组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03

    Children remain 'bundles of joy' all over the world. We love their innocence and their need is our command. But have you ever been 1 to their healing powers?

    A good lady friend of mine, a school teacher, had2 her beloved husband in a tragic car accident. She had been enjoying a3married life only for two and a half years when tragedy(悲剧)struck.

    No one was able to 4my friend. She stopped attending her school job,5 to communicate with anyone and6 instantly. As 7we tried our best to bring her out of the dark and 8home but she refused stubbornly till her school principal, a9person visited her one day. He 10 her to get back to school and commented that the11of children would bring her peace of mind as nothing else could. Unwillingly, my friend started 12school again, after nearly three or four months. I met her after a month and this is the time I was quite 13. Where was that depressed soul who I met last time? Here was my friend, back to her old self-happy, humorous and hill of 14. When I asked her about the 15of returning to where she belonged, she squarely put the 16 onto the children in the school with whom she spent a better part of her day.

    This 17 left a deep impression in my mind and I started to explore deeper into the18of healing powers of children. My friend gave me many inputs to my study and she19that the more time you spend with people who are innocent, who give you unconditional love, the more joy and peace of mind you can get, 20 during the troubled times.


Item 1

You thought your curved TV was cool? The LG Signature OLED TV R is a 65-inch 4K TV that is, unlike your lame and rigid screen, rollable, and can retract(收回)into its base when you're not enjoying it. While you can control it using either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, the TV R also supports Apple's AirPlay 2 and HomeKit.

Item 2

Gaming laptops aren't new, but they usually lack power compared to their beefier desktop counterparts. Nvidia's latest announcement changes that, and brings the desktop-class power found in its RTX line of graphics cards to laptops. More than 40 laptop models will turn up by the end of the month with RTX graphics cards inside, which can produce more realistic graphics and boost performance for the most gamers.

Item 3

If sleeping is harder than it should be, the Dreem band might be able to help you figure out what you're doing wrong. The Dreem band is a fabric-covered headband that wraps around your head and uses a combination of sensors like the ones in your Apple Watch to detect various biometrics like your heart rate and respiration activity. It also uses bone conduction to communicate audio cues to you privately.

Item 4

Samsung's shown off its Micro LED technology in the past, using it to build The Wall, a 146-inch TV. The company's now showing off a smaller Micro LED TV. Using Samsung's Micro LED panels, you can create a variety of display sizes supporting different aspect ratios, going from an ultra-wide 21:9 screen to a perfectly square 1:1 display without losing image quality.


    Reasons Every Teen Should Go To Summer Camp

    ⒈ Improve Interpersonal Skills & Form Close Friendships

    In a world where anyone can look up a fact and where machines are replacing even complex workplace tasks, employers need employees who can interact effectively with other people. This is one of the most important skills teens learn at camp. In the non-competitive camp culture, teens build up their "emotional intelligence"(EQ), their face-to-face communication and relationship skills.

    ⒉ Experience Character Development and Develop Life Skills

Teens develop other important life skills at camp, including independence, responsibility, and decision-making. Teens grow considerably in environment away from their parents where they are forced to live on their own and find their own resources.

    ⒊ Meet Positive Role Models

    Walk into any well-run summer camp and you'll be surrounded by wholesome, outdoorsy young people. Camp offers teens the opportunity to be among young adults who are positive role models and to form close relationships with them. Most camp counselors are hard-working college students who want to serve others. Aren't they just the kind of young adults you want your teen to become?

    ⒋ Discover Their Best Self

    Camp experiences offer teens the chance to step back from the tiring task of academic and competitive sports and instead think about what's important to them. Many campers become less self-absorbed after spending a few weeks at camp, learning to train their focus on others. They discover new hobbies and avenues to pursue in education and their future careers.


    For as long as there have been gifts, we naturally make choices based on the recipient(接受者). But what if we have been wrong all along and that we could turn things around, which not only made gift buying easier, but the recipient happier?

    In 2015, psychologists Lauren Human and Lara Aknin conducted an online survey, which suggested that when people buy gifts, they prefer to choose something based on the recipient's personality and tastes. Most people also said that they preferred receiving gifts bought with them in mind: gifts for them.

    But Human and Aknin wondered if this approach to giving failed to take advantage of the way we connect as people. So they sent 78 volunteers into a shopping centre before Mother's Day. Half were told to buy a card that "reveals(揭示)your knowledge of the recipient" while the others set out to buy a card that "reveals your true self". After the purchase, the givers who had thought partly of themselves reported feeling emotionally closer to their mothers.

    To find out how that approach goes down with recipients, the psychologists did another test, asking more than 100 students to choose a song on iTunes to give to a friend, partner or family member. Each half of the group received the same instructions as the card buyers. Results revealed that recipients of songs that revealed something of the givers felt closer tothemthan those who received gifts bought only withthemin mind.

    Human and Aknin suggest it might apply to all gifts. "If building stronger social connections is the underlying(潜在的)goal" of a gift and surely it should be—then we "may well be advised to offer more self-reflective gifts". In short, for a present to be meaningful, you need to give away a bit of yourself, even if there is a risk that the gift might not so closely suit the recipient's practical needs or tastes as one acquired purely with that in mind.

    Moreover, giving something of oneself can be a safer act, the psychologists added. Because it reduces the risk of revealing poor knowledge of a recipient by attempting to buy something that fits their character—and failing.

    But a note of caution here: what the research does not examine is the potential risk in repeated, unsympathetic giver-centered giving, which, according to Human and Aknin "could signal self-obsession" —and nobody wants to reveal that about themselves.


    Shelly hugged her husband. "Be careful, Billy."

    "Come on, Shell!" Bill rolled his eyes. "You worry too much, Honey. Me and the boys will be OK. It's just a three—day trip. We'll catch enough halibut to be able to fix up the baby's room the way you want it."

    "Billy, I love you and worry every time you go to sea, especially in winter."

    "Shell, I promise I'll be careful. I may be the youngest captain in this port, but I'm the most careful. I learned at the helm of Daddy's boat, which I was practically raised on."

    They hugged again. Bill planted a tender kiss on her cheek, rested his open palm on her slightly swollen stomach, "Besides, I need to be here. Little Billy will need his daddy." Shelly slapped him on the shoulder. "It's Billy Jean and you know it."

    Bill laughed, "Not on my watch, Girl. I gave you a boy to take over as captain."

Their laughter broke the tension. "I have to go, Shell. See you in a few days?" He turned to leave and then turned back, reached into the pocket of his heavy coat and pulled out an envelope." I almost forgot. Here's my letter?"

    Shelly took the crisp envelope and slipped into the pocket of her dress. "Thanks, Billy." It had been their custom since they started dating. Billy gave her a note before he went to sea. She wasn't allowed to open it until the next day. He usually wrote of love or sometimes something silly - both made her smile. She wrote a reply and left it on the kitchen table for him. Reading her reply was the first thing he did when he came home.

    She watched as her husband walked the length of the pier to where the forty-five foot "Shelly Girl" and his crew waited. He gave a final wave and climbed aboard.

    Shelly stood by their pickup truck and watched until the boat rounded the point and disappeared from view. "I love you, Billy." she whispered. "Be safe."①

That evening, five hundred miles to the south, a small winter depression moved north along the Atlantic coast of the USA. Experts found an unexpected change in the jet stream, which would make the small depression become a raging winter storm.②

    Shelly woke in the morning and listened to the weather report on the battered radio sitting on kitchen table. The phone rang. "Hello."


    "Hi, Gail!" She recognized the voice of her friend, who was the wife of one of Billy's crew. "Have you heard the weather?"

    "Hang on a second. I just turned the radio on." Shelly's face paled as she heard the weather person say a major winter depression had moved into the area. "Oh crap!"

    "That's what I said too."

    "They'll be OK, Gail. They're experienced fishermen." Shelly said to Gail. "It was an attempt to convince herself that her man would be safe." ③

    Off the south shore of Nova Scotia, Bill struggled to control the Shelly Girl in the growing waves. Wind and water attacked Bill and his crew from all directions. The forty-and fifty-foot walls of water were too much of a challenge for the young captain.

    The force of the water flipped the boat over, tore the wheelhouse off and tossed Bill and his crew into the icy Atlantic.

    The water, only a few degrees above the freezing point, soon overcame Bill's will to live. "Shelly!

    He took a last painful breath of salt water and slipped below the surface.④

    The crisp envelope bent beneath her fingers as she laid it on her lap and read. "Shelly, you are my life, my love and soon-to-be mother of our son-girl if that is what you really want. I'll always come home."

    Shelly reached for the pen in her dress pocket. Tears dripped from her face and stained the paper she wrote on, "________."

    Her note sits on their kitchen table still—never read.


Hollywood Producers Look to Chinese Culture

    An increasing number of Hollywood producers have in recent years released film posters for Chinese audiences, showing their attention to the country's film market. The film posters are typically drawn in a traditional Chinese style, including Chinese cultural features and emphasizing Chinese landscape paintings, historic landmarks and so on.

    China's movie box office revenue increased by nine percent in 2018, according to the State Film Administration. Foreign films account for almost half of all movies in the Chinese market, but their earning power is not as strong as it once was.

    "The Chinese film industry has gained momentum(动力)in recent years, and its box office performance is quite impressive. More and more foreign filmmakers have paid attention to the domestic market, and the combination of Chinese and Western elements in film publicity is a clever idea to attract viewers, " said Zhang Chengguang, an Anhui Normal University professor.

    Chinese paper-cutting, orjianzhi, is a kind of folk art that uses scissors or knives to cut paper for decorations and other folk activities. Paper-cutting artwork is always made with red paper, as red is associated with festivities and happiness in Chinese culture, which symbolizes luck and happiness. The posters for animated superhero filmsKungFuPanda3 andSpider-Man:IntotheSpider-Versegive us great examples of Chinese paper-cutting, right in time for the Spring Festival.

WaterMargin,JourneytotheWest,RomanceoftheThreeKingdomsandDreamoftheRedChamberare four novels that form the core of Chinese classical literature and still inform modern culture. As with the works of Dante or Shakespeare in Europe, these books are touchstones in Chinese literary culture, and are never-ending resources for Chinese film and TV adaptations and recreations. Kung fu masters appear regularly in these novels, which have influenced a number of Western superhero films and their promotional posters.

    Many critics consider landscape painting to be the highest form of Chinese art, and the most popular form to display Chinese culture to the West. Chinese landscape painting refers to a style of traditional Chinese painting that involves or describes scenery or natural landscapes, using brushes and ink rather than more conventional paints. Many Western filmmakers therefore choose to launch film posters set against the backdrop of Chinese landscape paintings, catching a sense of elegance and oriental beauty.

    Chinese landmarks continue to welcome more and more visitors. These landmarks, in a certain sense, represent the best of Chinese history and culture. Spider-Man has taken photos with iconic Chinese skyscrapers and at historic scenic spots—places known by almost everyone in China. The posters will become a selling point for the filmSpider-Man:Homecoming, with people perhaps wondering what's going on with Spider-Man and famous Chinese landmarks before buying their tickets.

Hollywood Producers Look to Chinese Culture


More and more Hollywood producers are trying to  to Chinese audiences by releasing film posters with Chinese elements.

 for Hollywood producers showing interest in Chinese culture

●2018  an increase of nine percent in China's movie box office revenue.

●Foreign films' earning power is weaker than it used to be, though they and the domestic films are present in the Chinese market in roughly  proportions.

●The rapid development of the Chinese film industry interests an increasing number of foreign filmmakers.

●The idea of joining Chinese and Western cultures together when  the films is clever and attractive.

Common Chinese elements  in foreign film posters

Chinese paper-cutting

●It is a traditional Chinese folk art form using scissors or knives to cut red paper for decorations and folk activities and the red color involved  for luck and happiness.

●It was applied to the posters ofKungFuPanda3 andSpider-Man:IntotheSpider-Verse.

Four classic Chinese novels

●They are of great importance in the history of Chinese literary.

●They have been adapted for many Chinese film and TV works.

●Many foreign films and posters are  by kung fu masters in them.

Chinese landscape paintings

●Many critics regard it as the highest form of Chinese art and the most popular one to expose foreigners to Chinese culture.

●It is a style of painting  on scenery or natural landscapes with brushes and ink instead of paints.

●Foreign film posters use it to capture a sense of elegance and Eastern beauty.

Chinese landmarks

●They are partly the best  of Chinese history and culture.

●They appear in the poster of the filmSpider-ManHomecomingto attract viewers.
