组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    A new rubbish sorting system(垃圾分类系统) has been put into use in Fangchengyuan Community in Beijing. Local people not only sort their rubbish, but also put QR codes (二维码) on it.

    "When the rubbish is collected and the codes are seen, I will get reward points to exchange for small gifts and even some money," one of the local people told reporters. "It's really creative and encouraging."

    This smart system has been carried out in 350 communities in Beijing. The capital of China has joined a list of cities in the country that take action to support rubbish sorting. For example, Shenzhen and Shanghai have made laws to punish people and organizations for not sorting rubbish correctly.

    China produces quite a lot of rubbish every year. Much of the rubbish is buried(填埋) in soil or burned without being sorted. Landfills (填埋场) take up a lot of land and have a risk of polluting the soil and water nearby. And burning rubbish can produce harmful gases. Through rubbish sorting, we can reduce the use of landfills and air pollution.

    What's more, rubbish sorting saves resources, which could bring economic benefits(经济利益). For example, a ton of waste paper can be reused to make about 850 kg of paper, saving 17 trees and 50 percent of water. Because of their benefits, some countries have developed successful sorting systems.

    Japan has a strict and detailed system. When people throw away a water bottle, the cap, the wrapper(包装纸) and the bottle itself have to go into three different bins. Every year, families receive special rubbish sorting timetables and directions from their local governments. They are advised to follow the timetables and directions when they throw away rubbish.

    In Australia, every family is provided with three rubbish bins- the red lid(盖子) bin for general waste "like food and plastic bags, the yellow lid bin for "recycling" like steel and glass, and the green lid bin for "green waste" such as grass and leaves. On the streets, the bins are printed with pictures of the things that are allowed inside. It makes recycling quite easy.


    People didn't use to throw things away. They used to mend their clothes and reuse them until they were worn out. When they bought things. they used to carry shopping baskets. But now we don't ruse things well and more rubbish has been produced. We throw away 25 million tons of waste in our dustbins every year. That means one family throws away about one ton of waste.

    We have a strong reason for taking it as a serious problem! The fact is that lots of rubbish we throw away can be reused or recycled, The so called rubbish isn't real rubbish.

    The UK is one of the worst recyclers in Europe. In the UK they re recycling only about 8% of their everyday waste. That's much less than many other countries. Germany recycles 10%. The government once set a goal of recycling 30% of their everyday waste in 2010. But it failed to reach the goal. As we know. some habits are difficult to change and some collection plans are expensive to carry out.

    At present. the movement called "Recycle Now" in the UK tries to change that situation. The top designer Oliver Heath is a strong fan of the movement. He designed the first home built completely of recycled things. including metal cans and glass bottles. "It always makes me excited when I make good use of those recycled things." he said. "Maybe in the near future. you can also make something out of recycled computer printers, plastic bags, bottle tops or CDs" After his story was reported on TV, more and more people began to try his ideas.

    Some local governments have set up recycling centres where it's easy for families to recycle their empty bottles and old newspapers. Instead of throwing away the so 一 called rubbish, some families start doing more about it.

    With the effort of the whole country, we are happy to see some progress in some places in the UK.
