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日期: 2024-07-07
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    5G will bring us much faster internet speeds, wider coverage and more stable connections (稳定的连接) .Chinese tech company Huawei has more patents (专利) for 5G than any other company in the world. Here are some of the major things 5G can do.

    High-tech Education   Smart campuses (校园) are being built all over the world. With 5G, you can have classes outside your school as well. Students from poor areas can have the chance to study just like you do.

    5G Roads   All of the forms of transport will be improved with 5G. 5G roads can tell electric car drivers where the nearest charging (充电) station is. It can also manage and control traffic lights and traffic flow. 5G makes self: driving cars safer.

    Medical care with 5G, doctors at the hospital can get the information from patients and have a video call todiagnosethem. When people are ill, they may not need to go to the hospital. They can just see a doctor at home. Also 5G can make healthcare available to older people who live in the countryside.

    Virtual reality (VR)   With the power of 5G, VR gamers will be able to see, hear, and feel virtual environments without experiencing any lag (滞后) .You will be able to play VR games anywhere in real time with a headset. In 5G smart factories, workers can use 5G headsets to solve problems.

    Smart home Smart technology can turn any home into a nicer place to live. For example, a smart rubbish bin can keep track of the things you've thrown away and place an online order for new items. Smart fridges can create dinner recipes (菜谱) based on the vegetables that are being kept inside. Smart home can lower how much electricity you use overall too.


    It's reported that a high-speed railway opened on December 30th, 2019 between Beijing and Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, construction (施工) of which started in April, 2016. According to China Railway (CR), the 174-km-long railway line, an important project for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, will shorten the trip between the two host cities from over three hours to only 47 minutes.

    It will be the world's first high-speed railway on which self-driving trains can reach a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour. "Now, the drivers only need to push button and the system will independently speed up, slow down, stop and open the passenger doors," said Liu Chunyu, a high- speed train driver.

    Known as China's first "intelligent high-speed railway line", the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line features not only self-driving, but also intelligent modules. "We want to connect the high-speed train with different new technologies, like cloud computing, big data and AI, making passengers feel at home," Zhang Bo, a researcher from China Academy of Railway Sciences, said. What's more, there is a mobile news center where passengers can watch live Olympic broadcasts on the train.

    The line has 10 stations, five in Beijing and the others in Hebei Province, including one at the Badaling section of the Great Wall. All the stations are equipped (配备) with smart devices, robots and 5G networks for the convenience of passengers.

    "Today, the line also begins to connect some cities in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi Province to the high-speed railway loop (环线) in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei," said Zhu Dianping, an officer from China Railway Beijing Group. The line will finally connect Beijing with most parts of northwest China together.


    Lang Ping was born on December 10th, 1960 in Tianjin, China. She showed great interest in volleyball at a young age. Lang Ping started practicing volleyball in April 1973 and trained hard. In 1978, she started to play for the Chinese national team. She won many world competitions, including the World Championship crown in 1982 and a gold medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics.

    People in China like to call Lang Ping "Tie Lang Tou". She was so strong and did a very good job in playing volleyball. Nobody could beat her. What's more, no matter what she did, she never gave up.

    After retiring (退役) from the national team, Lang Ping moved to the US to study. In 1995, Lang Ping became the head coach of the Chinese national team. She led the team to win some world competitions. Later, Lang Ping left the national team because of health problems.

    Lang Ping has become the coach of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team since 2013. It is not easy for her to make the women volleyball players be trained better than before. However, she never gave up. Finally, all her efforts paid off. On August 21, 2016, the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team won the gold medal in the Rio Olympics. The Chinese Women's Team now has three titles (冠军) from the Olympic Games, two from the World Championships and five at World Cup.

    Lang Ping is a true hero. She always has a strong will to do everything. We can learn a lot from her.

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    When your pen is broken, or you have some food that you haven't eaten up, what do you do with these things? You will probably throw them into one bin. But actually, all of these pieces of waste need to be sorted (分类) separately so that a part of them can be recycled. As we know, metal and bottles are reusable things. We can separate them from litter and reuse them.

In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it. Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a "green account (账户) "service for its people. Users get points by correctly sorting their rubbish and can exchange the points for milk, phones and other products through Alipay. The city is asking all of its people to sort rubbish into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry.

    Wet waste is things you don't want but that pigs can eat. Paper, metal and other things that can be reused are recyclable waste.

Harmful waste includes things like medicine and batteries. Finally, other waste will go in the "dry waste" bin.

Many other cities uses this method to sort their rubbish. For example, Shenzhen has been sorting its rubbish since 2012. China is improving its waste-sorting work though it costs a lot. There is still a long way to go. But it's never too late to learn how to sort your rubbish properly and protect the environment.

The sorting of in China

Waste-sorting work in Shanghai

Shanghai has worked with Alipay to  a "green account" service for its people.

Users get points by  sorting their rubbish.

Users can  the points for products through Alipay.

Fourof rubbish

Wet waste is things you don't want but that pigs can eat.

Things that can be are recyclable waste.

Harmful waste includes things medicine and batteries.

Other waste will go in the "  waste" bin.


This method isto sort rubbish in many cities.

It's never too to learn how to sort your trash properly and protect the environment.

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