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北师大版高中英语高二上册模块5 Unit 14单元测试3

日期: 2024-09-29

Evening Workshops

    Optional evening workshops will be held at small restaurants or other meeting places near the conference hotel. Meals and other costs are not included but are also optional. Locations will be announced at the conference site. Workshops are very loosely organized and most represent discussions that have been held at Society for Economic Botany(SEB)meetings over a series of years.

    Workshop 1:Student Network

    Date: Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th

    Chairs: Hugo de Boer and Arika Virapongse

    Sponsor: Society for Economic Botany

    Description: Student members of the SEB hold a networking mixer each year in order to meet each other and to become familiar with a variety of educational programs and faculty advisors(大学指导老师). Faculty members who are part of training programs are encouraged to join the mixer to meet and talk with students.

    Workshop 2: Botanical Film Making

    Date: Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th

    Chair: David Strauch

    Sponsor: University of Hawaii

    Description: Digital film making is a particularly useful tool of linking cultural information to recognizable plants. This workshop is aimed towards increasing the quality of material recorded by giving participants greater control over the medium. We will cover technical aspects(e. g. camera settings, audio), technical aspects(framing, lighting, focus), and some ways of presenting the material. Experienced filmmakers are encouraged to attend, and participants are welcome to bring their own camera equipment.

    Workshop 3: Collections for Botany

    — Collections Development and Management

    Date: Friday evening, Feb. 7th

    Chair: Jan Salick

    Sponsor: Society for Economic Botany

    Description: SEB is a network of researchers who have been developing standards for the development of collections of artifacts, plant samples and related materials. Participants discuss successes, problems, and funding sources for solving management issues.


    Have you ever felt like a fool for having said too much? Anita Chow had one of those moments.

    A few weeks ago, she applied for a job with a company. Chow said she was usually quiet, but during the interview she tried hard to act against her nature. She smiled a lot and talked in a lively manner. When asked why she wanted to work in the company, she said the job would enable her to meet a lot of interesting people. Then she added jokingly," Who knows? I might even meet my future husband."

    Chow wanted to beat herself up the moment she stepped out of the interview room." It came out so wrong," she says." Now the interviewers will think of me as one of those women who don't have any career ambition and just want to get married and settle down."

    Saying too much or oversharing happens to every one of us. In the time of social media, sharing every detail of your life is almost expected and encouraged. But it isn't all social media's fault." Experts say oversharing often happens when we are trying subconsciously to control our anxiety," according to a Wall Street Joumal column. Chow's is a typical case of" self-adjustment" aimed at fighting her own anxiety. It happens like this: When having a conversation, we want to sound amusing and interesting. So we use a lot of mental energy trying to manage the other person's impression of us. The effort required to do this leaves less brainpower to think over what we say and to whom, says The Wall Street Joumal.

    This explains why we sometimes suddenly say embarrassing things to people we want to impress most, whether it's a first date, the boss or our future in-laws. It leads to embarrassing situations and is the perfect material for comedy movies.

    So how do you stop yourself from saying too much? Simple: stop and think before you open your mouth.


    Work isn't what it used to be. There are still people working at regular jobs, but the job market has suffered a lot. Jobs are in short supply and people have had to find other ways to make a living.

    The Internet has made it possible for people to find what makes them happy in order to make a living. Work trends have changed because of technology. More and more workers are working directly from their homes. You might be hired by a company who requires you to work from home.

    The future of work trends is simple. More people will begin to work from home. There may even come a time when most people work from the comfort of a home office. There will always be regular jobs. Someone has to run the store and drive the truck. However, if you work in an office, chances of you working from home are becoming greater and greater. The future looks bright for those who dream of earning a living from their own computer workstation and many people have already realised that dream.

    Your future could follow a wonderful new trend in your job. It is a trend that allows mothers to stay at home with their children while still contributing to the financial status (财务状况)of the family. It also means that people can find exactly what they are looking for. There are really no limits to what can be done with job trends going the way they are.

    The future trends in work hold wonderful things for us. Families will again have more time for each other. Family life will become more of a priority (优先)and success at work will be much easier to achieve.


    There is no point destroying your peace of mind and happiness by taking the wrong job. Society may pressure you into grabbing whatever you can get. If you do not have a set path that must be taken, then you have the opportunity to choose something you will not only be paid for doing, but enjoy.

    One of the best ways of finding a suitable career is to determine your personality type. It may seem obvious that the creative type does not really find much pleasure in a job as a butcher or dry cleaning assistant, and that a weak character may not find happiness in a career based on teaching or leading a team.

    To find the best job for your personality type, the first step is to know what and who you really are. If you already know your style, you can search for suitable employment; however, if you are uncertain, there are ways that will help you discover who and what you are. For example, an employment centre, a career adviser, or an online quiz can help you.

    Taking my own situation for example, I am definitely a creative type. Besides, I prefer to be my own boss or, if I cannot, at least I want to rely on a boss I truly both respect and admire. I do not like telling people what to do, or being told what to do. I do not relate well to regular 9-5 hours. I do not feel satisfied being paid a high wage for a bad job. I feel much happier at home. Combining my creativity, independence, and desire to stay at home, my ideal career would be running a home-operated business involving creativity. I actually happen to have chosen this solution; I am a writer, poet, author and publisher. I have suited my career to my personality type.


    The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we've never been before. But just as in face-to-face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line.  Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes.  

    For anything you're about to send: ask yourself," Would I say this to the person's face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread.

    If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct(本能)is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so.  If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.  

     Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it's a stupid question or all unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it's a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you a license to correct everyone else.  At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those who you have offended.  

    It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.

A. Everyone was new to the network once.

B. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

C. It's natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

D. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear.

F. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.

G. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.


Joy to the World

    Lights, decorations and Christmas trees filled the stores. Many people were there 1 Christmas was only two days away.

    Thirteen-year-old Joy had just 2 her Christmas shopping. After Joy went out of the store, she came across her classmate, Nick, the least 3 student in school because he wore strange clothing and he had a face only a mother could love.

   "What are you doing for Christmas?" said Nick with a smile that showed all his yellow teeth.

   "I'm buying presents and having dinner with my 4," said Joy, trying to be polite." What about you?"

   "My parents are away," he said." I live with my uncle, who doesn't like me very much."

    Joy wasn't sure how to 5, so she said goodbye with an awkward smile. She felt sorry for Nick since he must feel 6. But that wasn't really her problem.  

    On Christmas Eve, Joy's family were busy around 7 for the holiday. Joy's parents were cooking in the kitchen. Joy was a child for holiday cheer, dancing 8 the house.

    After dinner, the family got into their car and 9 to church for the Christmas Eve service. When they walked into the old building, they were 10 by the flow of beautiful songs. A man stood up with Bible and 11 the story Joy had learned on her mother's knees. It was about a baby named Jesus who came to live on Earth to help people who 12 him.

    Joy's thoughts kept turning back to Nick. It must be 13 to be lonely on Christmas, a day that celebrated God's Son coming to Earth. Tears started to run down her 14, but she brushed them away.  

    Joy lay awake that night 15 everyone else was sleeping like a baby. She was thinking ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard parents get up, she 16 out of bed. She found them in the kitchen and told them about Nick. Then she asked," Can we invite him 17 today?" "Sure," said her mother, who was always happy when 18 came. Her father smiled.  

    When Joy called Nick later that day, he was excited. After getting his uncle's 19, he joined them for dinner. To her surprise, Joy enjoyed spending time with him.

    Joy came to understand 20 Christmas cheer is a joy to Nick, even to the whole world.
