组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    In the 1930s, Dan West was farming in Spain. It was wartime, and people were getting very hungry. As he handed out cups of milk to children, an idea hit him. "These children don't need a cup. They need a cow." This was the start of Heifer International.

    Send Some Cows

    Do you think a nice gift is a bike or a CD? Heifer International gives different kinds of presents. Its presents might say "quack" or "moo." Dan West asked friends in the United States to give gifts of heifers (小母牛), or young cows. Since then, Heifer International has given animals to four million families. It gives people the chance to feed themselves.


    Heifer International wants the people they help to help others. For one project, the group sent chickens to some children in Asia. The children looked forward to the day when they could help others. Nine-year-old Julie said, "I want other girls like me to take care of chickens and their families. I want to share and give many away." Julie knew she had totendto her chickens well so they would make new eggs and healthy chicks. She took good care of them, and they gave birth to strong, healthy chicks. Julie then passed on the gift of chicks to other families.

    Let Children L earn

    Because of Heifer International, children can spend their days in a schoolhouse instead of working in the fields. They can use the money they get from their animals to pay for school. Heifer International has changed many people's lives for many years, thanks to a kindhearted farmer named Dan West.


A. There is still life in the desert

B. There are many deserts in the world

C. Some of deserts are very cold

D. Almost all of the deserts are low and flat

E. Little rain falls in the desert

F. Not all deserts are flat and sandy

    You probably know some basic facts about deserts (沙漠). For example, most people know that deserts are dry places where more water evaporates (蒸发) each year than falls even with heavy rain. However, there are many facts about deserts that you may not know. Reading the following may help you find out more about these unusual areas.


    Most deserts have less than 10 inches of rain each year. However, in some deserts of South American, it is true that rain almost never falls. In one desert in Chile, no rain has fallen for 45 years in a row! All the rain falls within a single month!


Temperatures in deserts can reach above 37.8℃ during the day, but can fall below zero at night. Areas that are too cold for anything to grow are called "frigid deserts." Other deserts are cold for long periods. The Gobi in Asia has icy temperatures for as long as six months at a time.


    Although deserts can be low and flat, some have rocky hills and even mountains. Some also have lakes and plains covered with small rocks. Sand makes up only about 2 percent of North American deserts, 10 percent of the Sahara in northern Africa, and 30 percent of the Arabian Desert.


    To survive in a dry desert environment, plants and animals, including humans, must make some adaptation. Desert plants cannot grow too close together because each plant would not get enough water. Other animals stay in holes underground or rest in the shade during the heat of the day.


    Deserts cover about one fifth of Earth's land area. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara. The Sahara stretches from the Atlantic Ocean eastward to the Red Sea, spreading across parts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania. It covers an area about the size of the United States.


    When a fire alarm goes off, you know it! The sound makes you realize the1. What if you were deaf? How would you know if an alarm2, or if someone knocked on your door? If you took a walk3a busy street, you wouldn't hear the sound of a car coming at you. A signal dog could help you with all of these things!

    Signal dogs are also called hearing ear dogs. They help people who are deaf by acting4their owners' "ears". They know5to do when they hear certain sounds. These dogs can learn up to eight sounds,6sounds from sirens, doorbells, and crying babies.

    Babies cry at night for many reasons. They might be hungry,7, or wet. When they cry, the sound is pitiful! Even very sleepy parents will wake up quickly to help. But what if a mom and dad can't hear? That's when a signal dog can help. The dog can8wake his owner up. He might9him with his nose, or pull at his night clothes. When his10wakes up, the dog runs to the baby. The dog may sit down near the baby's bed. If his owner doesn't11, the dog does it again. The dog will run back and forth12his owner takes action. A signal dog does different things for each sound it knows.

    People can train many13and kinds of hearing ear dogs. They look different and may not all move with beauty and grace, but all signal dogs are smart! Large dogs are14in public places because they won't get stepped on. Small dogs, however, can jump on your lap. Why is that important? Because signal dogs are more than just "ears". They are also15.
