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日期: 2024-09-20

    KALW On-Air Folk Festival Sat. May 16

    Join us on Saturday May 16th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. for over three hours of continuous live music. The Folk Festival is presented by KALW's music hosts Jo Ann Mar, Kevin Vance, and Peter Thompson. Here's the line-up:

    3:00 p.m.

    Briana di Mara is a violinist who performs in a wide variety of traditional styles including Celtic, Balkan, Turkish and Arabic. Shell be playing songs from her first recording Haven.

    3:45 p.m.

    Paper Wings is the duo (搭档)of Emily Mann and Wilhelmina Frankzerda, two young famous musicians, harmonizing together on songs inspired by old-time and traditional styles. We'll hear them perform songs from their new upcoming release Clementine.

    4:15 p.m.

    Miko Marks is an enthusiastic singer. At the start of her career, she was praised as a hot new artist "'breaking the sound barriers in music" by the magazine Ebony. Miko got a standing welcome last year at the Freighfs 50th anniversary concert in front of a full house.

    5:00 p.m.

    Mokai plays original country music. Accompanying himself on finger-style guitar, he tells old stories and rhymes freely. He mixes the strange and beautiful into traditional performances through his songs.

    5:30 p.m.

    The Wildcat Mountain Rambers are a bluegrass band based in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Chad Johnson, Mark Wardenburg, Robert Cornelius, Suzanne Suwanda, and Alex Mayers will be previewing their upcoming appearances at the Brookdale Bluegrass Festival.

    6:00 p.m.

    Forest Sun returns to KALW. His home is in the Bay Area and around the world. A second-generation folkie, he comes from the school of Do-It-Yourself writing his own songs, recording and releasing his work, giving global performances, and gaining a following.


    I was sitting in an airport when a woman behind me asked, "What's the best gift you've ever got?" I closed the magazine I'd paid too much for and listened for an answer. "You mean like, the best birthday present?" a young man said, "Probably the gold coin I got for graduation."

    I threw my magazine onto a neighboring chair and thought about the question. What's the best gift I've ever got? Good health aside, when it comes to material objects, for me the answer is easy. It was a high school graduation present, gift-wrapped and hand-delivered by my grandfather. He handed it to me and said, "Stay close to the land. Don't be afraid to dig in and get a little dirt on you."

    That fall, I went off to college and that shiny new green-handled spade with the silver blade (刀刃) hung untouched on the wall in my parents' garage. A few years later, I had my own family and that graduation spade made its way from my folks5 garage into my own. I dug gardens, planted trees, roses and bushes. The spade was nothing but a tool.

    The years rolled by. The spade has lost some of its color and I've added some gray, but I still dig hard into the earth, more often than ever. It's more than a trusted workout partner. It's a reminder of my family, one proudly rooted in agriculture. It's a useful tool with a memorable message about staying close to the earth. Priceless!

    A few months from now, my daughter will finish graduate school, and she has already had a job waiting in another city. She's knowledge-rich but cash-poor, and though she's expecting nothing from me, I have something valuable to give her before she moves away. It'll be wrapped of course, and it'll be worth the weight in gold.


    Running after fireflies (萤火虫)on a warm summer night might become a rare childhood memory if humans don't take action. There are over 2,000 different firefly species around the world, but their populations are decreasing due to artificial light pollution, pesticides (杀虫剂)and smaller habitat size.

    A team of Tufts University-led researchers surveyed scientists and conservationists about the threats to firefly populations around the world. According to the study, one of the main threats to fireflies in East Asia and South America is artificial light. Fireflies light up to attract mates, but they can easily mistake human-made lights as potential partners. Adult fireflies typically live only a few days, which doesn't give them long to find a mate.

    Humans' destroying the insects' natural habitats creates another threat. During their larval phase (幼虫期),Malaysian fireflies live in riverside bushes that are often pulled out for human-made fish farms. In Europe, Lampyris fireflies are finding less food to eat due to the growing urbanization of what were once woods and farmlands. In Malaysia, adult pteroptyx fireflies that usually prefer to mate in specific trees next to rivers have to find new mating areas because the trees are being knocked down for farmhouses.

    The study also looked at the effects of climate change, tourism, invasive (侵入的)species and water pollution. On a positive note, while fireflies around the world seem to be suffering from the previously mentioned issues, Big Dipper fireflies living in the US happen to be booming. "Those guys can survive pretty much anywhere," said Sara Lewis, a biologist from Tufts University.

    The study urges countries where firefly populations aredwindlingto take measures to preserve suitable habitats, lessen light pollution, reduce use of pesticides and develop better guidelines for tourism around known firefly areas.


    Swiss researchers have developed a machine that can keep human livers (肝脏)live outside of the body for one week. At present, technology and methods are only able to keep human livers alive for up to 24 hours. The new machine is able to keep the liver active by performing several functions normally carried out by the human body.

    Scientists from the University of Zurich in Switzerland developed the machine. The researchers say the purpose of their "Liver4Lifb" machine is to perform what they call liver perfusion (灌注)operations outside of the human body. Perfusion is the process by which blood or other fluids are pumped through organs and tissue. The machine keeps the liver at the right temperature and moves it in a way that would be natural in the body. It uses a pump to fill the liver with blood acting like a replacement for a human heart. The machine also provides oxygen to the organ, controls red blood cell levels and removes waste.

    The research team began their experiments using livers from pigs. After repeated testing and engineering development, the team said it was able to get the pig livers to survive for seven days with support only provided from the Liver4Life machine.

    They also discovered that the system can work to repair damaged livers. In one test, the team connected the machine to 10 injured human livers that had been rejected for transplantation by all European medical centers. After seven days of perfusion treatment from the machine, six of the human livers fully regained important liver functions, the researchers reported.

    The success of this unique perfusion system, developed over a four-year period by a group of surgeons, biologists and engineers, clears the way for many new applications in transplantation and cancer medicine, helping patients with no liver grafts (移植)available.


Five Ways to Reduce Food Waste

    Plan Ahead

    Before you head out for your weekly shop, create a meal plan for the week. Think about what you are going to cook each day and how you are going to use the leftovers., make a shopping list and most importantly, stick to it!

    Shop Smart

    Shopping smart may sound simple, but it is an important way to reduce food waste. When you go food shopping, avoid overbuying as this can lead to throwing food away.. It may also be useful to take a photo of your fridge and cupboards to remind you of what you already have.


    When purchasing fresh food products, be sure to check the use-by dates to make you have enough time to use it and avoid any waste. If a product is labelled "best before", it is a guideline and is about quality, not safety. The food will be safe to eat but may not be at its best.

    Freeze Your Leftovers

    When you cook a big meal, make sure to save the leftovers and eat them at a later date. You should label your leftovers so you can keep track of how long they've been in your fridge..

    Get Smart with Storage

    . For example, fruit should be stored in the fridge, except bananas and pineapples. It will extend its life and make it fresh and crisp for snacking on. And potatoes and onions are not friends, as they produce gases which spoil each other. Both should be stored separately in cool, dry, dark places.

A. Check Use-By Dates

B. Avoid Wasting Food

C. Once you have planned your meals

D. If you want to store fruits and vegetables

E. Storing your food in the right way can extend its life

F. It means shopping more often and buying less each time

G. Adding them to your daily meal plans saves yourself time and money


    When Tom saw his father's hair turn gray overnight after a deadly accident during a surgery his father performed in 1993, he decided to never

    1medical school. However, today, Tom is an anesthesiologist (麻醉师)at a famous hospital.

    In 2019, the 20th year since he2 the field, Tom wrote a letter to his father, who passed away over two decades ago. The son recalled his dad's final3."Although there are so many 4, I hope you become an anesthesiologist." Tom's father told him," Surgeons can't5 without anesthesiologists. The risk of anesthesia is high, and no one wants to do it. You are my son. I hope you can carry this6with courage."

    In the letter, Tom recalls several events that 7both of their careers. As a skillful surgeon, his father8high praise from his patients. But two deadly medical incidents 9his life. Tom also10two events when his patients nearly died during surgery. Thanks to 11 in the field, both were saved. He wonders if12technology could have saved his father's patients and if he might have been more13to enter medical school. The 45-year-old, s biggest 14 is that he could not work alongside his father. "15, improved anesthesiology means the distance between us as father and son is 16 a little more," Tom writes in the letter.

    The letter17him the 2019 Wakley-Wu Lien Teh Prize, which aims to give a18to doctors to tell their own stories and19their concerns. The Lancet, one of the world's leading medical journals, comments that Tom's essay shows a20voice to tell clinical truths that inform and encourage.
