组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

Language students often think they have memory(记忆) problems. They worry because they can't remember words. In fact, the problem usually isn't with their memory. The problem is with how they study. In my opinion, using a right way is the most important.

To remember words better, you need to understand how memory works. There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. When you see, hear or read something, it goes first into short-term memory. But short-term memory lasts for only a few seconds, that means we will forget things soon in short-term memory. You will only remember something longer if it goes in to long-term memory. Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, it's organized. When you put away(放好,储存) a book or memory, you can't just leave it anywhere. You have to choose a place where you can finditagain.

How can you do this with vocabulary? The answer is to work with the word and think about the word in new ways. You can do this by writing new sentences with the word in it. Even better, you can invent a little story about the word, with people or places that you know. Another way is to make a picture in your mind with the word. For example, if the word is "height", you can think of the tallest person you know and try to guess his or her height. All of these activities are good ways to think about words. They make the meaning of words stronger in your long-term memory. And they give a way to find a word when you need it.

This is my idea about how to improve ways to remember words, and I hope it can help you.


Have you noticed the waste bins(垃圾桶) in different colors on the street? Do you often put all the waste in the same bin? It's reported by Changchun Daily that people must do waste sorting(分类)in most places in Changchun at the end of 2019. Waste sorting is a wonderful way to make good use of energy and protect the environment. But do you know how to sort the waste?

Usually, people should sort their waste into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. Different kinds of waste should go into different bins. Wet waste means the things you don't want but pigs can eat, mostly coming from your kitchen. Things that can be used again, such as paper, metal and glass, are recyclable(可回收的) waste. Harmful waste(有害垃圾) might be dangerous or cause serious pollution, like medicine and batteries(电池). And any waste that's not wet, recyclable or harmful will go into the dry waste bin.

Different countries are trying different ways to sort the waste. A university in England has invented a smart bin. When people drop their waste into the bin. It can tell what kind of waste it is and sort it correctly. The bin can alsocompressthe waste to make it smaller in size and take up less space. In South Korea, people have to separate their food waste from other kinds of waste and pay for it. The more food waste they throw away, the more they pay. Japan has the strictest rules for waste sorting in the world. For example, plastic bottles and their caps should go into different bins.


China will gradually increase(增加) required scores on the physical education(PE) test to the same level as those of Chinese, math and English on high school entrance exams(中考) to improve physical education in schools, a senior education official said on Friday. Wang Dengfeng, head of the Department of Physical, Health and Arts Education at the Ministry of Education, said Southwest China's Yunnan province is the only provincial region (地区) in China to give PE classes the same weight as academic subjects(文化科目) on high school entrance exams, and other regions should gradually increase the weight of PE classes to match those of academic subjects.

The country also should immediately start research on including PE classes in the national college entrance exam, or gaokao, Wang said at a news meeting.

All provincial regions also should gradually add tests of students" aesthetic(美育的) abilities to the high school entrance exams by 2022 to strengthen aesthetic education, he said.

News about PE test on entrance exams:

China will gradually increase required on the physical exercise test to the same level as those of Chinese,math and English on high school entrance exams(中考) to improve physical education in schools. Yunnan province is the only provincial region in China to give PE classes the as academic subjects. All provincial regions also should gradually add tests of aesthetic abilities to the high school entrance exams by 2022.

Do you think the news is bad or good?

Your idea: I think it's
