组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

    A 13-year-old boy recently gained wide attention from net citizens in China when a video of his excellent basketball skills in a one-on-one situation was posted online.

    "It's so inspiring (鼓舞人心的)! How can you easily 1 your efforts after watching his video?" A net citizen wrote on Weibo.

    Born in Guangdong Province, Zhang Jiacheng lost his right 2 in an accident at just five, which was a big hit for 3a young kid. However, the boy decided to face the big 4and not let the fate control his life.5he has a dream: to be a basketball player.

    "How can he play basketball with just one arm?" Zhang always had to face the 6 from other kids around. "Hard work" is the only 7 that Zhang has in his success. Be it rainy or windy, Zhang 8 stops practising basketball. As a result, he's made 9 improvement in his skills. In the video, Zhang 10 his wonderful basketball skills in front of a defense (防卫) which was 11 up of several professional players. He received a loud 12 from people watching at the scene. "13 right hand has been taken away in a cruel way, but you have the best left hand. You are the 14 star in this game!" former CBA player Wang Jing said after watching Zhang's performance.

    "Give it a try, or give it up," Zhang once said. Indeed, he 15 the first of the two. His story tells us that stage is as big as your heart and action can go as far as your thought.


    The epidemic (疫情) is scary. But it's not all bad. In fact, we can learn some lessons from it.

Learn to be responsible

    When facing the epidemic, everyone has to be ready. People have different responsibilities (责任). Doctors fight on the front line to treat   patients. Police officers stay in position to keep us safe. Delivery (投递) men deliver daily things to us.

    What are your responsibilities? You can follow the latest news and exercise to keep your body healthy and keep the virus away.


    Feeling afraid is not a bad thing. You can learn to replace your fear with respect. When you respect laws, you are careful about what you do. When you respect others, you are kind to them. When you respect nature, you try to protect it.

    Don't just be afraid. Try to do what you believe in and do it with a respectful mind.

Learn to tell right from wrong

    If you want to learn about something, you can easily find a lot of information about it online. But is all of it correct?

    Don't get lost in a sea of information. Think critically. You can also ask your parents or teachers and listen to what they say.

Learn to be calm

   You might feel nervous and worried. These feelings are normal. When there are unexpected changes, people might feel like this.

   But life is full of unexpected changes. Try to accept them calmly. This can help you face those changes and find ways to deal with them.


    Loneliness, a natural feeling, is not something most people want to experience. When you feel lonely as a result of missing a loved one or a place, or preparing for a time spent away from your friends and family, here are some suggestions for you to avoid it.

    Focus on your health

    Studies have shown that poor sleep, lack of physical activity and unhealthy food can let you feel tired and sad, causing the feeling of loneliness. Try to get eight hours of sleep every night, try to take part in at least 30 minutes of physical activity, and don't eat junk food. Eating more fruits and vegetables will also help.

    Bring an old hobby back to life

    It's much more difficult to feel lonely if you're actively enjoying an activity, especially one that you are good at. If you've got a hobby that you love, try to spare time for your hobby even if you are busy, such as reading, playing a sport, cooking, painting ...

    Avoid staying at home all day long

    Spending your time in nature will probably improve your feelings and help you get over loneliness. Sunshine makes you feel happier and less focused on your loneliness. You can go hiking, go boating or go on a bike ride if you are not interested in just walking around. You may go for a coffee with your friends or even make big plans so that you have events to look forward to. First, you can make possible activities you might want to take part in, then, spend a few days planning out the event, so that you are fully prepared and stress-free. If possible, include other people in your plan to make your activity more interesting.

    All in all, it seems that facing your own loneliness is the first step to avoid loneliness. Do your best to follow the things above. It takes efforts, but it is worth your try.


    The clock struck twelve.

    Scrooge looked around him for the Ghost, but he couldn't see it. Then he remembered old Jacob Marley's prediction. He lifted his eyes, and he saw a serious Ghost. The ghost wore a black robe (长袍). The robe covered its head, its face and its body. The only thing visible was a hand. The ghost neither spoke nor moved. Scrooge was terrified.

    "Are you the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?" asked Scrooge.

    The Ghost didn't answer, but it pointed its hand in front of it.

    "You are going to show me the future," Scrooge continued. "Am I right, Ghost?"

    The Ghost nodded its head. That was the only answer Scrooge received.

    "Ghost of the Future," he said, "I'm more afraid of you than of all the other ghosts. But because I want to be a better man, I will go with you. Please, speak to me."

    It didn't reply. The hand pointed straight in front of them.

    "Lead on!" said Scrooge.

    The Ghost moved forwards. Scrooge followed in the shadow of its robe. And the robe carried him along. The city suddenly appeared around them. There they were, in the heart of it. The Ghost stopped beside some businessmen at the Stock (股票) Exchange. Its hand was pointing to them, so Scrooge listened to their conversation.

    "I only know he's dead," said a great fat man.

    "When did he die?" asked another.

    "Last night, I think."

    "What was the matter with him?" asked a third.

    "God knows " said the first, with a yawn.

    "What has he done with his money?" asked a red-faced gentleman.

    "I don't know," said the great fat man, yawning again. "He hasn't left it to me. That's all I know."

    Everybody laughed.

    "It will be a very small funeral (葬礼)," said the great fat man. "I don't think anybody will go to it."

    Scrooge knew the men. And he looked towards the Ghost for an explanation. He didn't understand why this conversation was important. But he knew it must be.

    Scrooge looked around the place. He looked at the clock. It was strange. He was usually there at this time, but he couldn't see himself.


    Would you like to be comfortable talking to other people? Holding conversations may help. Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. After all, everyone talks to other people frequently. But talking to new people makes many people nervous.

    Here are some ways to make conversations more fun and less awkward (尴尬的).

    Body language

    As strange as it may seem, much communication happens without any words. The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you're talking with someone, stand up straight and look them in the eye. This shows your confidence. And if you're nervous, acting like you aren't can help you feel better. When you're listening, look at the other person. Lean forward to show that you're interested in what they're saying.

    Back and forth

    A good conversation is not a speech, which means that both people need to participate. If you're doing all the talking, pause to allow the other person to speak. If they don't say anything, try asking them a question.

    Questions can also help if you're struggling (挣扎) to think what to say. Maybe they'll say something you know or you can reply to. When you ask questions, try to think of open-ended ones. That means questions where the answer is more than just "yes" or “no”. Open-ended questions in English usually start withwho,what,when,whereandwhy.

    Don't fear silence.

    Don't feel worried or frightened if the conversation has quiet moments. Every conversation has some. Treat them as chances to change the subject to something you're interested in. You could also comment on (评论) something you've done recently. Or you can ask a question about the other person.

    So if you're shy, be brave, ask a question, and start a conversation. As with any skill, you will improve on holding conversations with time.

Learn to be talking to others


    Everyone needs to talk to others often. But talking to new people makes many people nervous. Holding conversations may be of some to you.

to improve your conversation

Body language

    Stand up and look them in the eye.

    Act like you aren't nervous at all while talking.

    Lean forward to show your in their topic.

Back and forth

    Pause to give the other person time to speak.

    Try to of open-ended questions to ask.

Don't fear .

    Stay if the conversation has quiet moments.

    Treat them as to change the subject of your talk.

    Comment on your recent behaviour or ask a question.


    You will succeed in improving your conversation skills time goes on.
