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外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 10 On the radio评估试题

日期: 2024-09-17

Lisa was a lovely girl.When Lisa was 9,her family decided to move across the country to California because Lisa's father found a good job in California.Before they moved,Lisa's parents had to take a trip to California to find a house where they would live.

    "We will be gone for two weeks."Lisa's mother said."While we are gone.you will stay with Aunt Betsy?"

Aunt Betsy lived several hours away.in a big city.Lisa had never stayed with Aunt Betsy,so she didn't know what to bring for her visit.The weather was warm,so she put some shorts and T-shirts in a bag.She put some books in another bag because she liked reading.Mostly she read books about horses.

    When the day came.Aunt Betsy drove to Lisa's house to pick her up.Lisa hugged her parents and said goodbye.

    Several hours later,they got to Aunt Betsy's home.Lisa found Aunt Betsy lived in a beautiful apartment(公寓).Aunt Betsy led Lisa to her room.

    It was a small but clean room.Then Lisa noticed something on the wall.She saw a picture of a tall,reddish—brown(红褐色的)horse.The horse was very beautiful.Aunt Betsy was in the picture.standing beside the horse.

    "That's Ruby,"Aunt Betsy said.

    Lisa asked,"Is that your horse?"

    Aunt Betsy said,"No,I ride her sometimes.She lives in a stable(马厉)not far away."

    Lisa put her book bag onto the bed.She said,"I love horses.I read a lot of books about horses."She asked."Can we visit Ruby?"

    Aunt Betsy smiled.She Said."Of course.We can even go out riding."

    Lisa couldn't be happier.She and her aunt had something in common.It was going to be a great adventure(冒险)!



    Michelle Giaquinto is from Australia.She is working as a cook in a restaurant in Italy.She has travelled to over 30 countries.She is having a talk with a presenter about her travels.


Q:What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?

A:It's difficult to choose"the most beautiful"place I've visited,because every place is beautiful in its own way.But I have very good memories(回忆)of the Himalayan mountains in Nepal.


A:I stayed in a beautiful hotel in Marrakech.Morocco.It wasn't very big,but it had a green yard with a fountain(喷泉)in the middle.The colourful tiles(瓷砖)everywhere were fantastic.


A:Fried erickets(油炸蟋蟀l on the street in

  Bangkok.Thailand.And they weren 7 t bad.


A:I have always been very lucky in my travels.but someone stole(偷)my bag on a train when I was in India.Getting very ill in a lonely part of Pakistan wasn't very nice either.


A:Indonesia.a country with a very interesting culture.I plan to go there next year.


A:Australia has so many interesting places to visit,as it's so large.But my favourites are the sights along the Great Barrier Reef,North Queensland.I also love the big,open spaces of our national parks,especially Uluru National Park.


A.What's the most interesting place you've visited in your own country?

B.Which country have you always wanted to visit?

C.Have you ever made any friends while travelling?

D.What's the nicest hotel you've ever stayed in ?

E.What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten in your travels?

F.Have you had any bad experiences while travelling?
