组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-06-30

    When I was little, one of my favorite holiday traditions was making a wish list for Santa Claus. Every year, my father helped me 1 all that I wanted. Often, I put food on the list: chocolates, candies. …One year, I even asked for my favorite 2!

    As I grew older, I no longer wrote to Santa Claus, but I never 3 making a list of the things that I most liked or wanted.

    One year, I went to China to work in a 4. In China, most people don't celebrate Christmas. 5, they celebrate Chinese New Year. In my classes, I asked my students to make lists for Santa Claus. But they 6 me. "We get lucky money at Chinese New Year, "one girl told me." That's better than gift from Santa Claus!" I nodded. Maybe she was 7!

    On Christmas Eve, my friends and I went walking in the city. 8 Christmas isn't a holiday in China, many people were out in the streets and having fun. They 9 Santa hats, ate candies and said "Merry Christmas" to us in English. They knew we were 10.

    After a few hours, my friends and I were 11 and a bit cold. "One Christmas when I was small, I wished for soup from Santa Claus, "I told my friends. They laughed.

    We went into a restaurant and sat at a table. 12, my friends cried out. "Look, Beth, your 13 is coming true!"

    I turned around. "Santa Claus" stood 14 me. Well, it was the waiter, but he was dressed in a red and-white Santa Claus suit!

    "Merry Christmas. What can I get you?"15 asked.

    "Soup! "we said in chorus(齐声).


    A Chinese song could be heard in a classroom in Sana, the capital of Yemen(也门), where around 20 Chinese-learning schoolchildren were singing

    "I love to learn the Chinese language because it is very nice, important and I want to travel to China to complete my studies there," Karim al-Areqi, a student of the private Languages Model School in Sanaa, told Xinhua.

    Teacher Mohammed al-Ansi, who learnt the language in China and received a university degree, stressed(强调)the importance of learning the Chinese language. "It is the language of the future and it is necessary for all people to get advantages from the great development in China," he said.

    Like many other private elementary and secondary schools in Yemen, the Chinese language is a basic part of the Languages Model School's courses, where the students study Chinese as actively as math and science subjects. "In teaching the Chinese language, I succeeded in educating students in a simple way that fits everyone," al-Ansi said proudly, stressing that teaching Chinese has changed his life without doubt.

    Al-Ansi expects that Yemen and China will work together to set up centers and schools for teaching the Chinese language in Yemen so that many young Yemenis can learn. "I hope that a branch of the Confucius (孔子学院),could be built in Yemen to teach the language and spread the Chinese culture to many years who are interested in learning the Chinese culture and language," he said. see that learning a foreign language may open a way of hope to a new life, such as getting ,more money and paving(铺平)the way to a bright future in the country that has experienced war for almost five years,


    On February 12, 2019, Brendon Fontaine blew out five candles on a birthday cake. "He loved the cake so much," says his mother, Faith, who lives in Winnipeg with Brendon. "I had to hide it in the back of the fridge. 3

    Brendon's surprise came from Cakes for Kids, a group of home bakers(烘焙师)who know that a simple birthday cake can be uncommon for poor families like the Fontaines.

    The group was set up three years ago by Christy Rogowski, a 40-year-old who works in health care software, and her partner, Wendy Singleton. "Imagining a child who wasn't going to have a birthday cake was really upsetting," Rogowski says.

    A Facebook call-out for volunteers finally added 150 bakers to their name list. When volunteers first apply(申请), they're asked why they want to do so. "Some people have said that they didn't have a cake on their birthday growing up, and they know how important it is," says Singleton. More commonly, though, they say they want families in need to know that their neighbors care about them.

    The names of the cake receivers are provided by community organizations and Winnipeg Child and Family Services. A child might receive a cake because the family is poor. Sometimes a child is sick, leaving the family too busy to make the treat themselves. Cakes also go to children living in foster care(寄养). Jodi Korolyk, a worker with Winnipeg Child and Family Services, has so far ordered birthday cakes for five of the almost 800 kids in their system. "It shows the child they have a lot of people there to support them," she says.

    By the end of last year, Cakes for Kids had baked over 575 cakes to mark kids' birthdays, and the baking continues. Rogowski and Singleton are even considering developing the program nationally and also providing cakes for old people who live alone. After all, there's no age difference when it comes to the positive role of a well-timed cake.


    With schools closed and restrictions(限制)on public activities, it can be a difficult time for young people, who suddenly can't spend time with their friends and family in person.

    However, the situation has already led to some creative ways of using technology to keep in touch with those people, from video calls and group chats (聊天)to online games. Experts say that young people might find the social restrictions on seeing their friends in real life stressful, which is why technology can be helpful.

    "Keeping relationships is very important for health," says Dr Amanda Gummer, creator of Dr Gummer's Good Play Guide. She adds that this is more important the older you get. "Not maintaining these friendships can make it more difficult for you to get back into school when the time comes," she says. Chezy Kennedy, from a training program called Confident Kids, agrees. "Staying connected to those we care about is even more important now than ever before," she says. "We can suddenly feel quite lonely."

    Messaging apps and video calls are good for checking in with friends, or organizing group chats to keep in. touch. "Video chats are a great way to keep connected with your wider friendship group," says Gummer.

    Experts agree that there are plenty of ways to be creative with video chats besides talking to friends. Gummer suggests, "A virtual (虚拟的) film-and-pizza night can work well.

    Sharna Jackson, an expert on young people and technology, has lots of ideas too. She suggests taking turns to teach friends something you're really good at- such as painting and drawing, perhaps. She also thinks that online games, includingFortnite and Minecraft, can play a really good role.

    "It's good to play together. It's social, there's problem-solving and turn-taking, and it helps you develop different skills," she says.

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