组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷五

日期: 2024-09-19

My first star performance Among my many"first times"in the[US,the one that was most important to me was my first musical performance.

We put on a musical called"Guys and Dolls"at our school. I played the1of a sergeant(警长)in a band. I had one line(台词),2I had to sing it without a microphone.

    The teacher and director,Ms O'Connor,was a3artist. Under her strict training,we were4giving a great show. I was very excited5I imagined how I would look on stage with my bright red 1950s caps(斗篷)and6my friends would like my clothes.

Then,suddenly,I started to7uncomfortable every time I said my line. I felt like the audience(观众)was all staring at me. Was I doing OK?Were my 8pretty?Because of these9 , my movements and facial expression became unnatural(不自然的). Instead of enjoying the10 , I performed like a walking puppet(木偶). Luckily,Ms O'Connor11me onto the right way. She saw my worries and said to me,"I understand how you feel. It is12. As I always tell my students:love the art in yourself,not yourself in art. "

    She was right. When we love the art in ourselves,it doesn't13if we are acting alone or in front of a big audience. It's not about how much the audience thinks of us. It's about how much effort(努力)we have put14our performance.

    I began to forget myself on the stage and started to think of my role in the story. The show was a15. It was also an important life lesson for me.
