组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-04

    Shameem was born in a small village in Pakistan. In her village, it was a tradition to keep girls inside their homes. They were not allowed to get an education.

    Fortunately, Shameem's uncle, a university teacher, wanted to give her a chance to see the world. He offered Shameem a chance to attend school. So she became the only girl student in her class.

    However, Shameem struggled to complete her schooling. To get permission for college, she went on three-day- hunger strike (抗议). After graduating from college, Shameem got a position in non-profit organization (非营利性组织) working to help women in rural (农村的) areas.

    There, she saw a Pakistan that she didn't know. Until then, she thought she had a difficult life. But there, she saw what women in other parts of Pakistan were experiencing. Some women had 11 children, but nothing to feed them. They would walk three hours every day to get water.

    Shameem found that the position was more than just a job for her. She discovered her power. By setting an example, her experience could encourage more people to understand the importance of education and send their daughters to school.

    Now, Shameem teaches in a rural school in her hometown. "The first day I walked into the school," she said, "I saw all these little Shameems staring at me with dreams in their eyes, the same dream of freedom which I had in my childhood."

    Today, there is not a single girl in her village who doesn't go to school.


    How can we protect the Earth? One problem to solve is climate (气候) change. You might wonder about climate change. What is it, exactly?

    Gases surround the Earth.  Sunlight passes down through the gases. The gases trap (储存) the sun's heat and act like blanket. Without these gases, the Earth would be very cold. The trouble comes when humans add too many gases to the atmosphere. The gases build d up and trap even more heat. This causes changes in climate. The Earth becomes too warm.

    There's another gas causing climate change. No one talks about it as much. It is nitrous oxide (氧化亚氮). Many call it laughing gas. Dentists may give patients nitrous oxide so they will not feel pain. The atmosphere has small amounts of nitrous oxide. But nitrous oxide can stay in the atmosphere more than 100 years which can change the climate a lot.

    Nitrous oxide forms naturally.  Bacteria are living organisms (生物) made of single cells. Farmers use nitrogen fertilizer (氮肥) to help grow bigger crops. The bacteria in the soil take the nitrogen from the fertilizer and make more nitrous oxide with it.

    So how can we help? "Number one is to not waste food," Wagner Riddle, a scientist from Canada, said.  That number comes from a U. S. university study. "There is a lot that goes into making food", Wagner Riddle says. "So then if it's wasted, it's for nothing."

A. That's the reason for climate change.

B. It comes from bacteria (细菌) that live in the dirt.

C. Carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) is one gas that traps heat.

D. More than one-third of all food created in the U. S. is wasted.

E. These gases reach high into the sky and are called the atmosphere (大气层).


    Many schools across the country have shut their doors due to the coronavirus outbreak. This puts teachers and students in new situation. They are turning to online learning. For some students, this is a new experience. Here are a few helpful tips.

    ⒈Find a quiet place

    Getting ready for a video lesson? Your first step is finding a quiet place to set up. Choose a place where nobody or nothing will take your attention away.

⒉Set goal (目标) for yourself

Before class starts, set a goal for yourself. A goal gets your mind ready to learn. It gives you an extra purpose in class. It can even help you focus on what your teacher is saying.

    ⒊Check: Are you muted?

    Before the lesson starts,muteyourself! Background noises may not sound loud on your side. But even tiny sounds can be louder through speakers!

    ⒋Practice active listening

    Here are ways to practice active listening: Keep your eyes on the screen, ________ looking around the room. Nod, smile and react to what you're hearing.

    ⒌Follow your teacher's instructions

Usually your teacher can see you raise your hand. That's not so easy on a video classroom. So be sure to follow instructions.Your teacher will let you know how to show that you want to ask or answer a question.

⒍Keep calm and troubleshoot

Has something gone wrong during? Screen froze? Bumped (被挤出) from the class? App crashed? Don't be nervous! Problems like this will happen.It is not the end of the world.Try logging (登录) back on, check your WiFi or restart your computer if you need to. If all else fails, keep calm-and try logging on again!
