组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03
在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。(每小题1分,共4分)

B、C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)



单项填空(本大题共20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)
完形填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)
阅读理解(本大题共15小题;A~B篇,每小题2 分;C篇,每小题1 分;共25 分)

    As an English, I can speak three languages—English, German and French, so do you think the British people are very good language learners? The fact is that they aren't.

    Some statistics (数据) from the survey done by the European Commission (欧盟委员会) showed that 62% of the British people only speak English. 38% speak at least one foreign language and 18% speak two or more. Compared with the British people, 56% of the people in other European countries speak at least one foreign language and 28% speak two or more.

    From this you can see that the British people are famous for not speaking foreign languages and that they are not good language learners in Europe.

    And the survey also showed that English is the most widely-spoken foreign language. Many European people can have a conversation in English. That's why my people don't think it is necessary to learn a foreign language.

In Britain, students are not required to learn a foreign language. That means learning a foreign language is only an option at school. In UK schools it is common for children to start learning a foreign language at 11 and many of them give it up at 14. So why don't students continue learning foreign languages at school? Because they think it is more difficult to get good marks in languages than in other subjects such as science or history.

    To solve this situation, the British government is looking for different ways to improve language learning at school. One way is to start learning it at a much younger age. Another one is to give school children more choices.

Changing the British attitude (态度) to learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try!

补全对话(本大题共5 小题,每小题1 分,共5 分)
完成句子:根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。(本大题共5 小题,每小题2 分,共10 分)
任务型阅读(本大题共5 小题,每小题1 分,共5 分)
综合填空(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共10 分)

    Lan Lan, a student of Grade Seven in Lushan, was taking a drawing class in a tent on April 23. Guess what she drew—a house with wings. When the teacher asked why she did so, Lan said if her house could f , it wouldn't fall down in an earthquake.

    Lan's hometown was hit by a searthquake on April 20. At least 196 people were killed and more than 11,000 were injured. Many people became homeless. Soldiers and doctors qarrived in the area, saving people and rebuilding homes. Lots of money was sent there to help all those in need.

    Although we can't prevent (阻止) an earthquake from happening, we can use some methods to rharm. During an earthquake, do not jump out of high buildings because it is very d. Another method is to cover your head and neck ua strong table or desk. If there is no shelter (躲避处) nearby, you can also stay by a wall, and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands. And then you must keep calm and stay there u the shaking stops.

    Japan is a c which lies on the earthquake belt (地震带) and it is very good at dealing with earthquakes. From a very young age, the Japanese are already taught how to survive (幸存) them. Students often receive earthquake training. Almost in every Japanese family you can find a survival kit (救生装备) with a flash-light, a radio, water and enough food for several days. This helps people to stay aafter an earthquake.

    "There should be more safety tat schools in our country," said Xu Jiannong, an education expert in Beijing. There is no more truth than this when one's life is the most important of all.

书面表达(本大题共15 分)