组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18
完成对话。从方框中选择恰当的选项填空,使对话语句通顺、意思完整。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关) (5分)

    Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. Besides his famous stories, he also wrote many influential articles (有影响力的文章) about the living conditions of Chinese people.

    Born in 1881 to a wealthy family, Lu Xun had a happy childhood. In 1893, however, his grandfather, a senior government official, was put into prison for taking money.  From that time on, his family was no longer accepted by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his writing.

    By the time Lu Xun arrived in Nanjing to study at university in 1899, he already believed that Chinese society had to change and become modern.  There he began writing articles for several Chinese student magazines. He showed a gift for writing and translating and he even wrote several books, although none was popular. He returned to China in 1909 because he was in need of money.

    After working for several years as a teacher in Beijing, Lu Xun again returned to writing.

It was the first Chinese novel published using the everyday language that people spoke, which helped make it a great success. This, together with his novelThe True Story of Ah Q(1921), made Lu Xun a leading Chinese writer. 

    Although successful,  In 1927, he moved to Shanghai and gave up writing stories in order to devote himself to what he called "pen warfare". He only wrote articles which called on the people to fight against the government. For this, the government stopped him from publishing any more books.  

    Since his death in 1936, Lu Xun's importance and influence have grown. Today, many of his writings are included in school textbooks and his works are read by millions of people around the world.

A. In 1918, he wrote his famous short storyDiary of a Madman.

B. He was forced to write his articles using false names. 

C. In 1902 he went to study in Japan.

D. At the same time, his father became seriously ill.

E. Lu Xun still worried greatly about China's future.


    Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so traveling to different places has become much easier and faster than before. Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip better. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful to you.

Before leaving

    Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

    Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be useful when you get sick or have other problems.

    Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip.

    Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits (饼干) and some fruit. They don't go bad quickly. People can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables on a short trip.

While traveling

    Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.

    Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.

    Tap water (自来水) is not safe, so drink bottled water (瓶装水) and always clean the cover of the bottle.

    Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge (冰箱). Remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.

How to keep healthy during a trip

Before leaving

Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and .

Exercise for weeks or months before you leave.

Prepare proper food. Take bread, biscuits and some fruit for a

or bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables for a short one.

While traveling

Never eat  food or bad fruit.

Have enough time to  during your trip.

Keep food . Be sure to keep hot food hot and cold food cold.
