组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

    Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 per cent of what we really mean while words only express 7 per cent. So while your mouth is closed your body is just saying…

    Arms How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you're unhappy!

    Head When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are a monitor in class, you can also take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously. However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move your head a little.

    Legs Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!

    Posture (姿势) A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you normally don't sit straight, with your shoulders inwards. This makes breathing more difficult, which can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.

    Mouth When you are thinking, you often purse your lips. You might also use this position to hold back an angry comment you don't wish to show. However, it will probably still be noticed and people will know you're not pleased.

Face When you lie, you might put on a false face. But that expression would crack briefly, allowing displays of true emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust (厌恶) and fear to come through.


    Have you ever put your old clothes into the donation box in your neighbourhood? If not, you can do it right now because the clothes donation is becoming a trend (趋势) in Urumqi.

    "You know, we teenagers are growing fast. I think it's a good way to help others," Lin Tao, a junior student says.

    "I often pick out some of my clothes which are out of style after going shopping. Then I'll put them into the donation box," Miss Li, a pretty young lady says.

    "That seems like a good idea. People can either wear them or use them to make things such as handbags and pencil cases," Mrs Wang, an old woman says. "Sometimes I also look through the box for some nice clothes."

     Recently, a UTV reporter has made a survey. Here are the results:

    The box is full of clothes in a short time. There is no more room for people to give away clothes.

    Some people sell the clothes in the donation box for making money instead of wearing them.

    So there are few clothes in it

    Many clothes are too old and shabby (破烂的) .

    "What's worse," one of the staff in a community added, "we quite often see people throw rubbish into the box when they pass by. It has been the most serious problem since we set the box."

    In order to make the donation box work in an efficient (高效的) way, our government is taking action. Clothes donation will be better-organized and it'll be more convenient for people in need to take the clothes away.

A. Some clothes in the box are quite new.

B. We've tried to stop them several times but failed.

C. Some communities set the box in unsuitable places.

D. However, there are some problems along with the popularity of clothes donation.

E. From time to time, my mother clears out the clothes which I no longer wear.


⑴Lisa is not good at spoken English. She wants to find a pen friend and talk with him or her in English.

⑵Betty doesn't know how to improve her English. Her parents ask her to tell the problems to her teacher.

⑶Sandy likes watching movies. She wants to learn English by watching English movies.

⑷Jenny likes Justin Bieber very much. She wants to remember all the words of his songs.

⑸David wants to join an English club. He wants to make conversations in

English with some students.

A. It is a good place to practice your spoken English. In the English corner, you can talk with many foreign people in English.

B. You can find pen friends on the Internet. Talk with them in English every day. Then you can improve your English.

C. Do you want to improve your English? Join the English club! You can make some friends and talk with them in English.

D. Do you like music? Listening to English songs is a good way to learn English. It can bring you lots of fun. In this way, you can also know many English words.

E. Do you need help? You can ask your English teacher for help. The teacher knows you well and he or she will tell you some good ways to learn English.

F. Are you a fan of movies? Watching English movies is a good way to learn English. You can choose some interesting English movies and watch them.

G. If you are an English learner, it's very important to have an English dictionary. When you meet a new word, you can look it up in the dictionary and find its meaning.
