组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

    The small red house on D Street was old enough. It had a blue roof. But Corita liked it. She was born in that house. Corita was seven and a half years old. One day her mother hugged her tight and said, "I have something to tell you. We have to move to another house."

    Corita cried a little, but she got over it. She put all her toys into a box. Not her dolls, though. She held on to the dolls. The movers (搬家工人) came. They took the furniture and clothes. They took Corita's box of toys. "We'll meet you at the other house," they said.

    Corita and her mother got on a bus. Corita held her dolls on her lap. The bus ride was long. After the bus ride, Corita and her mother walked two blocks. They came to a yellow house. It was old and little. The movers were there.

    They all went into the house. Corita's mother showed the movers where to put things. She showed them the room for Corita's toys.

    "Will this room be mine?"

    "Yes," said her mother.

    "What makes it so nice and bright?"

    "Look up. Look toward the roof."

    Corita looked up, "There is a window in the ceiling!"

    Her mother smiled, "That's called a skylight. See the blue sky?"

    Corita put her dolls on the bed. Then she took her toys out of the box. "I like this house," she told her mother. "This house is so nice."

    "Were you afraid it wouldn't be nice?"

Corita laughed, "Well, my dolls were. But of course, they didn't know the skylight!"

    Life is like a skylight. Only if we find the light things in our life, we will be always happy.


    It's sad to learn that a whale has died in the ocean. However, that's not the end for the whale. It has a lot to give to other sea animals after death.

    When a whale dies, it quickly sinks (下沉) to the bottom of the ocean floor. There, the whale body provides food and nutrients (营养) to deep-sea animals, which are often hungry for food. The remains can last for hundreds of years and create a complex ecosystem called a whale fall (鲸落).

Chinese scientists found a whale fall for the first time in the South China Sea during a deep-sea expedition (考察) carried out by oceanic research vessel (舰) Tansuo-1, which finished its expedition on April 2, 2020. Tansuo-1 carried the manned submersible (潜水器) Shenhai Yongshi, which is able to dive to a depth of 4,5000 meters.

The whale fall in the South China Sea is about three meters long. Scientists have found several species (物种) of shrimp and fish near the whale fall. Some fish have started to eat the whale's tail. The whale fall might be quite recent and needs long-term observation (观察), according to Xie Wei, a scientist who took part in the expedition.

The whale fall ecosystem can exist in the deep ocean because great pressure and cold temperatures there prevent body from decomposing too quickly. But the depth also makes it hard for scientists to discover them. There are about 50 known whale falls in the world.

By studying the whale fall, scientists can better understand how marine (海洋的) ecosystems support life and how to protect biodiversity (生物多样性) resources in the deep sea.
