组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    The end of my sophomore(大学二年级)year was near. One day, Mom called me, hoping my 1 break would be spent with grandparents. They were both in their2, and I knew they really needed help around the farm.

    So I packed my car 3 the final exam and started my life on the farm. As weeks passed, I 4 daily work with Grandpa gradually. Grandma often told me 5about her childhood, family and the early years after she and Grandpa had married.

    On the last Saturday in June, I went fishing with my grandfather. 6, we saw one of the swans was dead by the pond. Grandpa had given the pair of swans to Grandma on their fiftieth anniversary of marriage. "Why don't we buy another one?" I suggested. But grandpa said, "no... it's not that 7. Because swans mate for life. There's 8we can do for the one that's left. He has to work it out for himself." A few 9 later, we drove by the pond and found the other swan lying near the same place where we had found the first one. It, too, was dead.

    Then July 3 came. That was the day Grandma 10. She died of a stroke(中风) suddenly that morning. The funeral was held the next day. Grandpa had insisted on 11 it as soon as possible.

    After the funeral, Grandpa asked all the people to get back to their own lives. Grandpa was not a man who could share his sadness with others, and we were all 12 about him. During the rest of the summer, we stayed busy working. I thought there was something different about Grandpa but couldn't tell exactly 13 it was.

    September was near, and I had to leave. 14 I drove down the driveway, he waved to me and then walked to the gate to start the morning check.

    One and a half months later, Mom called me at university on a windy 15 day to tell me Grandpa had died. He died of a stroke, the same as Grandma.


    Once upon a time, on Christmas Eve, Scrooge sat in his office. The door of his office was open. He wanted to keep his eyes on his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Bob sat in a cold, gloomy, little cell. Scrooge had a very small fire, but Bob's was even smaller. Bob couldn't add any more coal because Scrooge kept the coal scuttle in his room.

    "A Merry Christmas, uncle!" cried a happy voice. It was Scrooge's nephew Fred.

    "Bah!" said Scrooge. "Humbug! Merry Christmas! What reason have you got to be merry? You are poor." "OK, then," replied Fred cheerfully. "What reason have you got to be sad? You are rich. Don't be cross, Uncle!".

    "I live in a world of fools. What's Christmas time to you? It's a time for paying bills without money. It's a time for finding yourself a year older, but no richer." said Scrooge.

    "Uncle," said Fred, "I have always thought of Christmas time as a kind, charitable, happy time. And so, Uncle, although Christmas has never put any gold or silver in my pocket, I think it has done me good. And it will do me good. And I say, God bless it!"

    The clerk in the cell applauded. Then realizing hismistake, he poked the fire and put out the last little spark forever.

    Then Scrooge's nephew invited him to have dinner the next day, but he refused. As his nephew left the room, two kind old gentlemen came in.

    "At Christmas time, Mr Scrooge," said the gentleman, "we should give to the poor who have no shelter or food. They really suffer at this time of year."

    "Are there no prisons? And the workhouses? Are they still in operation?" asked Scrooge.

    "They are, but I wish they were not." replied the gentleman. "We don't think that workhouses do enough for people. Many people prefer to die than to go there. So we are trying to raise money to buy the poor some clothes and food. What shall I put you down for?"

    "Nothing. Let them die. There are too many people in the world anyway. Good afternoon, gentlemen!" Scrooge said. The gentlemen left. And Scrooge felt pleased with himself.

—Taken fromA Christmas Carol


    Who is Li Ziqi? For 7 million YouTube viewers and 20 million Weibo users, it's easy to answer. The 29-year-old vlogger's videos about her country life recently went viral (走红). Her fans call her "the goddess of nature".

    She is worthy of this title. Cooking, painting, designing, farming ... she practises and is master of many kinds of skills. In her videos, Li wears hanfu that she made herself. She also rearssilkwormsin order to sew quilts. Li grows plants as well. She is often seen preparing meals with vegetables picked from her backyard. She eats a seasonal diet.

    "She performs the work of a farmer with the grace (优雅) of a fairy (仙子)," the South China Morning Post said.

    Li was raised by her grandparents in a small village in Sichuan province. When she was 14, she went to the city to work, but returned to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her sick grandmother.

    To make a living, Li runs an online store. At first, she just used her videos to advertise her products. But the simple pleasures she presented quickly won her many fans. "In such a tech-driven age, where everything comes so quickly, it's beautiful to watch such a slow process unfold (展现) without her getting stressed," one of her fans said online.

    For her global audience, what is even more interesting is Li's deep knowledge of food, nature and Chinese culture. "I can see how good Chinese people are at cooking! I never thought of preserving (保存) meat like that!" one foreign fan wrote on YouTube.

    As China Daily said, Li shows the world that Chinese people love good food and are good at making art out of the simplest materials. With her videos, she has spread Chinese culture to the world.


    On a sunny day last January, people got together at a parking lot in Las Vegas to see small vehicles that looked more like colorful eggs than ordinary cars. These vehicles were electric, ran on two wheels instead of four and held only two passengers. Thanks to their tiny size, six of the vehicles would fit in a parking spot. If the idea of parking such a small car makes you nervous, don't worry: these cars can park themselves. And they can return to their owners when controlled by a button on a cellphone.

    The vehicle is called the EN-V(Electric Networked-Vehicle). It is built by General Motors, or GM, and it points to what future vehicles might be like. It is designed to be energy-saving, solve environmental problems and help ease traffic jams, parking and safety concerns. The automaker says its next concept car(概念车) will help drivers get whatever they want. According to GM, the company has also designed an electric vehicle named Lean Machine. However, it is a small three-wheeler and this single-seater vehicle looks like a motorcycle. One day, such small, electric vehicles might safely carry people around, especially in crowded cities.

    Scientists and engineers are finding new ways to make cars safer, smarter and more efficient, or use less energy. New cars may help you keep track of your health by reminding you to take medicine. If it's electric, your car may send you a message reminding you to recharge it. Cars will talk to other cars, your computer, your phone and your iPad. They'll help drivers save energy, watch out for other drivers and avoid walkers on the streets.

    This is the future of vehicles: safer, smarter and more energy-saving. Besides, they might even drive themselves down the highway or through a city. You can sit back and enjoy the ride.


    An anti-smoking ban(禁烟令) took effect on Jan 1, 2019 in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, stopping e-cigarett (e电子烟) use in the same place where smoking is not allowed. You have to pay a fine of up to 20,000 yuan if you break the rule. While the use of e-cigarettes is allowed in many other cities, is it necessary to do so? Let's share our readers' opinions.

    Andrew (US) Smoking of all kinds should be banned. Smoking is a silent killer which not just kills the smokers but also the people around the smokers.

    Li Wei (China) Not only does the e-cigarette not help smokers to give up smoking, but also it encourages young and old nonsmokers to start smoking, and finally they will smoke the real thing! And the smoke from e-cigarettes is just as bad for the health of others who do not smoke!

    Edward (Canada) E-cigarette is another choice to smoking. I picked one up two years ago, and have not had a real cigarette since that day. As a matter of fact, I still have four packages of Zhonghua sitting on my shelf to remind me of that bad habit that I started over 40 years.

    Wang Lei (China) E-cigarette might be better than real cigarettes, but they still are very closely related to cigarettes. E-cigarette not only causes dangerous side effects(副作用) but also harms the people around you through second-hand smoking.

    Chris (US) People use e-cigarettes to give up smoking. I'm all for banning their sales to kids. Nicotine(尼古丁) is harmful, but if they're going to smoke anyway, aren't e-cigarettes better than real cigarettes?

Should e-smoking be banned in public?


    Stopping e-cigarette became effective in Hangzhou. You have to pay at.

   20,000 yuan if you smoke e-cigarettes in non-smoking places?

and opinions


    Al kinds of smoking is notSmoking killsthe smokers and the people around them.

Li Wei

    The e-cigarette is.to smokers to give up smoking. On the other-hand itnonsmokers to start smoking!


    I used e-cigarette.of real ones. It really helps me get rid of this bad habit.…

Wang Lei

    E-cigarette-not only causes side-effects but-also isto the people-around you.


    People use e-cigarettes tosmoking E-cigarettes are betterthey don't have nicotine.
