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外研版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 4 Period 2同步练习1

日期: 2024-10-04

comedy  anime  news programme  sports show  documentary  handy  exciting  wonder  stress  use a good laugh

    Lily loves natural science and she enjoys watching about science and nature, especially those by BBC. One of her favorites is Blue Planet Ⅱ, which shows the of our ocean and mysterious life of ocean creatures. Another is Big Cats, in which there are incredibly amazing clips about wild animals. Watching these shows inspires her a lot.

    It is not unusual for today's teenagers to fall in love with Take my friend Jack as an example. He always wants to know what is going on around the world and his special interest is in economy and politics, which, according to him, will prepare him for his future career as a politician. And of course, he believes the traffic and weather reports attached very .

    I am personally into .They are not all for kids and some of them contain content such as friendship, loyalty, bravery and determination. It is relaxing for me to watch some of my favorites in my spare time. It really saves me from my daily study.

    Boys and girls in my class love sports. Every weekend they watch .When they are back to school, they gather around and share moments and their favourite stars. Even for those who have little interest in sports, these sharings can be very thrilling!

    My brother loves . He is always busy with his work and under a lot of pressure. So he can really every now and then to lighten his burden.


    China on Monday asked video sites to clean up cartoons recently uploaded online that use cartoon characters in improper and violent situations.

    The National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications(NOAPIP) said in a statement on Monday that it had launched a nationwide campaign to crack down on the harmful videos." We'll keep an eye out for whether those websites carry out self-examination and clean up the videos. Any company that fails to take on its responsibility and continues spreading the videos will be severely punished, "it said.

    The recent action was sparked by the translation of an English article, which was published on social network Reddit and wentviralon Chinese social media. The article describes the author's experience working in an animation firm that makes cartoon copies of popular children's characters, typically Spiderman, Elsa and Sponge Bob into scenes of violence or something improper to attract children to watch. The videos were shared on You Tube. Foreign media has reported that You Tube started closing the related accounts and declared that it had deleted more than 150, 000 videos. Whether true or false. The article made people more concerned about harmful videos on the Internet, especially those for children.

The capital also launched a campaign against online games that distort Chinese history, discredit heroes, violate the national religious policy, or promote violence or crime, to develop a healthy network environment for children.


    Spain's Royal Theatre and China's National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) have signed agreement on exchange of audiovisual materials through an online platform. The agreement will allow consumers to view materials on demand.

    "The NCPA will offer one opera and four concerts live, as well as five documentaries to present them on the platform. With the launch of this project, viewers from several countries will be able to view them on the Internet," said Wang Ning, the president of the NCPA.

    Wang Ning also said the agreement was positive for both institutions because "culture is connected". "We are going to present the classical operas of the world to the Chinese audience, and we also want to introduce some Chinese operas to the world to help the exchange between different cultures. It doesn't matter if it is from the East or the West. Art has a common character," he added.

    The Royal Theatre, which opened in 1850, is now considered to be the most important centre for classical music, opera and ballet in Spain. The agreement is another step towards greater collaboration between the two institutions which have enjoyed a close relationship for several years. He said the relationship between the Royal Theatre and China had received an importantboostfollowing the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan to the theatre on 28 November 2018 during their official visit to Spain.

    "We are working to take flamenco(弗拉明科舞) to China, to carry out Joint university projects and exchange activities so our respective people can see how each other works," he explained.


    If you don't like to watch films in the theatre, try to make a" home theatre"! Here are some tips for you to prepare your space and get ready!

    Choose a space for your" home theatre" But it should be a space where you can watch a film undisturbed for a few hours. Ideally, it should be a quiet space with curtains that allow you to block out light. Your bedroom could also work as your" home theatre". Watching a film in your bed is a super comfortable option.

Set up a TV, projector, or computer. Of course, your "home theatre" will need a screen to display your film. However, if you are enjoying a film alone, you can watch directly from your computer or tablet.

    A good view of the screen is the key to enjoying a film. Make sure the chairs and couches are positioned for a great view. Sitting too close to the screen is bad for your eyes while sitting too far away can make it difficult to see. If you are watching a film with others, make sure that everyone can get a good view from different spots.

    Dim the lights. If you want to have a better experience of watching films at home, a dark environment is important. Don't forget to turn off or dim your overhead lights and lamps, and close curtains if it's light outside.

    Light and sounds from a phone can be extremely distracting. Turn off or silence your phone, and have others do the same. One good idea is to have your fellow film watchers place their phones in a bowl in the centre of the room. The first one to take his or her phone during the film has to pay for everyone's drinks and snacks for the rest of the night.


A. This means you have to separate a room as a "home theatre".

B. Flat screen TVs work best for areas with bright light, like a living room.

C. Turn phones off

D. Create a quiet environment and keep silent.

E. Now everything is ready! Go and enjoy your film!

F. This doesn't have to be a room specially used to watch films.

G. Move furniture for the best viewing experience, if necessary.


    In spite of not claiming to be "a fan of contests", Chen Geng, the champion of the Chinese Classical Poetry Quiz Show, impressed the audience. She has participated in all four seasons 1the first TV show began in 2016. "When I stood on stage, I was very2, feeling like every cell in my body was boiling, because I was talking about what I cared much about," she says.

    Chen 3 poetry just a few years before when she was a 21-year-old postgraduate. She could remember the day when she4 picked up a book about the Tang Dynasty poems written by Jiang Xun. She was attracted by the book immediately.

    Most of her free time was5reading and reciting ancient Chinese poems-before breakfast, on the underground, and during summer and winter holidays. A couple of years later, she applied to6the poetry quiz show to test her capabilities.

    She is the only one of the7 who has been8 every season since 2016. She says she did worry if the audience would get 9her face. "The audience10have thought: 'It's her again.' But I decided to come, because I believe the time I can be fully devoted to poetry is11. I may not have so much time doing this after I become a busy wife and mother".

    The poetry world seem far away from Chen's academic(学术的) study. Her research 12 is to develop wearable smart devices for rehabilitation(复原) purposes. Yet, Chen says her poetry-reading and her major did not 13each other. "Sometimes I would feel 14when facing difficulties in scientific research. Poems gave me 15,"she says.

    Peking University offers an open environment for students to develop their various hobbies, according to Chen. There are poetry clubs, debating and public speaking clubs and other culture-related societies16groups for students to choose from. "I really 17the academic atmosphere in the university, which enables us to do what we like freely, with an open and inclusive(兼收并蓄的) attitude," Chen says.

    She became a celebrity18the poetry show. She hopes she can influence more people, especially encouraging teenagers to foster a keen interest in poems. Chen 19 her first book about her thoughts and understanding about poetry in 2017. She also writes articles forBeijing Evening Newsand discusses Chinese poems on Tik Tok, a platform for sharing videos, on which she has over130,00020.

    "Reading poems opens a door to the new world without boundaries, "Chen says.
