组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-04


How often do You let other people's rude actions change your mood? Do you let a bad driver or an impolite waiter make your day in a mess? However, the mark of your wise reply to the actions is how 1you can come back to smiling to them. Sixteen years ago, I learned this2at the back of a taxi in New York.

We were driving fast in the right lane (车道)when suddenly, a black car jumped3a parking space right to front of us. My taxi driver stepped on the brake(刹车)as hard as possible, and at the4moment our car stopped just one inch from the back of the other car.

I couldn't5what happened next. The driver of the car turned his head around and started6bad words. But then here's what really7me. My taxi driver just smiled and waved(挥手致意) at the guy. I said, "Why did you just do that? This guy nearly 8us!" He told me what I now remember "The Law of the Garbage(垃圾)Truck."

   He said,“Like garbage trucks, many people run around full of garbage, full of anger, and full of regret. 9their garbage increases more and more, they look for a place to pour it.If you let them, they'll pour it on you. So when someone wants to pour it on you, don't feel hurt. Just smile, wave, and move on. You will be10.”

 I started thinking: how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and11it to other people? Then I knew clearly what I should do.

I began to see Garbage Trucks. I see the bad12people are carrying. I see them coming to pour it. And like my taxi driver, I don't feel hurt. I just smile, wave, and move on。


      Any time of the day you can devote to exercising is a good time for getting active,but if you want to make a healthy fitness plan, it may be helpful to keep several points in mind and find out the best time to exercise.

      First, try to know what kind of person you are. Especially, are you an early bird who always wakes up early in the morning, or a night owl(猫头鹰)who almost never goes to bed before midnight? Once you are generally aware of what your sleep characteristics are,you will understand better when your body needs exercise, either early in the morning,sometime during the day, or later on in the evening.

    Second, consider your daily plan. When do you seem to be most busy, and when do you plan your most important tasks? Try to fit in your exercise before or at least around these events if possible, so that you can keep exercising and your life won't be affected(影响)as well.

      Third, think about when you feel you have the most energy. For most people, that time is usually in the morning after a good night's rest, or after a long day of work. After a busy or much stressful day, exercising can reduce your working stress from hard work. 

       Lastly, find out the place you plan to do exercise. Your house provides exercise at any time if you own fitness equipment(设备),but if there is a gym(健身房)down the street or along the way home from work, it will make it more suitable for you to exercise.

      More importantly, you need to make a plan and try sticking to it for one week. If you do so and can get through the exercise without being pulled in another direction, make it a habit. And once you have set up your fitness plan, don't make any great changes to it unless your doctor allows you to.

Is your TV connected to the Internet? What about your chair or your fridge? It is possible that they are not. But in the future, most things in your home may be connected, as the so-called "Internet of things" is developing.

   The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think. It is reported that during his speech earlier this year, Samsung CEO(首席执行官)BK Yoon spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things. He said that five years from now,every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things, whether it's a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner(吸尘器).

     So,how do household(家用)objects that are part of Internet of things work? Well, think of a usual chair. When connected to the Internet, the chair warms up when it knows that the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold. 

     An Internet-connected camera, like a smart-home camera, could help people feel safer in their homes. It can recognize(识别)people's faces, and even can see when someone passes by in the dark. Then it can send you a message on your smartphone to let you know who's there. If the person is someone you don't know, it can tell you that, too.

    But according to MIT Technology Review, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security(安全)systems to the Internet, there may be problems. For example,many early connected-home devices(装置)don't have much built-in security, which means they could be hacked(被黑客攻击),In addition, it could be difficult to get these devices to work together because they are made by different companies. To fight this, many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium, which had 45 members by late 2014.

    So, picture this: you walk in through the front door of your home. The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable after a long day at school. Your favorite music starts playing for you. Do you think that this would be a good thing? It may happen sooner than you think.

I was just outof college, only three days into a graduate (研究生)year in England,and I was pulling a heavy bag and suitcase(箱子)through the London Underground. I was also crying out of control.

   The day before yesterday, my uncle told me never to speak to him, his wife, or my two cousins again. Earlier,  I made a joke. I didn't mean to hurt my aunt's feelings, but it did.I spent the evening in an ugly blue telephone booth (电话亭). crying as I spoke to a family friend who lived in England.

   When I left the phone booth, I went back to a silent house with three closed bedroom doors. In the morning, I heard everyone get up and leave for work and school. I wrote a note to say sorry and pulled my bags to the train station. When I got into London, I had to take the underground to Angel Station to get to my family friend's house.

    I was familiar with the underground, but at the time, it was just endless white tiles(瓷砖).Coming to England seemed like a bad decision. Crying yet again, I tried to lift my suitcase up the stairs.

   When I was trying hard to walk forward, there were hands. Each time I faced another group of steps,a hand would lift the suitcase. At the top of the steps, the hand would let go, and I'd pull the suitcase to the next group. And just as I wanted to try again,another hand would appear.

   It happenedseveral times. I never looked up, because I couldn't stop crying.Each hand looked different, and many different people helped me, without asking or saying anything. I couldn't look up. I wasn't able to say thank you.

   I went on to have anamazing year studying in England, but that was the last time I saw or spoke to any of my uncle's family. Yet when I think aboutthat terrible lossin 2008, I remember those strangers' hands. They were there when I needed them, and even now, they help me out of the sadness of that memory. I think of them as I ride the underground in Washington D. C. today, and I watch the citizens and tourists to offer hands at any time.

Sometimes, you feel down or unhappy and it is hard to come back to your high spirit. So if you're having a bad day and need a boost,then help is just a click away. 

 A website is trying to offer people positive(积极的)messages from strangers to cheer them up. It announces to be“the nicest place on the Internet",where happy people can present their positive thoughts and feelings to those who are in low spirits.

 The website, thenicestplaceontheinter.net, lets people post videos of themselves blowing kisses and leaving positive and encouraging messages to lift visitors' spirits.

 The website was created by Jeff Lam and is considered to help many people out when they feel low. The well-known artist who lives in San Francisco said he came up with the idea when he and his friend Lauren were having one of those bad days.

"We tried to become cheerful,but none of the usual methods seemed to be working. Not music. Not food. What we hoped was something positive, honest and good.So with only a  camera and work-free weekend, we created‘The Nicest Place On The Internet," he explained on his website.

One user of the site, Joseph Meehan, 27, from Birmingham, said,“it's a fun and

exciting website. I visit every once in a while when I'm missing my friends or family. I think it could really be a help to people that are feeling down or sad. It may even stop them from doing something stupid. You can also post your video to the website, and they add it to the series. It's very easy to share the love.”

Mr. Lam is now working on a new project that allows people to leave positive voicemails for strangers. The idea is that strangers send an audio(声音)diary by leaving a voicemail and then anyone can listen to it.


     Last fall a beaver moved into the small stream beside our house. He began taking down small trees right away. and in a couple of weeks our stream turned into a pond(水塘).Every day,he added more to his dam(水坝)and to his house. We're sure you've all heard the saying, "as busy as a beaver". Now, we understand this saying as we saw the work that this beaver did over a very short period of time.

    We thought that would be the last of the beaver's busy activity as winter came. To our amazement, however, he started chewing(咀嚼)on a very large tree. The tree was over 18 meters tall and around 1.5 meters in diameter(直径).We were amazed at the challenge this beaver was trying. All winter, he chewed and chewed. He had setbacks(挫折)as we faced major winter storms and ice-cold weather. But sure enough, when the weather allowed, he would come back and chew a bit more.

    The beaver's first goal(目标)was to survive--to build home for the winter. Working every day with that goal in mind, he successfully achieved that goal. But the large tree he started chewing on last fall was a future goal一he wanted the large tree to provide new food and branches(树枝)for the coming spring. Even with the setbacks he faced over the winter, he never gave up until he reached it.

   Our beaver's experience reminds us that we need to set goals for tomorrow. Sometimes just surviving seems to take up all of our time.  But, if you do just a little bit when time allows and stick to your future goal, you will achieve it.

    When faced with setbacks, have your goal in heart and don't let the setbacks stop you. Keep chewing like the beaver, and you will achieve your goal in the end.
