组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

    Which animals are smart? Your answer may bedogs or elephants. Now one more animal can be added to the list: the sheep.

    Scientists said that sheep could be trainedto recognize (辨认) familiar (熟悉的) human faces, the BBC reported.

    Before testing, scientists let the sheeptake a look at the pictures of four famous people, including former (先前的) US President Barack Obama and British actress Emma Watson. Thenthe sheep went into a room with two computer screens. One screen showed afamous person and the second screen showed a random (随机的) person. The sheep usually walked toward the screen with the famousperson.

    After discovering the animals' ability torecognize famous people, scientists gave them a new task. They wanted to seewhether the farm animals could correctly recognize the same people fromdifferent directions. The animals were still able to recognize them, thoughthey were a bit slower to recognize the pictures than before.

    Finally, the researchers wanted to know ifthe sheep could recognize their trainers from a photo. Photos of their trainerswere shown on screens with some unfamiliar faces. They weren't given anytraining, but the sheep could recognize their trainers.

    The results show that the animals' face-recognitionabilities are similar to those of monkeys and humans.

    The researchers said it might beinteresting in the future to find out whether sheep could recognize differentexpressions on people's faces.


    Many animals around us are smart. Let's get to know some of them.

    Dolphins are smart animals in the sea. Researchers put sea animals to a test. Many sea animals either ran away or fought with the ones in the mirror. However, when the dolphins saw themselves in the mirror, they tried to clean the red marks off their bodies.

    Bees work hard, and they are smart enough to learn something. If they could find the higher line, they would get sugar as a prize. After training for a period of time, the researchers tested the bees. Instead, when the researchers showed them vertical lines (垂直线) , the bees simply flew away, because they knew there was no way to get sugar.

    Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) are very human-like. Researchers showed the numbers from one to nine on the screen. Chimpanzees and some college students were asked to remember where the numbers were after watching the numbers in less than a second. The adult chimpanzees and the college students performed almost the same, but the young chimpanzees performed much better. It was amazing.

A. They can learn fast and well.

B. In the test, the researchers made red marks on the animals' bodies and took them in front of a mirror.

C. So the researchers believed that the dolphins knew the ones in the mirror were just themselves.

D. To their surprise, the bees found the higher horizontal line quickly and got sugar.

E. Researchers found a group of bees and taught them to tell which horizontal line (水平线) was higher than the other.
