组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart. My family sent her to the 1.

    After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, "You have such a 2 heart condition that you should have an operation."

"But the complications(并发症) can happen," the doctor 3 my grandmother and looked at her worried face.

    The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 per cent possibility of having heart trouble 4 the operation, a 35 per cent possibility of being unable to stand up, and even a 20 per cent of 5 on the operating table because of her old age.

    My grandmother was terribly surprised and quickly said, "Doctor, since you're talking about these 6, I have one for you: there is a 100 per cent possibility that you won't operate on me!" 7 these words, my grandmother got up and 8 the doctor's office.

    The next day, my grandmother went to9 doctor's office. There she was also told she needed an 10. The doctor also said that her 11 might cause some problems, 12 he was quite sure about the success of the operation.

    My grandmother might be brave, but she is not silly. She then asked the doctor, "If I am your mother, what will you 13?"

    The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arms 14 her, and said, "Mum, let's have the operation!"

    My grandmother had the operation and came out 15! Her positive attitude(乐观的心态) added many wonderful and happy years for her to enjoy life with my family.


    There was a letter from a primary school in Zhejiang Province, which caused discussion on the Internet. The topic is what parents do with children's education. "Allowing parents to say goodbye to homework checking". "Checking homework is each teacher's work, while parents have their own work to do," the letter goes on.

    Recent years we have seen the growth of something called "Parental Homework". Teachers have encouraged mothers and fathers to check homework, and guide their children's study, adding more worry to already busy parents. A recent survey of 2,000 parents showed that 80% were tired of parental homework. A questioned call for an end to checking and signing on children's homework was agreed with by 80% of those. 

    In the last 10 years, parents have had to sign their names on their children's exercise books. They showed teachers that they had joined in their children's study in this way. At first, parents were wanted to do something with their children. But now, simply signing their names is not enough, and parents have to check the homework instead of the teachers.

    However, if the work of teaching children is moved back to schools, what then should be the role of parents? According to the survey, most parents believe the mainresponsibilityof parents is to shape their child's character. Teachers, they believe, should teach, and add less pressure on parents.

    An education expert(专家) said, "Teachers should try their best to teach. Parents should act as watchdogs(监察人). Teachers and parents should find a balance in kids' growing."


    It was a week before I saw Captain Nemo again. Every morning, I noticed fresh air coming into the rooms and I knew that the Nautilus had surfaced(浮出水面). I would go out and see the sunrise.

    Then I received a note from Captain Nemo. He invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island. Ned was excited because he thought there he could find a chance to escape. When I saw Captain Nemo the next day, I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island. "I thought you preferred the sea to being on land."

     "I do," replied the Captain. "But these forests are under the sea." During breakfast, he explained that he had made diving suits(潜水服) that used special air tanks. These tanks would allow us to stay under the water for ten hours. He had also made lights that worked in electric batteries. When Ned realized that we were not going onto land for our hunting trip, he decided not to come at all.

    Conseil and I put on our diving suits, and so did Captain Nemo and one of his men. We stepped into a room and closed the door. The room was filled with water, and another door opened. We must go through it, and we were in the sea floor. It was an amazing experience.

    We were about ten metres under the water. The light from the sun reached us. Everything looked very colourful. We walked over the fine sand and enjoyed the colours of the shells, fish and seaweed. Conseil and I followed Captain Nemo and his man as they crossed a large grassy area. We were going deeper and deeper. Two hours later, we were a hundred metres under the water. The suits worked very well, and it was easy to walk and breathe.

    At one hundred metres deep, we could still see quite well, and Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The "trees" in the forest were giant seaweed, and all their branches were vertical(垂直的). We could not stop looking at them. Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest. Small shrubs(灌木) grew under the large seaweed trees. Some of them had flowers.

    We walked through this forest for about an hour, and then we lay down to rest. I was not hungry, but I was very sleepy. We all slept, and when we woke up, we walked further.

    (Adapted fromTwentyThousandLeaguesUnderTheSea)


    Traveling toLake Tahoe(塔霍湖)during winter is really fun. Here are some tips for you.

    The first thing you should do is to bring at least three layers(层) of clothing. If you don't, you'll freeze!

    You should also go skiing or snowboarding for at least one day. If you don't, your trip toTahoewill be a waste. Otherwise, there is just baby stuff(东西) like sledding(滑雪橇), snowball fights, or tubing(滑雪圈). Would you want to do these for your stay atTahoe?

    Also, you should visitTahoefor at least three days. If you don't, what's the point? You may have to drive three hours and all you get is a day of skiing and a day of playing in the snow. It would be a waste of time and money, not worth it. But if you stay for at least three days (two nights), then at least you will enjoy two days of skiing and a day of playing in the snow.

    Also, here are some things you shouldn't do atLake Tahoe.

    First, don't drive on the highway when it's snowing. The highway has endless traffic and it will be boring to drive.

    My second advice would be not to buy ski resort(度假村) food. Last time I tried a ski resort's fish and chips, the fish and chips tasted like cement(水泥). You can buy some snacks at Costco or some other supermarket near your hotel.

    My last warning is to be careful when you ski by yourself. Even if you know how to ski, you still could fall down, get injured, or maybe even die. Millions of people get injured every year when skiing or snowboarding.

  on visitingLake Tahoe

The do's

Remember to bring    clothes, or you'll freeze.

Go skiing or snowboarding for at least one day. Otherwise, you can only go sledding, have snowball , or go tubing.

  at least three days atTahoe, and then you will  two days of skiing and a day of playing in the snow.

The don'ts

 driving on the highway when it is snowing. There's too much

 on the highway and you will feel .

Don't try ski resort food. You can buy some  at Costco or some other supermarket near your hotel.

Be careful when  by yourself. Even if you know how to ski, you still have to be careful.


Dear daddy,

    Hey! How's everything going? It's been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still remember the day before you l home? I remember I saw the luggage (行李) in your bedroom. I asked you, "Are you going to leave on b?" You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, "I'm just tidy up some clothes."

    Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to be sent to Wuhan and were waiting for a phone call. At that moment, I hoped n of you would get the call. However, your phone still rang. I almost cried out in fear as if I were going to Wuhan m.

    The next morning, I got up early. D breakfast, you smiled and told me not to worry and that I can send text messages to you when I miss you."

    When you were leaving, I waved(挥手) to you until I couldn't see you anymore. Tears(眼泪) flowed down my f. I later r that it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down "Bon voyage(一路平安)" and "Waiting for you to come back" in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you m than I did.

    At night, mom sent me some photos of you and the rest of the medical team. I immediately(立刻) found you in the photos. I pointed you out and yelled, "Hey, this is my daddy!" I was so p of you!

    After you left, I paid more attention to the battle(斗争) against the new coronavirus. I wondered whether you would take good care of yourself. Daddy, remember to take e and get enough rest.

    We all miss you every day. I love you, my superhero, forever and ever.


Feb15, 2020
