组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

(浙江)备战2019年初中英语中考复习专项训练:完形填空(二) 说明类

日期: 2024-09-17

    Have you heard of STEM education? STEM 1 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It means students can learn these 2subjects in one class. And they work on many projects to practice 3 they learn STEM education is very 4 in the US.

    Now more than 600 5 middle schools bring in STEM education, according to the paper, en. Beijing, Yuying School is one of them.

    The school 6 the course in May. It invited college teachers to teach more than 80 students programming, robotics and other interdisciplinary(跨学科}的) knowledge.

    The teaching style is quite 7, Once teachers finish teaching basie knowledge, studentes will practice it 8. For example, after learning about electrie circuits(电路),students are required to design one that could control three lights 9.They have many projects to improve their hands-on 10 as well. Once, they had a "smart home" model design project. All the students competed to design a 11 model and make it "smart" .Liu Tianyou, 12, with 12 teammates, used computer programs and sensors to finish it. "If you open the door of the house, the lights will 13 automatically, "he said. Their work won the third prize.

    The class, develops students' creativity as well. 14 Learning mechanies and programming in the class, Zhao Hngyi, 14, made a Lego robot himself in eight 15.From assembling(组装)to testing he finished it on his own. The robot can catch things and walk on certain tracks under orders. " It's cool to make my idea come to life," he said.
