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外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 3 Journey to space 评估试题

日期: 2024-09-18

    John and Ann are from Dublin,Ireland.They've been friends since they were children.They lived in the same neighbourhood(社区)when they were young and they went to the same university.

    Today John is a 34-year-old policeman.He works in the heart of Dublin.He is very busy and doesn't have much free time.He found a maid(女佣)to clean his house on Saturdays,but during the week he has to make the bed and tidy up his room.He must also wash the dishes.Sometimes he cooks a meal,but most of the time he stops at a restaurant near his home and buys a meal for dinner.He often arrives home very late.Luckily.his maid is quiteprofessionaland takes good care of the house.In just 6 hours,the house becomes clean,with a flesh look and clean air.

    Ann is 35 years old.She lives in a small village in Dublin.She works as a doctor at the village's health centre.She starts working at 9 a.m and finishes at 4 p.m.There is a half-hour lunch break at 12:30 pm.After work,Ann has to pick up her two daughters from school.After they arrive home ,the children do their homework while Ann prepares dinner.Her husband usually does part of the housework when he gets home.First he prepares the…children's bath and then he washes clothes.Before dinner,he hangs(挂)up the clothes and then the children help him to lay the table(摆放餐具)and…it's dinner time!After dinner,Ann's husband usually does the dishes while she tidies up the kitchen.When there is too much rubbish,she takes it out.



    Venus is close to the earth.It is the second planet from the sun.The earth is the third planet from the sun.Venus is similar(相似的)to the earth in size and mass (质量).It is often described as the earth's"sister".

Scientists have been learning about Venus for a long time.First they looked at Venus through telescopes(望远镜).But Venus is covered with thick clouds.Scientists could not see Venus well through the clouds.So they made guesses about it.

For a long time,scientists thought that Venus had water and plants.They thought Venus might have animals too.But they didn't know for sure.

Then scientists found a way to learn more about Venus.In'the 1960s,they began sending probes(航天探测器)to Venus.The probes flew through the thick clouds.They took pictures of Venus up close.They found out many things too.The probes sent the pictures and things they found out back to the scientists.

The scientists learned a lot from the probes.First they learned that most of their guesses were not right.And they learned that Venus is very hot.

After that,scientists knew they could not send people to Venus.But they still wanted to know more about it.So they sent new probes.These new probes took great pictures of the planet.The pictures showed that Venus has plains (平原)and mountains!And in some ways,Venus looks like the earth.




    Robert wanted to do well in his exams.He spent all his free time studying.He wanted to be a scientist when he grew up.Unluckily,this meant that he was almost always serious.Although he was young,he didn't relax and enjoy himself.

    Robert's first important exam was coming soon.He had spent almost all the week preparing for it.He had got little sleep and felt very tired.However,Robert thought that he was ready for the exam."I worked harder than anyone else.I'mI will get a good mark,"he thought during the breakfast.

    After breakfast.he started to feel a little ill.He also had a little headache and found it difficult to concentrate (专心).But he refused(拒绝)to believe that he'd fail (不及格)the exam.Robert arrived at the school hall and took his chair.He noticed how relaxed and happy his friends looked.

    "They are just under prepared(准备不充分的),"he thought as the exam began.

    Unluckily,Robert wasn't able to finish his exam.Twenty minutes after the exam started,he felt very hot and uncomfortable.He then slumped(瘫倒)in his chair,and one of his friends called for help.His teacher took him to the school hospital at once.In the hospital,the doctor told him that he was too tired to finish the exam.

He spent the lunch break in the nurse's office.

    He spent the lunch break in the nurse's office.He looked outside and watched his friends.They were playing happily.Robert decided that from then on,he wouldn'-t take it all so seriously.

    "A balanced (平衡的)life is more important.I guess I know what to do next time,"he thought.

