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备战2020年中考英语专题复习——阅读理解 1(真题)

日期: 2024-07-03

    "I'm going to bed earlier tomorrow!" But no matter how we decide, there are still many chances that we break our promises.

    This behavior is called "bedtime procrastination"(睡眠拖延症), and results from being short of self﹣control and our body clock.

    Bedtime procrastination is a common problem. According to a study, Among 2, 400 people, 53 percent of them couldn't follow their sleeping time they had planned, delaying(推迟)it at least twice a week. They delayed bedtime not because they liked to stay up late, but they couldn't stop doing some other things.

    Accordingly, People who usually have trouble resisting temptations(抵制诱惑) and adhering to their intentions(坚持己见) are more likely to delay going to bed.

    However, scientists think being short of self﹣control is not the only problem. Our body clock also lays an important role when it comes to bedtime.

    In order to check the influence of the body clock on sleep, scientists studied the sleep patterns (t模式)of 108 people. It was found that those who got up late are more likely to delay their bedtime than those who woke up early every morning.

    And more surprisingly, night owls(夜猫子)would go to bed late at the very beginning of the weekday, even though they had to get up early for work and school. It's their special body clock that plays a part in delaying their bedtime.

    People always think that bedtime procrastination isn't a big problem, but the choices we make that affect (影响)our sleep could finally be pretty important for our health.


    At about 6 p.m. on Saturday, a forest fire broke out in a village in Mu Li, Liangshan. The local government acted quickly and 689 people were sent to put out the fire. Fire groups were fighting the fire on Sunday when a sudden change of wind direction caused "a huge fireball". 27 firefighters and 3 locals lost their lives. Most of the firefighters were in their twenties and two of them were less than twenty, though several were older. Their death touched our hearts all over China. There is reason enough to regard them as heroes. President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and many other leaders cared for the heroes and expressed condolence to the heroes' families and friends.

    We should remember all the heroes and their spirit, bravery showed in fighting the fire. As the old saying goes:a nation is lost without its memories. Forest fires are common in spring, rules to prevent fires have come out in Liangshan. Many experts believe there are some reasons for forest fires. The first reason is weather change. Warmer and drier weather leads to dangerous fire conditions. Next, lightening is another reason. Dry grass and trees easily catch fire. Finally, hot winds add to the possibility of forest fires. The wind spreads a fire quickly. However, 90% of forest fires are caused by humans, according to a report. Forest fires can burn at over 9000C and reach heights of more than 50 meters. Forest fires can move at speeds of up to 23 kilometers an hour, burning everything—trees, brush, homes, even people... Experts remind people to be careful during the holiday of Qingming, known as Tomb Sweeping Day. Millions of people travel to their homes during the holiday, so the risks of fires in mountains are high.

    In order to keep the heart-broken lesson in mind, we should stop fires from happening again.


    When Reginald Johnston, a British scholar (学者) , first walked into the Forbidden City in 1919, most palaces weren't allowed to visit. But a century later, when the People' Republic of China is to celebrate its 70th founding anniversary (周年纪念) in October, the 599-year-old palace complex (宫殿群) becomes the world's busiest museum.

    Open to the public

    In the old days, ordinary people could only imagine what it looked like inside. When the Palace Museum was founded in 1925, the public could go into the palaces. Now 80% of the total area of the museum is open to the public and it will increase to 8500 in 2025.

    Embracing (拥抱) the world

    "It felt like you were hit by hundreds of years of history," Christopher Allen from Britain said. "I begin to love its history and culture.”

The Forbidden City is becoming more open and friendly to visitors. It attracted about 3. 5 million visitors from abroad and 9 overseas (海外的) exhibitions were held in 2018. The Palace Museum exhibition becomes a cultural phenomenon (文化现象) everywhere it goes.

Attracting the youth

    On the Palace Museum's online store on Taobao, you can find more than 10, 000 cultural products. The ones with cute and humorous pictures of emperors are very popular.

    Some favourite products also go offline. For example, the "Kangxi Emperor's Favourite Chocolate", the most popular drink, always has people lining up (排队) to get a taste.

    As a child, Xu Jing often rode a bike in front of the Meridian Gate (午门) . "I had little memory of the museum then, but now I am more willing to visit it after watching several popular TV shows about the museum," she said.
