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外研版英语必修四Module 4 Great Scientists.同步练习

日期: 2024-09-19

        In 1991,Jane Goodall began Roots and Shoots, a program thatencourages young people to work to protect the Earth.TFKKidReporter ChandlerSchaak caught up with Goodall at a Roots and Shoots 1at Zoo Boise,in Idaho.

       Kai Neander, 15, digs saving theEarth.2president of the Sequoia Park Zoo Roots and Shoots program,in California, he helped plant 564 trees. His group's 3is to plant 1,000 trees by the end of the year.“4little thingyou do makes a difference,”he says.

Roots and Shoots5youngpeople to volunteer in their communities to help 6animals and theirhabitats.Jane Goodall started the 7in 1991.She is8for herstudy of chimpanzees at Gombe National Park, in Tanzania, East Africa.Today,there are more than 8,000 Roots and Shootsgroups in nearly 100 countries.

       “I 9the idea for Rootsand Shoots because I met so many young people who had 10hope,”Goodall toldTFK.“Thisprogram teaches youth that 11they all get together, they can make adifference.”

        Tara Adiseshan, a high schoolsenior, hopes to12her mark on the natural world.She and othermembers of the Charlottesville Roots and Shoots Club, in Virginia, began a13tosave frogs.Tara worked with14at James Madison University, also inVirginia, to test a 15for a deadly fungus that16frogs.Acure is now being tested in the 17

Tara plans to give talks in localschools to raise 18about the threat to frogs.She also invited a frogexpert to 19at a nature park in her community.

“No matter how many problems weface,”Tara says, “there is still 20as long as kidslike us continue to care.”




         Handling a wad of cash may be as good at killing pain than ibuprofen (布洛芬) or aspirin,a new study suggests.

         Researchers at the University of Minnesota carried out a series of studies which showed those who counted money before taking part in an experiment where they were subjected to low levels of pain felt less discomfort than those who did not.

It's thought that fondling notes and coins helps ward off pain by boosting feelings ofselfworth and selfsufficiency.

        Previous studies have shown those with a greater sense of self­worth may be more likely to bear pain.Britain spends at least £500 million a year on over­the­counter painkilling pills and the figure is increasing every year.But scientists remain puzzled by why some people appear to feel pain more easily than others.In the latest study,a group of students were asked to count out a wad of cash consisting of 80 one­hundred dollar bills,or just 80 slips of blank paper.They had been told researchers were simply testing their dexterity (熟练) in handling the notes.

         Each volunteer was then asked to dip their hands into a bowl of very hot water,to see how painful they found it and how long they could last.The results,published in a recent edition of the journal Psychological Science , showed those who had handled money reported less pain and lasted longer.The results support other studies highlighting how the brain can be tuned to fight off pain without the use of pills.

        A University of Los Angeles team of scientists found just looking at a photograph of a loved one can also be a powerful form of pain relief.They recommended anyone visiting hospital for painful tests or examinations should bring a picture to help them cope.

        And patients who have had major surgery,such as a knee or hip replacement,can halve the amount of painkilling medicine they need simply by stroking a pet,according to tests at Loyola University in Chicago.


       Around four years ago, I received a call from the principal of our school as to the “Parents View” talk the next morning. He asked me to speak to the group. After the call, my whole body became feverish and panicky. The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night, I could not sleep with manyominous_apprehensionsin mind. One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come. Finally, I gathered some courage. I thought, “If I miss this opportunity, surely the school will never invite me again to any of their programs.”

       I reached the school in time. Before my turn came, my whole body was trembling. When my turn came and I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn't even able to read the written speech properly. I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading. That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness: Public Speaking.

       After my speech, I met with the principal and explained what happened to me. He told me that this happens to everyone. Even great speakers faced the same things when they started. He suggested that I come again next time.

       Around one month later,I was invited to refer to a topic on motivation. This time I was feeling comfortable. My speech was appreciated by the principal as well as the teachers, because I was able to get my idea across to them. They encouraged me and praised my efforts.

       After delivering it successfully, I became more confident. I said to myself,“If I can speak in front of such a learned audience, like the principal who educates others, I can now speak in front of others too.”

       I started delivering lectures on various topics like Self Motivation, Personality Development, Personal Excellence, Spoken English and Presentation Skills. This has become a passion for me. I have learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step.


 1What Teenagers Can Do To Earn MoreRespect

Asteenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun. With so many physical andemotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adulttraits are not yet accepted as a way of life. By doing the following things, youwill earn more respect.

   2Contribute to the household

Atthe very least, clean up after yourself. As a teenager, you are old enough toclean up after yourself. When you make a mess, clean it up. All chores that you do help to reduce the loadof the person who did them before. Now that you're old enough and capable, whyshouldn't you contribute to the household? 

  3Be responsible

 Whether they are basic things, like brushingyour teeth or doing your homework , or more involved chores that contribute tothe household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time. When adults knowthat they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase.

  4 Solve more of your own problem without asking for help

Insteadof taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve yourproblems on your own first. The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is anextra task for the person from whom you are seeking help. Seek help only afteryou have make an honest effort to solve your own problems. When you become a good problem solver, youincrease your valve to the community.

a.Everyone has certain responsibilities.

b.By being aware of these manners and traits, you can managethem sooner.

c.The people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate thehelp.

d.This includes. But is not limited to , your dishes and yourroom.

e.It will make your life more pleasant.

f.Depending on the problem, 15 minutes of effort is usually a good guideline.

g.When speaking to a group, speak loud enough.
