组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    Only five more minutes before school let out.

     "On Friday," said Mrs. Griswell, "please share your favorite1with the class. And bring something to show everyone!"

    Chris didn't look happy. He2to share his favourite hobby with anyone. His brother made fun of him about it, and his dad didn't think much of it, either.

    At home, Chris took out baseball cards. He liked baseball,3his real hobby let him show his imagination.4his cards, he didn't feel right about it.

    Tuesday passed. He was ready to show the cards, but5still felt wrong. He walked out of his room, without looking at the notebook on his desk.

    Wednesday. Chris lay on the bed, counting the6he would show. He didn't want to tell lies, but he wasn't sure if he was7enough to show his real hobby.

    He thought of his grandma, who is a fashion designer. He was interested in8 hobby because of her. Suddenly, Chris ran to the phone. "Hi, Grandma, it's Chris. I need your help..."

    Friday morning. Chris walked to the front of the classroom,9the notebook, and the racing heart.

     "What is your hobby?" Mrs. Griswell asked.

    Chris began, "I design*10and other things."

    Some students were11. "I knew it, "he thought. Mrs. Griswell shook her head.

     "I want to be a fashion designer like my12" He showed his designs for dresses and shirts on the notebook."She taught me all of these," he explained.

    When Chris pulled a headband from his bag and put it on, the class became quiet.

    "This is for boys. You can see some…" He introduced it13as if it was a great work of art. Then he heard Nick say, "Cool!"

    Chris took out another headband from his bag. "For girls, I designed a pink one."

     "I love it!" said Amber.

     "I14the headbands for everyone," said Chris, taking out many headbands.

    The whole class looked15. Chris smiled. Now things finally felt right!


    You may not know him as well as a movie star or a pop singer, but chances are that you have visited or walked by at least one of his works. The East Building, National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C, US, the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar, are just a few of his many creations.

    The man behind these great buildings is Chinese-American architect Leoh Ming Pei. Born on April 26th, 1917 in a rich family in Guangzhou, China, and raised in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Pei had the chance to enjoy lots of dreamy Chinese gardens and mountainside temples. "These have always been the most important inspiration* to me as an architect," said Pei. When he was just a young boy, Pei realized that he loved design and it led to a dream of him becoming an architect and engineer.

    At the age 18, he began studying architecture in the United States. He got his degree from MIT in 1939. Because of the start of World War II, he was unable to return to China. He stayed in the U.S. and completed his master's degree from Harvard. After starting his own architectural company in 1955, he went on to design such well-known buildings as the Kennedy Library in Boston and the glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum in Paris. In 1974, he returned to China for the first time. "Though I have lived in the US for nearly forty years, I'm still Chinese," Pei said when visiting his hometown.

    Pei is good at bridging differences--ancient and modern, man-made and natural, East and West. On May 19th ,2019, the great architect left us forever, but his works will last in our mind all the time.


    It's no surprise that a night without enough sleep can lead to a bad morning. Does it also do harm to our bodies?

    According to US sleep researcher David Dinges, not getting enough sleep can have serious side effects on our minds and bodies.

    For the study, Dinges divided some people into three groups. The first group was allowed eight hours of sleep for two weeks; the second group was given six hours; the third group got four hours of sleep.

    Dinges found that the people in the first group stayed normal while the people in the last two groups showed tiredness andnegative feelings.

    "When people don't have enough sleep, it's hard to sense their happiness," Dinges said. "Also, they are less able to sense others' good feelings."

    But if not having enough sleep can harm our health, can we get better later on?

    "People think that sleep is like the bank that you can pay off your debt* at a later point in time," US sleep scientist Matthew Walker told Popular Science. "But we now know that sleep is not like that."

    According to Live Science, humans are the only animal species that don't have sleep storage* systems, our brains* cannot get back what we have lost.

    So scientists suggest that no matter how busy people are, they should always try to get enough sleep. Here's the recommended* hours of sleep by age. Preschoolers (3 to 5 years): 10 to 13 hours. School-age children (6 to 13 years): 9 to 11 hours. Teenagers (14 to 17 years): 8 to 10 hours. Adults (18 to 64 years): 7 to 9 hours. Older adults (over 65 years): 7 to 8 hours.


    Three birds rested on top of a snowman's head. Ally and her mother walked up to the snowman quietly.

    "Someone put birdseed on my snowman!" Ally cried. Suddenly all the birds flew off, except a red one. Ally ran to the bird. "It's an ornament!" She picked it up. There was a note:

    A secret friend wants you to have

    A happy holiday.

    Hope you enjoy this little gift-

    More are on the way!

    Your Secret Snow Pal

     "Who do you think it is?" Ally asked.

    Her mother shook the head.

    The next day when Ally went back home, she found a little birdhouse sitting outside the door, with a note read:

    Birds make good neighbours 

    They sing songs of cheer

    Your neighbours wish you

    Much happiness this year.

     "A neighbour? Who might it be?" Ally said. She looked out of the window, "The red door lady let me pick her flowers."

    "The Millers help collect our mails when we go on holiday," her mother said.

     "Mr. Collins has a bird feeder," Ally said. "But I don't think it's him. He never smiles."

    A week went by before they received another note:

    Time to greet your secret pal!

    Let's have lunch at Ray's,

    Saturday at one o 'clock-

    Happy Holidays!

    The notes excited Ally so much. She loved Ray's pizza! By that time, Ally's family went to the restaurant with presents.

    "Here we are!" a voice called out.

    Ally turned to look. A young couple -the red door people! They stood in front of them with another ornament.

    "Hi, we're Paul and Wend Harrison," the man said. "Last year we were new on your street. One day, presents started showing up, with little notes. Finally, the Millers met us right here."

    "We had so much fun. So we decided to be secret pals this year," Mrs. Harrison said.

    "Itwas fun!" Ally said, "I want to be a secret pal next year!" She wondered if a bird like this would make Mr. Collins smile. She couldn't wait till next year to find out.
