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人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions同步习题1

日期: 2024-09-27

    It was a cold morning, and Eduardo Ortega was nervous. He held a large envelope. In it was his dream.

    "This is everything," he said. "I've worked for this since I was a young boy."

Eduardo remembered the long hours working in the fields, picking strawberries and beans. After the workday, his tired friends drank coffee or slept. Eduardo studied, read, and wrote poetry and short stories. Although he missed many classes, he became the school's best student.

    One school year, Eduardo wrote an essay (文章) and won a prize - a flying trip to San Francisco. As he flew, he felt free from his life of hard work in the fields. He promised himself not to return to that life. He loved to fly.

    This morning, Eduardo caught the school bus and went to school with the envelope. He walked past his classmates and sat down at his desk. He opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside. It was the answer to his application to the state university. It was also the answer to the beginning of his dream of becoming a pilot.

    Even though Eduardo worked to help his family, his father always encouraged him to go to school. So, while he worked, he also studied.

    Eduardo knew that his dream was his father's dream, too. His father was a smart man, but he was too poor to go to college. He loved to read, but never had time, because he worked long hours.

    Now, as Eduardo read the words, "Congratulations... you have been accepted," he knew that his dream was not lost. One day, he would be a pilot, flying every day to all the exciting places in the world.


    Banff National Park is Canada's first national park. In 1883, on the Canadian Rocky Mountains, three railway workers discovered a natural hot spring, and from there the park was born. Nowadays, it is one of the world's popular tourist spots with great mountain scenery. Every year, millions of people visit it for its wonderful views.

Banff National Park is part of UNESCO's Canadian Rocky Mountain World Heritage site. Located in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, the park has perfect mountains like those on postcards. They are from 45 to 120 million years old, with the highest in the park, Mount Forbes, coming in at 11,850 feet.

    Banff National Park is 80 miles west of Calgary. Calgary's international airport is serviced by major national and international carriers with many flights arriving daily. Open year­round, it offers amazing wildlife viewing and sightseeing, plus many shopping and dining choices, any time of the year. Summer is popular for hiking, mountain biking and cycling, photography, and climbing. The best time for viewing the seasonal color is fall, when the trees turn yellow.

    In winter, the mountain makes exciting downhill (速降) and cross­country skiing. In fact, three major downhill ski resorts (度假胜地) operate within the park. Lake Louise Ski Resort, Sunshine Village, and Mount Norquay combine to offer a large area for skiing, not to mention the backcountry trails available throughout the park. The ski season, which runs from November to May, is one of the longest in North America. Visitors can also enjoy wildlife tours, ice walks, and dogsleds (雪橇).

    Weather in the Canadian Rockies can change quickly. A single day can have a mix of sunshine, snow, wind, and rain, so you should change your clothes. In summer, temperatures average a high of 70 (21 ℃), and daylight lasts until 11 p. m. Autumn brings cool nights and fresh air. Winters can be very cold. In January, the average temperature is 7 ℃ below zero, but by April it is 9 ℃.


    Kelvin Doe is a child from a very poor district of Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital city. The area is in such 1 shape that the lights only come up once a week. At the age of 10, he started 2 rubbish dumps (垃圾场) for small electronics parts after school. Then he would spend his time 3 how they work. 4 he was very young and didn't receive traditional engineering education, this didn't 5 Doe's dream of helping solve the local problems in his community.

    At the age of 13, after he tried many times, he finally 6 a generator (发电机) using materials he had 7 around the house or from rubbish dumps. From then on, Kelvin Doe became a completely 8 engineer. He then built a radio station by using recycled materials. He reported news and played music under the 9 of DJ Focus and 10 his friends as workers in the station. "They call me DJ Focus. I am confident. I always 11 if I focus, I can complete anything seeming to be 12," Doe said in a YouTube video.

    He had 13 been more than 10 miles from his home in Freetown until he attended a national invention competition. There, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 14 such a smart boy, David Sengeh, a PhD student at MIT, recognized his amazing 15 right away. "Doe's story is very 16. He made a generator because he 17 it," Sengeh said. "Doe's 18 in the YouTube video have had a big 19 on me and on millions of people all over the world. In Sierra Leone, other young people suddenly feel they can be 20 Doe." Kelvin was later invited to give a talk at the TEDxTeen in 2012 to Harvard Students. "Creativity can be found in places where one does not expect to find it," said Kelvin during the talk.
