组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. You shouldn't waste this wonderful opportunity to learn. Here is our advice for you to have a happy school life.

    Advice 1    Be active in school! Don't say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school life and your school subjects. Join lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go around the school with a big smile.

    Advice 2    Expect to work. School is not a holiday camp. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.

    Advice 3   Keep fit. If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play some sports to keep your body strong.

    Advice 4   Do today's work today. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.

    Advice 5   Don't be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly. Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days. Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things. Don't let small problems seem very big and important.

    Advice 6   Talk about problems—sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. Don't be too embarrassed to ask for help. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything!

    Advice 7   Plan your time. Don't waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practise English, or help someone with problems. There are always a lot of things to do.


    Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy but few know how to find happiness. Money and success don't bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness.

    Some people believe that if they arewealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not only money, but also many other things which can't be bought by money. However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness, nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value(重视) their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy.

    Here are a few ways to help you be happier.

    The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job, that we don't enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happier and healthier lives.

    The second secret of happiness is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.

    Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful things for other people. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to get food for an old neighbor, or simply help around the house.

    Now maybe you know how to find happiness!


Savannah City Guide


    If you want to spend the night in Savannah, you have lots of places to choose from. You can stay at a big hotel, a small inn, or a comfortable motel. Savannah's hotels, motels, and inns are famous for their friendly service. Call one of these places to make your reservation...


    Savannah is well known for its wonderful restaurants. Many restaurants serve local seafood or old-fashioned Southern food.  The following are some of the best restaurants in the area.


    If you like to shop, Savannah is the place for you! You'll find all kinds of stores in Savannah. You can go shopping in small stores or big shopping malls.  Are you looking for a special treasure or a great deal? You'll find it in Savannah.


    There are so many things to do and see in Savannah. The sightseeing is great.  You can visit beautiful historic homes and museums. You can take a boat tour or visit Civil War forts.  With all of Savannah's history, art, and beautiful buildings, be sure to take the time to enjoy all that Savannah has to offer!


     Savannah has lots of sunshine throughout the year. Summers are hot and humid. Winters are generally mild. Temperatures usually range between 30 degrees Fahrenheit(--1 degree Centigrade) and 90 degrees Fahrenheit(33 degrees Centigrade).

A. Places to Stay     B. Places to Visit    C. Weather

D. Shopping      E. History    F. Restaurants
