组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

Kato Lomb was born at an exciting time. It was 1909 in Budapest, and the world that she grew up in was going to see great changes.

After getting her degree in physics, she looked for the job everywhere, but failed. She saw little hope of getting a job in the scientific fields. So she decided to teach English. She just had to learn it first. In her language learning Kato started reading cheap but exciting novels, carrying a dictionary with her all the time.

Her way of language learning made sense --if the story is exciting enough, it can keep you going past what you don't understand. In the end, you can-pick up what you need from the context. The reading took her further than she could have imagined. After the end of the Second World War, she began a long and successful career of interpretation and translation. In fact she was one of the first professional simultaneous interpreters in the world. Simultaneous interpretation is a job much more difficult than translation as all the work happens in real time. Not stopping at English, she learned French, Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and quite a few other languages that she used to work as a translator.

Kato believed that interest was the most important part of language leaning. Grammar could always come later if you were excited about learning and understanding new words in the language. No matter what language she was learning she always believed she could complete the task and could keep studying her whole life.


All year long, Stella has been taking a dance class. She goes to the class after school on Thursdays with her best friend Molly. Stella and Molly both love to dance so much that they even practice when they are playing together on weekends.

Stella knows that at the end of the year, her whole dance class will get to perform at an arts festival. Molly is really excited about the festival. Molly tells Stella, "It's going to be great. Just think, a real stage! Everyone will be watching us. " When Stella hears those words,she feels worried. "Everyone will be watching us?" she thinks. That means there will be so many people to see her make mistakes. Stella starts to feel like she does not even want to go to dance class.

Stella tells her mom about her worries. "I just don't want to make mistakes in front of other people. I'm the worst dancer in my class!" she tells her mom. Stella even starts to cry.

Stella's mom kisses her, saying, "Stella, you have been practicing all year. You love to dance and you look so happy when you are dancing. Believe in yourself! Tell yourself you will succeed and you know that you will. "

The next week at dance class, Stella feels a little braver. She practices all week and her teacher praises her for her great progress. After class, Molly says, "Wow, Stella, you look great today!" That makes Stella feel glad.

That night at dinner. Stella tells her parents and her brother that dance class is better today. She asks them whether they will be coming to the arts festival. All the family say, "For sure."
