组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Jaden went to do an interview in a big company.

    During the interview, the director asked, "Who 1 for your school fees?" He answered, "It was my mother. She 2 as a clothes cleaner to earn money for my education. "Then the director asked him to show his 3 Jaden showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.

    The director asked, "Have you ever 4 your mother to wash the clothes before?" Jaden answered, "Never. My mother can wash clothes faster than me. "

    The director said, "I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning. "

    Jaden felt that his chance of getting the job was 5 When he went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to him. It was the first time

    Jaden 6 that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises (裂口) in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water. It was this pair of hands that washed clothes every day to enable him to pay for the school fees. After finishing the cleaning, Jaden 7 washed all the clothes for his mother.

    Next morning, Jaden went to the director's office. The director asked, "Can you tell me what you have done yesterday?" He answered, "I cleaned my mother's hands and also finished cleaning all the clothes. "The director asked, "What about your feelings?" Jaden said, "Now I am 8 for those who helped me in the past.

    Without my mother, I would not be who I am today. I come to know the importance and value of family relationship."

    The director said, "This is what I am looking for to be my manager. You are hired. "

阅读理解(共26分, 每小题2分)

    Do you have plans for your summer holiday? Good plans help you spend a meaningful and excellent holiday.

    Jason Moore, 18

    This summer, I'll volunteer with Special House Program. The workers there are well trained and they have a lot of building experience. They build good, low-cost houses and sell them to the poor. They'll teach me what to do, and then I am going to have a chance to learn how to build houses.

    Richard Smith, 14

    I am writing to my pen friend abroad, telling him what I want to do during my holidays. My classmates and I will go on a one-day picnic on the beach of Oneida Lake. My math and chemistry are not good enough, so I will spend two weeks on extra lessons. And the rest of the holiday I will go lazing around, listen to music or watch some programs on television.

    Mark Perez. 17

    There are many things that I would like to do in my holidays. First of all will visit all my friends by turns. Besides, my classmates and I will organize cricket (板球) matches in the Fitness Gym during the holiday. Cricket is my favorite sport. I am looking forward to playing in the matches and bringing honors to our team.

    Alexi Brown. 15

    This year, we have planned a long trip to Mongolia which has the most beautiful grassland. I think it is going to be an enjoyable holiday. We are going to stay in a cottage (小木屋) and visit all the most famous places in Mongolia. I hope the weather is going to be favorable for us when we are there.


    Simon was a curious (好奇的) boy. He lived with his grandfather. One night, he secretly entered the store room where his grandfather kept his priceless antiques (古董) .

    Simon stood on a chair. He lifted the box where his grandfather had kept many wrist-watches. While getting down from the chair, the box slipped out of his hands and fell onto the floor. To his shock, he found the glass of his grandfather's favorite watch broken. Simon got frightened. He picked up the pieces of glass. He put the broken watch back into the box and placed the box back on the shelf. He could not sleep that night.

    The next morning, Simon got up early. He gathered courage o go and admit his mistake to his grandfather. He told grandfather everything. The grandfather looked thoughtful. He did not say anything and went over to the store room. Simon kept standing with his head down.

    Having returned from the store room the grandfather said to Simon, "I felt very angry when you had broken my precious watch. Your grandmother gifted it to me on our first wedding anniversary. But you need not worry. Only the glass is broken. I shall have it replaced. "

    Simon felt relieved (释然的). After some time, his grandfather went into the kitchen and brought a glass of milk to him. And said, "It was brave enough of you to tell me the truth. You knew that I would scold (责骂) you, didn't you?"

Simon said, "I was scared at fist But I didn't want to tell a lie. I should not have touched your things without your permission"

    "Don't be scared to own up your mistake. "Grandfather said, "It is brave to admit your mistake. You may be scared of being scolded. But it is the only way for you to be free from guilt (愧疚),"


    When thinking of ways to relax in life, usually things like yoga. jogging and music come to mind. These are great, to be sure. But getting a friend can also have many benefits. While human friends provide great social support, furry friends like cats and dogs can come with some great benefits.

    Pets can improve people's mood. For those who love animals, it's actually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. The study found that people with AIDS were less likely to suffer from deep sadness if they owned a pet.

    Pets also encourage people to get out and exercise. Whether people walk their dogs because they need it, or are more likely to enjoy a walk when they have companionship, dog owners do spend more time walking than non-pet owners.

    While we all know the power of talking about your problems with a good friend who is a good listener, research shows that spending time with pets may be even better! People actually experience less stress (压力) when their pets are with them than when a supportive friend is present! A recent study performed by Washington

State University (WSU) has proved that petting cats and dogs for just ten minutes is an effective way to reduce stress levels. The team chose 249 students and put them into four groups. The first group was provided 10 minutes to play with dogs and cats.

    The second group waited in line while observing the first group. The third group watched a video of the same animals, while the fourth group was just waiting. "What we wanted to learn was whether this exposure (接触) would help students reduce their stress, and it did, "said Patricia Pendry, a professor in WSU.

    It's important to realize that owning a pet isn't for everyone. It does come with additional work and responsibility, which can bring its own stress. However, for most people, the advantages of having a pet outweigh the drawbacks (缺点), Having a furry best friend can reduces stress in your life and bring you support when times get tough.


    If you know a teenager or gamer, you have probably heard about the latest video game:Fortnite. In the game, up to 100 players land into a small island with guns, and then kill or hide from other players in an attempt to be the lone survivor, The main goal is to kill other players, The popularity of these types of games raises clear questions about the effects of violent (暴力的) gaming. Do violent video games lead to real life violence?

The research on this question is mixed. Over the years, researchers have performed studies to find out whether violent video games lead to problems such as aggression (攻击性) and poor performance in school. Many studies have found that people who play violent video games are more likely to be involved in aggressive behavior. In fact, there was enough research leading to this conclusion (结论) that the American Psychological Association published a policy statement in 2015 concluding that playing violent video games leads to more aggressive behaviors.

    But many other researchers disagree. Many studies about violent crime and the use of video violent games find no evidence that increased sales of violent video games leads to an obvious growth in violent crimes. Researchers state that if violent games directly led to violent behavior, the data (数据) would show increases in violent crime on a large-scale as more people played violent games. In fact, there is some evidence that as more youth play video games, rates of youth violence have decreased.

    A recent analysis finds that much of the research on violence and video games is affected by publication bias, Studies which drew the conclusions that video games lead to aggression and violence are more likely to be published. However, studies which find violent video games don't have an effect on violence are seldom to be published. As a result, large reviews of the data conclude violent video games lead to aggression without considering research to the contrary.

    So what's the take-home message here? There is not enough evidence that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior. That does not mean that every game is for every child. Certainly, many violent video games are scary and unfit for some kids. Understanding each child's needs and creating a plan that sets out rules for media use and monitors kids' activities on screens are proper solutions.

任务型阅读(共10分, 每小题2分)

    Youmight have noticed that sometimes, when you are playing mobile games, thepicture suddenly freezes (卡顿) because the network speed is oslow. However, these annoying things will soon become a thing of the past, asChina just issued commercial licenses (发放商用牌照) or 5Gnetworks on June 6, 2019. This means that China's telecommunications companieswill be able to offer 5G network speeds to users.

    The"G" in "5G"stands for generation. IG let us talk to eachother, 2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mobile data and internet, and 4Gmade all of these things faster. So what will SG bring?

    Itwill allow us to download an entire HD movie in seconds. The delay (延时) between sending and receiving data will be shortened. Now, 4Gtakesabout 100 to 200 milliseconds, while humans have a reaction time of about 200 to300 milliseconds. But 5G will get the delay down to I millisecond or less, whichis almost real-time.

    Withthe development of 5G, new kinds of technology will be created and used.

    Robotswill be used to do operations because doctors will be able to control them fromsomewhere else without any delay. Self-driving cars will be able to drive more safelybecause they can smoothly communicate with each other, traffic lights and roadsensors.

    5Gnetworks will be powerful, but not perfect. They do have some disadvantages.

    Onone hand, 5G signals don't go very far. On 4G networks, you can be 10kilometers away from the nearest transmission base (传送基站) and don't lose signal. But 5G maxes out at about 300 meters. Onthe other hand, 5G signals have a hard time going through walls and rains. Thismeans we will need to build many small transmitters to make sure 5G signals canbe received everywhere. Soon you may see small boxes on every street lamp andbuilding
