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日期: 2024-09-19
听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共 8小题,每小题1分,计8分)

    Maybe a lot of thin people will be worried about their heath if the inside fat matters.

    Some doctors now think that the inside fat around important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the outside fat which can be noticed more easily.

    "Being thin doesn't surely mean you are not fat," said Dr. Jimmy Bell at Imperial College. Since 1994, Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people with MRI to create "fat maps" showing where people store fat.

    According to the result, people who keep their weight through the food they usually eat rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits (推积物) of inside fat, even if they are thin.

    Even people with normal Body Mass Index (体重指数) scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside. Of the women, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of inside fat. Men were nearly 60 percent.

    According to Bell, people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fat. They cat too many fatty and sugary foods, but they are not eating enough to be fat. Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the stomach first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.

    Doctors are unsure about the exact dangers of inside fat, but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病). They want to prove that inside fat does harm to the body's communication systems.

    The good news is that inside fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your eating habits. "If you want to be healthy, there is no other way. Exercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle," Bell said.


    The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe, Africa and Asia. People reached these different places along these roads. Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3, 000 years ago. By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world. The Silk Road covered almost 0, 500 kilometers. It went from Rome to China. Which is from the West to the Far East.

    Merchantstravelled along the Silk Road to carry silk, of course. They also carried and traded  other things like spices (香料) , cloth, jewels and gold.

    Along and around the Silk Road, there are many fascinating and mysterious stories. It is said that Roman soldiers who lost a war travelled through Central Asia. They decided to live somewhere near the ancient Chinese villages. Some of these Romans married local Chinese women and the story of the blond-haired, blue- eyed tribes (部落) of China was started.

    Some historians believe that the people of Kashmir were taken away from their country Israel. They were prisoners (俘虏) of war almost 2, 800 years ago, People say that these people travelled along the Silk Road. They kept their Jewish way of life for a long time.

    During its busiest period, the Silk Road allowed people from many different cultures and countries to meet each other and mix. The Silk Road allowed the sharing of valuable things and new ideas. It included people and trading goods from different areas. All these peoples travelled the Silk Road. And they shared goods, stories, languages, and cultures.

    In modern times, the old Silk Road routes (路线) are still used, but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses. There is even a Silk Route Museum in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35. 000 objects from all along the Silk Road. In this way, China protects the history of many countries and peoples.


    Feeling stressed out and tired is common to many students who don't spend a lot of time relaxing. Without taking time out for yourself, the stress gradually builds up, Instead of getting run-down, have a break and find ways to pick you-ups. Here are some tips to relax yourself after a long day's study.

    Relaxing Your Body.

    After a long day's study, it is nice to take a hot shower or bath, because the warm water helps relax your body. Then, you can wear your most comfortable clothes. Also, you can do some light exercise such as yoga (瑜伽) or do some deep stretches to loosen your body from working all day.

    Choosing Something Fun.

    Just do whatever you like, but don't overdo it as you need to study next day! Maybe watch your favorite movie or TV show. Also, you can read a book or a magazine. It's a wonderful way to get ready for bed since you can calm down. What's more, you may practice your favorite hobby as playing basketball or listening to music for a while. Of course, you can get out if you can. Spending time in nature helps you to get energy.

    Relaxing Your Mind.

    To relax your mind, you'd better have a cup of tea instead of a cup of coffee.You'd better not put any sugar into your tea since you can't eat too much sugar close to bedtime. While drinking, you can have a small piece of chocolate or cookies, but don't eat a lot within 3 hours of bedtime. Besides, writing a diary is really good to remind yourself of how hard you worked. It can keep your mood high.
