组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-04

    On April 19th, a pottery (陶器) exhibition was held at Wuhan Optical Experimental Valley School. Many pieces of pottery in different sizes were shown at the school. Some were a bit broken, but all of them were beautiful works of art created by the students.

    At the end of last year, the school started a project that called on teachers to collect disused or broken pieces of pottery from the countryside. So far, they have collected about 3,000 pieces.

    "Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people." school head Ma Guoxin told the reporter. "By pottery painting, the students can improve themselves in many ways. They can better understand the history of the pottery, put their creativity into the pottery and show the love for life and beauty. "

    Students turned the pottery into different works of art .They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didn't know how to paint. Wang Zixuan, a student from Grade Eight, with little knowledge of painting, painted a beautiful night scenery on a piece of pottery. It was so nice that many students loved it.

    Almost every classroom has coloured pieces of pottery. They are either used as flowerpots or pen containers(笔筒). The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery. For example, the students have put up some pottery on bookcases outside of a lecture hall(报告厅) It has become an enjoyable place for students to rest and read.


    Thanks to the ancient Silk Road, the lands of Italy and China have been connected for more than 2,000 years. Tourists from China and every corner of the world come to visit Italy every year. Here are four famous cities of Italy.

Rome Coliseum

    Rome is the birth place of science, culture and of course, art in Europe. It is the perfect combination(结合)of the modern and the classical. When one walks around the city, one can see many museums. Of course, Rome is also considered as the fashion(时尚)centre of the world now.

    The Rome Coliseum is today considered one wonder(奇迹)of the modern world.

    Pisa is a small city. It is famous for the leaning tower of Pisa. If you think that Pisa has only one leaning tower, you may just be wrong. This city has three leaning towers. Home of the famous scientist Galileo, Pisa is also known for its universities because the city is home of some of the most important universities in Europe.

Leaning Tower


    Florence is one of the most important provinces around Italy. Shopping here, you'll find David, the most famous statue(雕像)of Michelangelo. If you are planning to spend a couple of days in Florence, you likely will not want to lose the opportunity to see and enjoy Arnolfo Tower, it will be open on Sunday and Monday from 9 to 6 pm.(closed in case of rain).

    Venice is a city over a hundred islands. You can visit most interesting places of the city by walks or by the famous gondolas. Art exhibitions, film festivals and famous carnival(狂欢节)make Venice a place that can be visited any time of the year.



    Dereck and Beverly are wildlife animal filmmakers(电影制片人). They have made lots of films about animals and plants.

    Their job is to keep and protect the big cats of Africa from damage(伤害). Beverly also takes photos of the lions and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazines.

    When they were kids, Dereck was quiet and healthy, he was good at math and science. Beverly had a twin brother. At that time, her brother and she often got their mother into trouble! Beverly was a dancer, an athlete, played the piano (not very well), and was a class leader. Her favourite subject was science and she always got excellent grades in her science exams.

    When in the field, their work starts at around 4 am. After drinking a cup of tea, they drive out into a bush(灌木丛)to find their subjects. Sometimes that is a lion pride(群). Lions are family animals, they usually live in groups of 15 or more. Sometimes that is a single leopard(花豹). They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures. They don't stop working even when they have lunch. They are often back in camp by 8 pm.

    When talking about the favourite places to explore, Dereck says, “We live in it!” Beverly thinks being in nature is her favourite. Dereck thinks running or taking a swim in the Okavango swamp(沼泽)—especially swimming close to crocodile(鳄鱼)is great fun, but Beverly says, "Swimming is fun but crazy in these waters."
