked at the blank page. He had never met, spoken to, or been hugged by his dad, so how could he write about him? Once when he was looking in his grandma's photo box, he had seen an old black and white photo but it was badly creased(弄皱) and difficult to recognize any clear features. She had quickly taken it from him and buried it deeply among the rest, never to be found again. After thinking for a while, he wrote:

Dear Dad,

    You are a person I do not know and would probably not recognize as I only saw an old photo of you a long time ago. I think and wonder about you often, especially when I have no one to talk to about the Saturday fixtures(体育活动). One day when I grow up I will do an Internet search to find you, but I am not sure whether I will be successful as several attempts by the Child Support Agency have not been successful. Happy Father's Day, Dad.




    Oil Painting Workshop

    Jan. 7, 2019

    For Ages 15 and Up

    Beginners Welcome! Experience Not Required!

    Registration (登记) Deadline —— Dec. 31, 2018

    Class Schedule

    9:30—10:00 am            Welcome and Registration

    10:00—12:00 am          Painting Session

    12:00 am—1:00 pm        Lunch

    1:00—3:00 pm            Painting Session

    3:00pm                    Evaluation and Departure

    Instructor

    Judy Moore Gist, Alexander Certified Instructor and Ross Certified Instructor, is making great efforts to give people of all ages the opportunity to experience Alexander's The Magic of Oil Painting and Bob Ross's The Joy of Painting. Both, William Alexander and Bob Ross, PBS TV hosts, have inspired thousands of first-time painters. The “wet-on-wet” technique have encouraged people of all ages to pick up a brush and put their dreams on canvas (油画布). Judy will do the same, and you are welcome to take a class and see for yourself. At the end of just one session you will be amazed at the beautiful painting that you create in just a few hours. You will become more aware of beautiful cloud shapes and colours you ignored before. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing the beautiful scenery that you paint and others will treasure forever.

    For more information about Judy Moore Gist, click here.


    $75.00/a person. Prices include all instructor fees, materials, and lunch.

    If you wish to pay by check, please print the OilPaintJan.pdf printable registration form and mail it in with payment to: Holiday Lake 4H Educational Center, 12674-H Camp Road, Appomattox, VA 24522.

    Refund(退款) Policy

    Full Refund: Dec. 31, 2018

    Nonrefundable: after Dec. 31, 2018

    For more information, contact Heathern Benninghove at 232-268-6777 or heathern@vt.edu.


    If you analyze people's actions, you will come to the conclusion that they all seek happiness. Every act is in fact a search for it, even if on the surface it doesn't look so. Happiness is always the main target.

    Going to the movies, eating in a restaurant and going to a party are all motivated by the desire to be happy. Who does not dream of a vacation in some fascinating locations, a new car, a new house, or the ideal match? All people daydream, and some even try to make their dream a reality. And why is that? In order to be happy!

    Many people endanger themselves by climbing steep mountains, entering unexplored caves, or diving into the deep of the ocean in order to enjoy the few moments of happiness. A thief may steal because he loves the thrill of danger, or because he desires to have quick money to spend. He is actually looking for happiness, though in apervertedway.

    Of course not all actions end in happiness. The motive is happiness, but the results do not always bring the desire. According to some spiritual traditions, we are spiritual beings in physical bodies. The spiritual part is always happy. Rather, it is happiness itself. But the physical body covers this happiness essence(本质). There is a constant desire to find out this happiness. This is the reason why happiness is constantly sought.

    However, there is no need to search for happiness or to create it, or to have all kinds of outer experiences and actions in order to feel it. On the contrary, everything has to be dropped in order to experience it. Every technique, which helps to relax the mind and calm the rush of thoughts will lead to happiness.


A Colourful Puzzle

    People often wear clothing with colours that express something about themselves. A happy person might choose to wear a bright yellow shirt. A swimmer might wear a sea-blue dress.

    Animals appear in different colours too, but they don't get to pick what they wear every morning. Scientists have known for a long time about some of the ways animal colouring can be beneficial. They know that some animals' colours attract mates or show who is boss. Other animals' colours blend(融合) in with their environment; thus the animals cannot be seen by their enemies. Still, scientists do not fully understand why blue jays are blue or why rainforest frogs are golden. Now many scientists are working hard to figure out the puzzles of animal colours.

    Part of the answer can be found in an animal's habitat, the place where it lives. It turns out that many animals — especially birds, fish, and reptiles — can see more colours than humans can. These creatures notice colours that stand out in their habitat. For example, forests are mostly green, brown, and yellow. For an animal to be seen by others of its species, it would have to be a different colour than its background. That explains why you can find birds of many shades of blue living in forests.

    Another piece of the puzzle lies in what an animal eats. Birds often eat things that have chemicals in them called “carotenoids”(类葫萝卜素). These chemicals are what make tomatoes red and bell peppers bright orange or yellow. When birds eat these foods, the carotenoids affect the colour of their feathers. For example, a cardinal's bright red feathers will become lighter or darker depending on how many berries it has found to eat.

    Some animals do not have any colour at all — but they are not just white; they are transparent(透明的)! Transparent animals live mostly in the ocean. This amazing wonder of nature came about because the animals needed a way to escape their enemies. They are often slow, defenseless creatures that would have no way of fighting back if larger animals wanted to eat them. Because there are few places to hide in the ocean, these creatures have to hide in plain sight. A good example of this kind of transparent creature is the jellyfish. A jellyfish's body is almost all water, so it is very hard to see it floating in the ocean.

    Animals come in all kinds of colours. Their colours are caused by many different factors, and most animals will remain the same colour for their whole lives. Think how lucky we are to get to change our feathers every day!


    Music education is the learning of all aspects of music as a separate field altogether.The main components of music education is everything from the history of music, musicians who have reached a respectable level, basic notes of music, different types of music, and many other things about music.

    Music education is very important in schools.As the child starts learning music from an early age, he would turn out to be a skilled musician. And then he can use his talent for many purposes, such as being a music teacher and teaching other students, or using his musical talent to earn his living.

    According to a survey conducted by elementary schools and high schools, students who were taught music and had a good interest in it academically performed far better than those who were not into music learning.While learning music, students learned to count, to multiply and to divide. At the same time, science helped them discover what sounded good together and what didn't. It is also a proven fact that students who have the knowledge of and interest in music tend to plan and organize actions efficiently in their personal lives.They do not get aggressive very soon. Furthermore, children learning music are found to be fun-loving and are great at communicating with others.

   A majority of students are satisfied and happy about learning music or playing a musical instrument. Students with good music education do have a sense of personal achievement. A notable benefit of music education is that it is used as a stress reliever, considering a student's study routine.

A. Music education makes one much more honorable.

B. It helps children develop the skill at a very early age.

C. They tend to do well in subjects like math and science.

D. Music education in schools also benefits the students emotionally.

E. It consists of theoretical knowledge as well as practical experiences.

F. And it is commonly believed that musicians are peace-loving people.

G. While learning music, much of the culture and tradition is absorbed.
