组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

May 2019

5                                                      CONTENTS

May 1﹣3          Page 8             May 4               Page 11

Holidays                                                Viewpoints


Celebrate more than Mother's Day                      Technology should help you, not hurt you this month.

May 11          Page 17             May 13,14            Page 18

Exercise                                MAKE YOUR BRAIN SMARTER                         A LESSON IN FINANCE IS A GREAT

Tips for developing an exercise                   GIFT FOR KIDS

plan for your brain.               Teach your child to spend money wisely.

May 16,17          Page 22          May 18                Page 24

Culture                                                     Life

THE HISTORY OF KEYS                         DO YOU WANT A DOG?

You can't get in unless you have the key!             Owning a dog can be fun, but it's also a lot of work.

May 27, 28         Page 34           May 29﹣31           Page 37

Happy Facts                                       Business Start﹣up

HAPPY FACTS                              PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE

These fun facts are sure to make you             Plan for all the possibilities.



Passage I

    Doing something for a change is good for your mental health.

    It could be a five-minute rest from cleaning your kitchen, a half-hour lunch break at work or a weekend finding somewhere new.

    A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Give yourself some "me time".

    Sometimes when I'm sitting on the bus, I let my thoughts fly and it really helps me.

    Taking a break may mean being very active. It may mean not doing very much at all.

    Take a deep breath…and relax. Try yoga or a deep thought, or just putting your feet up.

    Listen to your body. If you're really tired, give yourself time to sleep. Without good sleep, our mental health suffers and our concentration(专注度) goes downhill. Sometimes the world can wait.

Passage II

    What do you love doing? What activities can you lose yourself in? What did you love doing in the past?

    Enjoying yourself helps beat stress. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you're good at it and being good at something builds up your confidence.

    Centering on a hobby like gardening or the crossword can help you forget your worries for a while and change your mood.

    I'm learning the guitar. You have to really give attention to getting it right so there's no room in my head for worries.

    It can be good to have an interest where you're not seen as someone's mom or dad, partner or employee. You're just you.

    An hour of drawing lets you express yourself creatively. A morning on the football ground gets you active and gives you the chance to meet new people.


    Hong Kong is a shopping heaven. During the Hong Kong Shopping Festival in July and August each year, Hong Kong puts on special events and the stores put on sales for the festival.


    Hong Kong is a city full of shopping malls, department stores, and street markets but shopping areas are mainly in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.


    Hong Kong is one of the best shopping places in the world, however, the best three buys are clothes, cosmetics, and electrical appliances(电器). As they are tax free, the prices are always much lower than those found in other countries.


    When you shop in Hong Kong, you will find the currency(货币) symbol $. It looks like the symbol of US dollars but it always refers to Hong Kong dollars rather than US dollars. You can exchange your currency for Hong Kong dollars at any money exchanger.


    There are many street markets in Hong Kong. Going around street markets is a way to experience the local people's lifestyle and buy souvenirs(纪念品). The famous street markets are Stanley Market, Ladies' Market and Temple Street Market.


    Small shops generally open from 10 am to 7 pm daily. But most department stores and shopping malls in major tourist areas will stay open until 9: 30 pm or even later. Please check the opening hours before you pay them a visit.

A. Most Goods Priced in Hong Kong Dollars

B. Business Hours in Hong Kong

C. Hong Kong, A Shopping Center

D. The Most Popular Goods in Hong Kong

E. Shopping Parts in Hong Kong

F. Street Markets in Hong Kong


    I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my father and my sister around our big 1. I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.

    One day my mother saw an advertisement for a race in a newspaper. "Would you be  2taking part in this race?" she asked me, pointing to the advertisement. "Yes, of course," I answered.

    I 3 the next few days practicing for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard so she could 4me water and time me.

    On the day of the race, just before the race my father said to me, "Don't run out of all your energy (能量) at the 5of the race. You need to have energy 6you can run much faster at the end. "

    The race began. Following 7words, I didn't run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started 8me, which made me feel nervous. I began to feel tired, and I started slowing down and breathing 9.

    Just at that moment I heard, "10 Kelly! You can do it! Don't give up! Keep running!" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dad running beside me around the outside track.

    I took a deep breath and tried my best to 11on running. I didn't win the race, 12came fifth, I felt like a winner. I tried my best, and I hadn't given up.

Later, as I thought about the race, I felt thankful that my dad had 13left my side. He always encourages me when I 14giving up. He runs alongside me through my life. I'll remember my dad's words forever, "Never give up. You can be a 15even if you lose. "
