组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-02
词汇测试i)从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。
词汇测试ii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。
                                                                     What's better for learning, hands-on projects or tests?
    We did a survey about two days to study in our school. 73% of the students prefer hands-on (动手的) projects while the rest think tests are better for learning. Here are four students' ideas.
    Hands-on projects require time and hard work to complete. It teaches kids not to put things off. Some kids might get bored and be less interested in studying for a test. Studying also doesn't prepare you as much for the future, since jobs at times will have more difficult tasks than simply studying for a test Also, completing a project is good for spending time with your friends or family.
    With a hands-on project you can be creative while you learn. It's also a lot more fun than sitting at a desk with flash cards, memorizing information they'll forget about after the test. Besides, with a hands-on project you can learn more than you expected, like problem solving, creativity, and different ways of thinking.
    When people study, they remember what was in the book. If they know they have a test, they will most likely take notes on all the important information to help them with the test, so they will learn it better.
    I think kids learn better studying for tests. If you actually sit and study what you are supposed to learn, you will remember it. Hands-on projects might end up making a kid feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and if you are stressed, you might not learn as much



    Liang Xianghua, a 22-year-old girl from Guangxi University, has been well-known in China for her sand painting since her first work was used by CCTV.
    "Sand paintings really attracted me while I was watching a videoperformance, I was surprised by how this artwork melted people's heart in minutes" said Liang. "I fell in love with the way the sand pictures, music and the light combined(融合)with each other to make a flow of emotion(情感). You can express things freely."
    In order to master the skills, Liang practised for several hours every day. She said that she couldn't even do the first step well of throwing sand onto the glass. But she didn't give up.
    After finding success with her first show, she was invited to do many performances. This made her quite tired. She decided to give a stop and focus on her study. But an invitation from Malaysia changed her mind just asshe was about to wash the sand from her hands. This spring, she was invited by a Malaysia middle school to give a performance. Liang didn't want to do a live show, but agreed to do a video for the school, showing its development over the years.
    She received praise for her work and the performance was described as an eye-opener for the students. This made her wonder if her art would be more meaningful if she made it for the poor students.
    As a volunteer this time, she plans to take part in a summer programme offering help to pupils in a mountain area, and give the most wonderful show in her life.


Dear daughters,
    Most parents tell their children, "You can be anything you want when you grow up." I feel the same and I say this often. But I also want you to understand that the dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing.
    Girls, here are some words of wisdom(智慧)as you make your way in the world, from your mom.
    Be open-minded to changing your path (even several times) along the way.
    In high school, I wanted to be an official. I left my hometown and entered a college in Washington D.C. There, I discovered that I'm creative, a strong leader and great at marketing. As a result, I moved on to the head of a national organization. Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to starting a business. Now I run a successful company I started up all by myself.
    Work out what you are good at and what you are interested in. Keep an open mind and change what you are doing based on what you are learning about yourself.
    Failure is very important to your success.
    I won't tell you to feel good about failure. Failure can be heartbreaking. But I will tell you that every failure I've had along the way has certainly made me better.
    Failing the big math exam in high school and going to summer school were embarrassing. I finally passed, and I've never failed an exam again. I learned from that experience to ask for help. Now, I ask for help in business all the time.
    I'm proud to be a role model to you as a mom and a company owner. I hope I can help you believe you can be anything you want and you can have everything on your list. I will be very glad to watch your lives unfold before my eyes.
Your mom

    In a small house outside London lives an old man. People often see him look his flowers in his garden all the time.

    One day, a young painter (go) by the old man's house. He looked at the nice garden and the special room, picturing how happy he would be if he lived in such a (beauty) place. Suddenly he found the old gardener (terrible) blind. Shocked, he walked to the old man and asked, “Why are you taking care of the flowers every day which you can't see in fact?” The old man smiled, “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was gardener when I was young and I really love this job. Second, although I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last, it's you.”

    “Me? But you don't know me.” answered the painter, still puzzled.

    “Yeah, it's true that I don't know you. I know flowers are gifts which everyone loves. And the beauty of my garden will get many people into a good mood.” answered the old man.

    The words of the gardener warm me with (please). He looked after the flowers (make) others enjoy the warm sunshine in spring. He can't see the beautiful flowers he planted, just like Beethoven, who can't hear his wonderful music .

    The old man is alone but not lonely. All of his flowers are his friends and neighbors. They (grow) in his heart. I believe that he can hear the voice of them.
