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日期: 2024-10-04
单选题(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分,满分20分)

    Harvard was hard. I showed up in Harvard and I just felt like a 1. My one skill set of being smart, I wasn't smart there anymore, I didn't 2All the kids were saying the right same things, stressing the same way, saying words I didn't 3. I felt like, "Oh my gosh!I don't belong here. "I actually 4 my transfer paperwork(转学文件)to leave. It was so hard. And so I was ready to leave.

    While I was still there, I thought I5as well do something with my time here. I decided to volunteer and I worked at a low-income 6project right next door to where l grew up. There I met a little girl, 10 years old. She and her brother were both in the after-school program. And she was one week7from the after-school program. Her school counselor came to the program looking for her. I said, "I haven't seen her8I'll help you look. "And I just walked out to the playground in the housing project and I found her. I was kind of upset when I found her. But then, when she started talking, I saw that her two front teeth were broken. I was 9 . I thought, "What happened?Did I do something wrong?Did I10something that led her to actually get hurt?"If not, how could I have done my 11 to prevent this?

    I was more than just angry with the set of circumstances that led her to get hurt. That was when I realized that just how 12 . I was and that other kids weren't going to have those opportunities. I needed to stay at Harvard and13 so that I could be part of unlocking those doors for 14. And I still remember that moment with anger and 15 to fight so that other kids aren't like that or aren't in that situation. That experience forced me to think. I got to think16 . I need more skills. I need more 17 to be able to solve this. And so, when I was 20 years old and a top-A Harvard student, I 18medical school.

    Since then, I have always kept it in mind that with great powers comes great 19and determined never to flinch(退缩)20challenges I may face.

阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)

    Another milestone has been passed in the adoption of 3D printing. Daihatsu, a daughter company of Toyota, announced that it would begin offering car buyers the opportunity to customize(订制)their vehicles with 3D-printed pars. This brings to drivers with more modest budgets the kind of individual tailoring of vehicles, which is restricted to the luxury cars and sports cars of the super-rich.

    The service is available. only to buyers of the Daihatsu Copen, a tiny changeable two-seater. Customers ordering this car from their local dealer can choose one of 15 "effect skins". The buyers can then use a website to improve the designs further to create exactly the look they want.

    Copen buyers will like selecting unique add-ons rather than choosing from a list of standard accessories(配件), says Osamu Fujishita of Daihatsu. The company is testing the service in a few markets. "I think the Copen project is just the start," adds Mr Fujishita.

    Other carmakers are watching closely. Generally. personal customization is available only wheremoney is no object–on cars such as Rolls-Royces and Ferraris. But 3D printers change the economics of production. Since software is behind the process, changes can be made easily and cheaply. Besides 3D printing saves on retooling(更换)costs to make small runs of parts and spares if they suffer damage later.

    The aerospace industry is already well advanced in using 3D printers for custom parts. Airlines often clearly customized fittings for the inside of their aircraft. Specialized parts are 3D-printed for acing cars too, but until Daihatsu's move, mainstream carmakers have mainly used 3D machines to make prototype(原型)vehicles rather than production pars.


    Shopping can indeed improve a bad mood, a study published in the journal of Psychology and Marketing showed. In fact, in a survey of over 1, 000 American adults, 96%said they had bought something to make themselves feel better. However, the benefits of retail therapy(购物疗法)are oftenfugitiveand can give way to long-term side effects.

    Negative emotions and sadness can lead to a loss of self-worth and this often is what drives people to turn to shopping when they feel down. The result:those same negative emotions can come back with regret and guilt, if we spend more than we should or had planned to. "What we're doing with retail therapy is that we're trying desperately to regulate our emotions, "says Joanne Corrigan, a clinical psychologist specializing in compassion focused therapy-a type of psychotherapy aimed at helping people with mental-health issues related to shame and self-criticism. "We don't like uncomfortable emotions. So we'll do short-lived things that make us feel good in the moment. "

    When we feel down or anxious, our ability to control ourselves is reduced, making us tend to make bad decisions. Sadness, it seems, leads to more impatient thoughts, and a desire for immediate reward at the expense of greater future gains. This phenomenon was termed "myopic misery(近视苦难)" by Jennifer Lerner, professor of psychology at Harvard University and her colleagues Ye Li and Elke Weber of Columbia University in their research paper on the issue.

    According to Cormell University economist Robert Frank, the key to fighting the impulse (冲动)to shop when we feel down is self-control. He points to the work of Walter Michel, who conducted the Stanford Marshmallow test, an experiment in child psychology and delayed satisfaction, which sought to examine self-control among children by offering them a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period. Follow-up studies found that children who were willing to wait longer for rewards tended to have better scores in later life when it came to measurements including SAT scores, educational attainment and body mass index(BMI).

    "For a lasting sense of well-being, we need to overcome the impulse for immediate satisfaction. "Frank says. "You ought to take a longer view of what counts, but that's where people have consistent difficulty: giving sufficient weight to things that occur not now but in the future. "


    "She is a pretty girl, but I don't know why George stays friendly with her." This is what Maria Osborne, George's sister, said to her younger sister, Jane, about Amelia.

    "I can't agree more." Jane said.

    One day Dobbin came to the Osborne house to visit George, but he was not at home.

    "You are at the wrong house," laughed Maria, and pointed to the Sedley's house on the other side of the street. "That's where he is."

    Dobbin smiled strangely and went away. He knew that George had not been there. Amelia was there alone, hoping that George would come to visit her. Day after day, she waited. Day after day, he didn't come. He was busy playing billiards with his friends in the army.

    A lot of people thought that the army would soon join in the war against Napoleon. and Amelia was worried that her George would have to go and fight. Perhaps, he would be injured or killed!Then the war in Europe ended, and Amelia were very happy. However, George told her that he had to travel to some other parts of England with his troops. While he was away, he sometimes wrote her a short note. She wrote him very long letters every day.

    George was tired of reading these long letters and sometimes used them to light his cigars. His friends Stubble and Spooney wondered who was sending all those long letters to Captain Osborne, but he would not tell them. Dobbin heard Stubble and Spooney speaking about it one day.

    "She's probably an actress or singer and just wants his money, "said Spooney.

    "Miss Sedley is one of the nicest young women that ever lived." said Dobbin, annoyed. "and Lieutenant Osborne has been engaged(订婚)to her for a long time. "

    Soon, everybody in the army knew about it, and George was angry with Dobbin. Then he remembered that Dobbin often helped him by giving him money. He did not want to lose such a good friend. Dobbin told him that he should write to Amelia and try to make her happier. The next day George decided to go to London and visit Amelia. He borrowed some money from Dobbin, so that he could buy her a present. When he arrived in London, he saw a lovely shirt in a shop and bought it for himself. He had no money left to buy a present for Amelia.

    "Never mind, "he said to himself. "She doesn't care about presents. She just wants to see me. "

    She was, indeed, very happy to see him, and admired his new shirt. He talked to her about his plans to retire from the army because the war in Europe had ended and was going to live somewhere in the country with her. She was very happy.

    "I will take you to visit your sisters-in-law, "said George. "I have some important business in the city, but I will be back in time for dinner. "

    George took her to the Osborne house, and then he went into the city and played billiards with his friends. He was late for dinner.

    After dinner, his father talked to him about his plans. He wanted him to stop gambling and playing billiards with his friends, and George promised that he would.

    "Can't you find another girl to marry?" asked Mr. Osborne suddenly.

    "But she loves me, and you arranged it many years ago with Mr. Sedley,"replied George.

    "Yes, I know. Sedley was my friend once and helped me in business. Now his business does not look good. I think he has lost a lot of money. I don't want a poor man's daughter in my family!"

    George was not upset to hear this, and he did not tell Amelia what his father had said. He made Amelia very happy, and that night she wrote him another long letter. He read it and sighed.

    "Poor Amelia,"he said."She loves me so much! This wine has given me a headache!"

课外阅读(共2小题; 满分5分)
任务型阅读(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

Positive Psychology

    Positive psychology can be thought of as a branch of psychology, which puts emphasis on the strengths and positive aspects of an individual's character to help him achieve contentment and satisfaction. It focuses on making the ordinary lives of people much more fulfilling. The key point of positive psychology is that an individual should try to be content with his past experiences, happy with the present and hopeful about the future. This attitude can help an individual to place an emphasis on his strengths and grow in the best possible way. Positive psychology attaches great importance to three main factors. They are positive emotions, positive personalities and positive institutions.

    Positive psychologists believe that positive emotions help broaden one's vision and create a sense of well-being in an individual. Positive emotions can help in achieving better results, both in personal and professional life. Positive emotions include being happy with yourself, which gives you a better way of looking at life. Positive emotions also prepare you to face any challenge in life with optimism.

    Studies show that individuals with positive personalities have greater chances of standing out in various fields. Research shows that those with virtues like confidence, creativity. perseverance, sensibility, etc. have more chances of succeeding than those who hold a pessimistic (悲观的)view on life. Positive individual personalities prepare an individual to face the difficulties in life with confidence.

    Institutions like schools, families and other social organizations can ensure that the strengths of an individual are developed. For example, praising a child for his good qualities and helping him deal with challenges can go a long way in preparing him for his future life. Instead of condemning or pressurizing employees, appreciating them for their efforts and rewarding them for their achievements are more effective ways of developing confidence in them and getting them to achieve more productivity.

    Positive psychology shouldn't be confused with positive thinking. Positive thinking is a mind-sct which a person believes that all right things will happen to him and he'll be rewarded for his actions, while positive psychology doesn't rule out the probability of negative things happening to an individual. Rather, it focuses more on his positive aspects and works on how to utilize these to make a positive impact on his life. Positive psychologists believe that being happy isn't putting on a fake smile and reassuring yourself that all is fine. It is more about confronting(处理)negative aspects and appreciating positive aspects in order to use them to develop your personality. So it's necessary and important for us all to learn how to get the benefits of this new branch of psychology.

Positive Psychology


·Positive psychology refers to a branch of psychology which is aimed at making people feel content and satisfied by their strengths and positive aspects.

·With positive psychology, people can make the most of their strengths for their best

Three important factors

·Positive emotions can have one's vision  and bring a sense of happiness. They can help one achieve better results personally and. They can get one  for challenges in life with an optimistic attitude.

·Those with positive personalities are more  to succeed in various fields than those with pessimistic personalities.

·Positive institutions are beneficial to the of one's strengths.

 between positive psychology and positive thinking

·Positive thinking just focuses on right things while positive psychology takes into  both positive and negative aspects of a situation.

·Positive psychology focuses on developing one's personality by the  of facing the negative and appreciating the positive.
