组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-07

    In Britain.Boxing Day is usually celebrated on December 26th , which is the following day after Christmas Day.However,strictly speaking.Boxing Day is the first weekday after Christmas.Like Christmas Day.Boxing Day sing a public holiday.This means it's a non﹣working day in the whole of Britain.When Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday,the following Monday is the public holiday.

    The exact origin(起源)of the holiday is unclear.One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages,when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land,a Christmas Box was placed by a priest (神父)on each ship.Those sailors who wanted to ensure a safe return would drop money into the box.It wassealed upand kept on board until the ship came home safely.Then the box was handed over to the priest in the exchange for the saying of a Mass of thanks for the success of the sailing.The priest wouldn't open it to share the contents with the poor until Christmas.

    One more thought is about the“Alms Box”placed in every church on Christmas Day.Worshippers (做礼拜的人)put gifts for the poor into it.These boxes were always opened the day after Christmas,that is why that day became know as Boxing Day.

    Today,many businesses, organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by donating(捐赠)their time, services and money to aid Food Banks, providing gifts for the poor, or helping families in need. Besides, spending time with family and shopping are popular Boxing Day activities now.


    Pollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each year.Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood﹣powered of coal﹣powered stoves.

    One way to reduce the number of deaths is through cooking equipment powered by the sun.Crosby Menzies,a solar power expert in a South African company,described his latest solar cooker called the“Sol.4”,”It is four square meters of mirrors,six to eight meters in length.It is quite a large cooler.”

    The“Sol.4”works by reflecting (反射)light from the sun off large mirrors.The mirrors direct (把…对准)the light at a cooking pan.Then the light heats the pan with solar energy.Within two minutes,the pan is hot enough to cook sausages and onions.In just four minutes,water can be boiled.That is as fast as cooking with natural gas or electricity.

    The cooker is also much“friendlier”than other models because people do not have to stand in the sun to use it.And people can prepare meals without having to collect firewood or spend money on coal.Suchindividualswould be less likely to have breathing illnesses from harmful smoke.

    At present,the cooker only works when the sun is shining.But engineers are working on a way to make it work without sunlight.

    Each cooker costs about $2000,which is a large amount of money for most Africans.To solve that problem,Crosby Menzies has crated a non﹣governmental organization called solar Cookers for Africa.It plans to raise money through donations to provide poor people with solar cooking equipment.


    What can you make with pieces of paper?Look at Chen Yiyan's works!The 14﹣year﹣old has Origami(折纸) talent at Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School.Zhejiang.  ①  But he wasn't born with this talent.

    When Chen was a fourth﹣grader,he found his brother's paper﹣folding book.  ②   Following the 50steps shown in the book,he made his first work,a paper peacock,within two hours.Since then,he has read many books about Origami and practices in his spare time.So far,his“fantasy world“has man members,such as monsters and robots.And he made his favorite work last year.  ③  

    Chen used to fold (折叠)paper himself until he met Chen Changnan,an eighth﹣grader at his school,who also loves Origami.They set up a paper﹣folding club last year.With support from school,they host a paper﹣folding class every Wednesday afternoon.The club soon attracted people.Now it has more tan 20 members.  ④  On February 14th . The club also held a speech for the kids in wenzhou Children's Library.

    “It's really exciting to develop my hobby and share it with others at the same time.”said Chen,“I hope more and more people get to know Origami and love this art.”

A.It's a paper dragon that involved (包含)almost 2000 steps.

B.They show their works and teach students how to fold.

C.He has folded a“kingdom“with his hands.

D.It got him interested in Origami


    In New York City public school,176 different languages are spoken amore than one million students.For 160000 children,English is not their first language.New York's Department of Education makes learning bfor these students by providing dual﹣language (双语)programs.Students are taught in two languages,English and a one,such as French,German or Japanese,Math,social studies,science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages.And they learn about the  /'kʌltʃə(r)/of the other country.

    Milady Baez,a headmaster,says these dual﹣language programs will help children succeed in the future.”The jobs of the future  /n'kwatɔ(r)/that our students know more than one language.They're going to travel (在国外)and communicate with people from all over the world.This will open doors for them.”

    Shuya Zhang (教)a dual﹣language class.She says,”America started economic relationships with China.Lots of factories were b.companies moved to China.They need people with both language skills.”

    Anna,a Russian girl came to America  she was two years old.She says the Russian.English program keeps her connected to her heritage and her parents happy.

    Nowadays,more and more  (外国人)come to China.Perhaps in the future your school will also provide them with the dual=language program.
